Has anyone had a hands on with the Core Bar and looked at fitting it to other kites?
Dont know much about the Riot but from what I have seen of the 5 line bar setup it looks awesome especially the auto untwisting of the centre lines.
Im very keen to see if people have seen these bars in the flesh and actually used them on kites other than the Core Riot.
The bar is a winner, the fittings are all stainless and the untwisting function works a treat. I have not fitted it to another kite but it would not be an issue.
Cheers Kenno - I may have to give one a try on my Vapors - the adjustable 5th line looks awesome, save tying other knots on the 5th on the curretn setup to adjust bar pressure.
How long are the lines on the Core bar?
Thanks for the reply!
Heres the video that got me interested -
The same bar suits all five Riot Kites from 5m - 15m. It has two settings 45cm/57cm. Smart and cost effective.
ah i get it now. i'd heard people say "when you get your lines twisted you just pull the bar in and they untwist magically!" and i thought they meant the rear lines would untwist from around the centre lines somehow. didn't make much sense at all. what it really does is untwist just the centre lines if you have done a heap of kiteloops or something. you still need to turn the bar back around obviously!
i think ther was one at mullas today?
the bar does look prettty sweet. i wouldnt mind trying that set up out on my HIFI.. but then again the HIFI has a pretty damn awsome set up as it is.
The kites are avaiable from a couple of stores on the East coast. I would love to see some on the West coast too. Core Kites are very well built.
"The Core Bar System is taken and modified from the already proven and tested Carved 5th line system which is widely acclaimed as probably the best Bar system on the market today.
This system makes the Riot the safest Bow kite without doubt. Relaunch is as easy as any other Bow, but with the great advantage of the 5th line as a permanent leash.
Twisted lines are a thing of the past, after rotations, with our unique system. Just pull the bar and that's it, sorted!"
Hi Ewan,
Disconect the lines from the bar and pull the conectors through the other side of the T conector. It is actually hard to explain. If you are not quite sure I can send some Photos.
does this mean that we dont rellyneed to un tangled the center lines when setting up lol the bar will do it for us