Forums > Kitesurfing General

Custom vs off the shelf surfboard

Created by swinginginthewind > 9 months ago, 13 Aug 2012
WA, 490 posts
20 Sep 2012 12:45PM
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tightlines said...

Yep another great looking board Slack, lovin the look of the bamboo decks.

Damn I shouldn't have got my last board made so strong, I can't justify another board yet unless I snap it, looks like I am gunna have to start jumping it.

Thanks for the go on your new board the other day Allan, very nice and so light and loose compared to mine.

Hey Tighty, I thought you had all bases coverd with your board collection, seldom have I seen a man with more toys..

I checked the board you had your current favorite copied from, its the flatest surf board I have ever seen, its clear that its unbeatable in speed / up wind and not so loose.
The Rad man pro you have, would be an alternative on strong wind days or when you just do down winders.

QLD, 117 posts
20 Sep 2012 9:01PM
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Go Custom, you get exactly what you want, and pay less, just chat to your shaper.

My new Spider...

5.10, 18 1/2, 2 1/4
27.5 L (volume)
1 x 6 Oz on bottom deck
2 x 6 Oz + foot patches on the top deck
3 / 4 / 5 Future Fins

NT, 2176 posts
20 Sep 2012 9:00PM
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IANC said...

Go Custom, you get exactly what you want, and pay less, just chat to your shaper.

My new Spider...

5.10, 18 1/2, 2 1/4
27.5 L (volume)
1 x 6 Oz on bottom deck
2 x 6 Oz + foot patches on the top deck
3 / 4 / 5 Future Fins

... damn!!!!!!

Dude, thats one wicked looking board, reallly nice!!!

QLD, 248 posts
20 Sep 2012 10:44PM
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Noosa long boards for a big fella in light winds!! Fun Fun,.

WA, 255 posts
21 Sep 2012 12:14AM
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bene313 said...

- Stone Surf
- Katana
- Dave Lewy

All doing nice looking shapes.

Custom pros:

- It's a custom
- Support a local business
- Shaper/rider relationship etc

Custom cons:

- maybe re-sale vs big brands?

The only Pro to getting a shelf board is maybe the re-sale as mentioned, but also the convenience.

As local shapers, I recommend Col or Dave (Katana) for great knowledge, friendly and reliable service.

WA, 236 posts
9 Oct 2012 7:26PM
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swinginginthewind said...

As summer is approaching I am looking to upgrade my surfboard for kiting.

Currently use a 2011 5' 6" Cab Skillit which is great for the Perth slop but have been considering a custom as I can have some input on shape.

Just wondering about the pro and cons of custom versus mass produced and would like to hear from users of each who could comment on what they like about their choice.

Here's a few pics of my latest acquisition. The young fella took it out for a blast today, his first time on a surfboard and loved it. He was easily holding ground on a 10mtr Rebel in 14-17 knots.

5' 11' x 18 1/2 x 2 1/4

QLD, 2764 posts
9 Oct 2012 9:30PM
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i love the black thongs and black socks combo there hosh. stylin....

Flying High
NSW, 217 posts
9 Oct 2012 10:57PM
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I am not sure if its the camera lens but those fins look large for a quad.
Just curious, do you know what size they are?

WA, 236 posts
9 Oct 2012 8:19PM
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It's the lens. I'm using a 9-18mm panny on a 4/3 Olympus. The pics from the back are taken about 6 inches from the fins. That's how I make my fishing pics look better than they actually are.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Custom vs off the shelf surfboard" started by swinginginthewind