Good for you Zed so you're going to have a word to your mates???
I dont like the sound of your language & what it implies
Hi Mark
My Question to you is why do you not go up to the offending kiters and suggest or recommend they move to the other area? Why do you expect other kiters who are obviously over a hundred meters away to speak to them?
I'm sure if you politely pointed out the signs or even informed them of the informal agreement they would happily move.
It is my experience that most people want to the right thing but react badly if yelled at or abuse in the water. Speak to them the way you like to be spoken to and they will do the right thing.
Ian and Airhead I have spoken to them, but can't speak to all of them !
and obviously it hasn't worked. They are immediately defensive or are put out that a polie is telling them where they should kite, regardless of how nice i am about it.
And of course they are, that is human nature.
Same as on here, the immediate reaction of many kiters is "oh another polie having a go at us" so before they hear you out they tell you to f off. BUT considering how I worded my post at the start I can't understand the hostility in this thread.
So f^&k it.
Seeing as though the area is WAKSA only, and I have been largely criticised in this thread I will forget the politeness and trying to prevent problems, and will approach them on the beach and say "WAKSA only, f off"
Seems that is what many people here want - cos talking about it here to prevent issues on the beach is not the go in kiteland apparently.
and postcript 2: I know all of the oldies you talk about as I am one of them too.
Happy to share a wave with any of them.
So if the informal agreement and map area posted above is not being adhered to, what shall we do ? That was my original question even though some others here wanted to turn it into kiters v polies. Let's get back to Dutchies.
Mark if they are immediately defensive it may be because you are aggressive in your approach to them. I personal cannot tell the difference between a kiter and a sailboard on the beach, we are all water users. Maybe leave your I hate Kiters T shirt in your car when you go to have a chat with them
I think swearing at the kiters is only going to make things worse for you.
My only solution for you is if you can't beat them join them. By learning to kite you may get a better understanding of how to avoid them, spot learners and get over your irrational fear of kiters. Also you will be able to talk to them as a kiter
apart from the waves which aren't at leighton, what is the big appeal of dutchies over say leighton ?
Still trying to figure it out
Sailing dutchies today 4.2 4.7 weather and no begginer kiters only kiters who are in control, heaps better for everyone
This is off the Waksa website under locations for Cottesloe
"Local GuidelinesThere are some strict rules that have been imposed by the local council which all riders must abide by.
* Do not setup or kite north of Rosendo St
* Do not setup on the grass at the phone box, car park or play area (see signs).
* Stay clear and give way to all swimmers & other water users, includng all windsurfers at Dutch Inn.
* Only WAKSA/AKSA members are allowed to kite at this location. AKSA membership tags must be worn on harnesses at all times for easy i.d. by rangers. Failure to do so may result in a fine and confiscation of equipment."
If anything this thread should at least inform those that didn't have a clue. As for inexperienced kiters kiting at Dutchies i would recommend heading down to Leighton or another wide open beach where you have space in case things go pear shape. Think you'll find the Leighton crew a friendly helpful bunch. Just stay south of the main setup kiting area.......NO LAUNCHING LANDING KITES NORTH OF THE DOG BEACH PERIMETER SIGNS.
so no-one can explain to me why dutchies is soo much better than leighton . It's not because i want to go there . I am happy with leighton . I am simply curious .
We love you too get funky
Its just hard to take markie seriously when most his posts in that other forum are bagging kiters, calling them all wankers etc. He burns his own bridges