After sunday's events I'm hoping someone can offer me some advice for boosting over sandbars.
1. How do you get maximum height?
2. Which direction do you actually go when you're airborne? (not straight downwind?)
3. How much water do you need underneath you to land it?
4. When is the right moment to loop the kite? (and should I loop my 11m)
5. Where is a good ankle physio?
You sound like a tool. Maybe practice jumping in deeper water and not over sand. And looping the kite?????? Next time it could be your neck or spine not your ankle. Kook.
Wishy ya funny tool,
Been over that bar many times... My advise, don't do it in a westerly and be prepared for some Wello rash when it all goes wrong.
And it will
lol Wishy youre my new 'not so Super flying Hero'
Ok now lets make all this more painful than your ankle ..
1. You should have been at max speed beering (maybe too many beforehand ) off a little more before the Lock n Load point.
2. Loaded for too long & lost momentum - need to flick the board faster & more aggresively. I suspect you were concentrating too much on the Movie Star camera
3. Kitepositioning STUDY THIS look closely at the 17 & 18 second mark in still frames - youre kite was down in the power zone which is why it nearly pulled you over the front (not upwards) and goin the opposite direction....It was all over before it started
4. You forgot to fly the kite forward and it stalled the momentum.. if the kite was shot forward at full power exactly on splashdown (timing) you would have been able to pull it off in that shallow stuff.
5. Shallow stuff is stoooopid if you post it online
6. Im glad you didnt get any airtime or you would have landed on the sand for sure and maybe seen your leg/ ankle snap.
7. forget the Kiteloop just concentrate on speed and distance part first !
8. More beers may have been needed for them super Powers to kick in
9. Great kite - operator abuse
10. No boardies over wetties = No big arse jumpin
Haha massive. Why is it that everyone try's jumping things when your still working the kite for power
try jumping it when the tide is in a little bit more so you got less to jump and get bigger as in goes out
Haaaa wotzy
I dont actually wear them at all - but apparently when you do wipe out on a Big Arse Jump... It stops all the gay kiters on the beach perving on your Nuts during your B & D spanking
Now be honest & tell us that youve looked with curiousty at them before
All good fun
You might have only jumped 3 foot but you have to claim it to be higher.
Chances are no one saw it anyway.
So I would have claimed that as 10 foot.
Also have a go over rocks. That way you have more to lose so there is actually less chance of not making it.
Also when you land you have to duck crown salute. That is important.