Forums > Kitesurfing General

Deck grip

Created by Peahi > 9 months ago, 19 Feb 2017
VIC, 1477 posts
19 Feb 2017 10:09PM
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Has anyone found a reasonably priced alternative to the low quality overpriced deck grip being hocked online $50-$100. I tried some stuff from Bunnings once. It was grippy until you got it wet then it was more slippery than a board with no wax.

Yes I did a search and I dare not go to the SUP forum...

4862 posts
20 Feb 2017 12:08AM
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I found a cheap sup deck grip. It was enough to do 2 maybe 3 boards for $50 nzd

QLD, 2056 posts
20 Feb 2017 4:42AM
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Clark Rubber sell some double diamond grip, it has the 3M logo on it & seems to be good quality.
Last time I looked it was $30/m.

I'm going to try nowacs on my next board.

NSW, 1030 posts
20 Feb 2017 8:26AM
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Did you try the Advection pads on ebay?

VIC, 518 posts
20 Feb 2017 1:50PM
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Theres a place in geelong that sells small rolls of grip that ive put on my board and is still going strong. If you know Zac ask him. I cant remember the company.

VIC, 1477 posts
20 Feb 2017 2:20PM
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Alysum said..
Did you try the Advection pads on ebay?

yep good price compared to others but still exy $58+13. I have to do two boards so want to buy larger piece.

VIC, 1477 posts
20 Feb 2017 3:33PM
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Plummet said..
I found a cheap sup deck grip. It was enough to do 2 maybe 3 boards for $50 nzd

sorry don't have NZ dollars mate

WA, 84 posts
20 Feb 2017 2:15PM
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i use this - not the cheapest but good, enough for 2-3 boards

WA, 551 posts
20 Feb 2017 2:18PM
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Surf aids Bryon sell 5mm diamond Camo,also 3mm deck grip no pattern.
My combo on a Tomo :
Good Quality Slater ridged tail pad then Nowacs then camo or black front pad finish of if needed with Nowacs.Will take a photo.

QLD, 464 posts
20 Feb 2017 4:30PM
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Clark one of the previous poster mentioned. Cheapest and grips when wet.

NSW, 153 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:16PM
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do Google search on hydro turf,this seems to be the official name of what we call deck grip

NSW, 40 posts
21 Feb 2017 4:24PM
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I am another for Squid. Use there board covers too

WA, 551 posts
21 Feb 2017 3:51PM
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LeighMajor said..
Surf aids Bryon sell 5mm diamond Camo,also 3mm deck grip no pattern.
My combo on a Tomo :
Good Quality Slater ridged tail pad then Nowacs then camo or black front pad finish of if needed with Nowacs.Will take a photo.

Deck grip options

QLD, 7076 posts
21 Feb 2017 5:56PM
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Ask at shops for off cuts or left overs and chop it up and get creative , or contact these guys you can buy a metre or 2 off the roll really cheap.

NSW, 331 posts
21 Feb 2017 7:01PM
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LeighMajor said..

LeighMajor said..
Surf aids Bryon sell 5mm diamond Camo,also 3mm deck grip no pattern.
My combo on a Tomo :
Good Quality Slater ridged tail pad then Nowacs then camo or black front pad finish of if needed with Nowacs.Will take a photo.

Deck grip options

nice quiver bro. and how good is bloom foam. deck grip coming soon im told!!!

NSW, 331 posts
21 Feb 2017 7:04PM
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LeighMajor said..

LeighMajor said..
Surf aids Bryon sell 5mm diamond Camo,also 3mm deck grip no pattern.
My combo on a Tomo :
Good Quality Slater ridged tail pad then Nowacs then camo or black front pad finish of if needed with Nowacs.Will take a photo.

Deck grip options

hey leigh, out of curiosity. how do you decide between the vanguard and evo? bout to get an evo but feel like i wont use the vanguard much after. i only use the vanguard on light days now. do you keep it for big open faces?

QLD, 2056 posts
21 Feb 2017 7:05PM
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LeighMajor said..

LeighMajor said..
Surf aids Bryon sell 5mm diamond Camo,also 3mm deck grip no pattern.
My combo on a Tomo :
Good Quality Slater ridged tail pad then Nowacs then camo or black front pad finish of if needed with Nowacs.Will take a photo.

