Got out for quickie today between the rain periods. Unbelievable... there were dolphins at the 1st carpark spot on botany bay. They followed me around for a while.
I've seen them at boat harbor before and on the nthern beaches but never in botany bay.
Awsome session!
Have seen them a few times Schmik, I'm sure there are a few pods that visit and explore Bate bay, (corulla/wanda) and Botany Bay.
Abyss diving reckon they saw a whale shark in the heads last week!!
I was thinking they come in to the bay for safety in this sort of weather.... last year when we had heaps of southerlies and oceans were a washing machine i went to boat harbor and there was NO beach. Got to the top of the hill with the access track and waves were washing over the whole area.
Stopped for a chat with ranger type dude and he was telling me about dead baby dolphins washed up at low tide :(
Today was very cool though. I am hooting along in 20knots of wind, I look in the water behind my back (the upwind side) and there is this dolphin about 2 feet under water hooting along with me. He followed me for 3 runs! Sweet!
Steve, could you hear me calling "yeah ha!" all the way down at kitepower?
I had an amazing experience just last week paddling around on a SUP for about half an hour with a pod of six dolphins following me around.
I just missed a classic shot when all six dolphins jumped out of the water directly in front of me, shoulder to shoulder almost simultaneously.
At one stage I am sure they were all out of the water but I only got the before and after shots on my camera the other images are stored in my head.
Saw a pod of dolphin a few times out in the middle of botany this summer.
ususaly when we were sailing from kurnell across to Sans souci, in big Ne'ers
Also ran across a Bull shark about 200 meters off the beach at kurnel.
And a Seal that was having a snooze just south of the runway. (weird arse seals like to sleep with 1 flipper sticking out of the water about a foot high. scared the crap out of me when i almost ran it over.)
Plenty of wildlife out there :)
I'll look out for the dolphins.
Last year i saw a Penguin between Brighton and 1st groyne.
Saw a Whale over near La Perouse.
It's all out there last summer got a shock form an Electric Eel too.
Bull Sharks off kurnell i'll leave them for you to run over. How exactly did you run over it?