Lookin like a sik wave kite! But yeh the yellow is tired, especially if ya mates got one u look like bannanas in pyjamas.
Hey Andre,
Have a look, there's not a lot of Yellow on the new GTS. Mostly white, with black and red graphics and a very small amount of yellow in the framework mostly.
hey CORE kite deutschland, Where's the RAMMSTEIN soundtrack?
They would make it heaps more hard CORE..
... hey cool vid and definetely the best music, our household are big fans of the old Rammstein. The missus has that song as her ring tone and thought the phone was going off!!! This vid song version was highly edited by the way!!!
Warning, Warning Warning no children present when you watch this one!!
check out this video on youtube, killer song and wicked wicked and very cool. Youtube link /
oh no, we've got another one! Don't be a sook and get over it dude! Read again, warning warning warning!!! [}:)]