Deck grip options

Nowacs is the clear winner

VIC, 1477 posts
21 Feb 2017 9:15PM
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toppleover said..

LeighMajor said..

LeighMajor said..
Surf aids Bryon sell 5mm diamond Camo,also 3mm deck grip no pattern.
My combo on a Tomo :
Good Quality Slater ridged tail pad then Nowacs then camo or black front pad finish of if needed with Nowacs.Will take a photo.

Deck grip options

Nowacs is the clear winner

pun intended? I just worked out what nowacs means. My only concern - too thin want to use padding to help absorb landing shock as I cracked my deck doing this.

LeighMajor love the quiver. Used a Vanguard last year, got me a Vader this year, maybe a Nano next. How much fun are they to punt.

VIC, 361 posts
21 Feb 2017 10:06PM
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Have been using Smook Traction pads for last 4years $20 each use rear and two front pads

WA, 551 posts
22 Feb 2017 4:47AM
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Adam'KiteRepair said..

LeighMajor said..

LeighMajor said..
Surf aids Bryon sell 5mm diamond Camo,also 3mm deck grip no pattern.
My combo on a Tomo :
Good Quality Slater ridged tail pad then Nowacs then camo or black front pad finish of if needed with Nowacs.Will take a photo.

Deck grip options

hey leigh, out of curiosity. how do you decide between the vanguard and evo? bout to get an evo but feel like i wont use the vanguard much after. i only use the vanguard on light days now. do you keep it for big open faces?

That's not the whole quiver arhhh!!!.Being 98kgs it all depends on floatation (volume )wind strength and waves.Lighter wind bigger Board.Have an older 5'11"Vanguard 35.7ltrs nearly a paddle in for my size.The Vanguard Vader and Evo have different feels but just grab one for windy days they are all awesome.Evo and Vader being the lightest and a bit livelier.Use mainly Quads for upwind.
Venda,awesome smook
Piros great deck grip job on your foilboard

Sorry about photo rotation from IPhone has a mind of its own:(

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
11 Jun 2017 5:43PM
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Rainy rainy day up here, so I ripped off some old yellow grip on my Vanguard and put some Nowacs on it. Will report back when I have tested it, and I do switch so thats why I need the grip, and plan to ride this board strapless this summer too.

QLD, 2056 posts
11 Jun 2017 7:29PM
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I've had about 4 sessions kiting using Nowacs & about a dozen paddle surfing on my 5'3Evo.
It doesn't feel quite as grippy as a front deckpad but I have not even come close to slipping off yet, I think it's a great alternative to wax.
But for kiting only, imo deck grip is the go.

WA, 28 posts
12 Jun 2017 4:34PM
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Paint on some resin and pour on castor sugar and let cure then wash off excess.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
14 Jun 2017 10:09AM
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damageddad said..
Paint on some resin and pour on castor sugar and let cure then wash off excess.

Shouldn't this be in the advice for dinosaurs section?

QLD, 89 posts
16 Jun 2017 9:43PM
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Old mate that kites at my local has got those rubber square camping mats glued to his directional .. about 2 foot square the ones that clip together on the edges with little square holes in them ..usually blue or black.. says that because there about 10 ml thick when u step on them they suction cup to ur feet

WA, 2 posts
9 Jan 2018 5:15PM
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Hey, can anyone help me find an ozzie supplier for Nowacs?
Cant seem to find one anywhere!

The above links didn't help..


102 posts
9 Jan 2018 5:33PM
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damageddad said..
Paint on some resin and pour on castor sugar and let cure then wash off excess.

?1 sugar deck the board will never need wax again lasts ages aswell

QLD, 2056 posts
9 Jan 2018 7:50PM
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Snacks said..
Hey, can anyone help me find an ozzie supplier for Nowacs?
Cant seem to find one anywhere!

The above links didn't help..


I had a quick look on eBay for ya & couldn't find him.

NSW, 202 posts
9 Jan 2018 9:04PM
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5mm thick EVA 120 foam from Metro Foam Sydney. You can make cross hatch pattern with trimmer or grinder with depth gauge. I use Sikkaflex to stick it on. A spray on adhesive might be lighter.

QLD, 739 posts
9 Jan 2018 8:28PM
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Seriously - Sugar on your board for grip ? youd end up with all the hot chick s on the beach wanting to lick ur deck LOL


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Deck grip" started by Peahi