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Dutchies Kiters

Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 8 Nov 2010
WA, 1243 posts
26 Nov 2010 2:49PM
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airhead said...

Zed said...

airhead said...

^^^^ that's probably how Mark "One Nation" Australia would like to see things.

Had a charged up polie alter his (high speed) course ever so slightly last night in order to give me a not so friendly warning

Sigh.. what were you doing wrong for him to give you a warning?

I expect it was because I was kiting just downwind of the groyne

As I stated previously...

"Yesterday, however, pretty much all of the polies were packed into the very northern end of the generally accepted windsurf zone leaving approx 70-80 meters immediately North of the groyne empty so I took the initiative and put this vacant area to good use as there are NO hard and fast rules just common sense!"

Ah Ok. Next time anything like that happens let some of the local poleys know. We don't need unnecssary bull** like that.

WA, 1 posts
26 Nov 2010 7:45PM
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Good for you Zed so you're going to have a word to your mates???

I dont like the sound of your language & what it implies

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
29 Nov 2010 8:39PM
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airhead said...

^^^^ that's probably how Mark "One Nation" Australia would like to see things.

Try not to assume Airhead. No need for personal insults when I would not know you from a bar of soap.
Read the first line of my original post again.

Now let's look at your map. That is how I thought it worked.
2 yrs ago it was very rare to get a kiter in the polie area (and vice versa I might add)
Last season a few kiters were in the polie area, rarely.
This season I see kiters pretty much every day inflate their kite and start off right in the polie area and stay there. They are obviously the noobs who don't know any better.

That is why I posted - see if we can get some more info out there to avoid on water incidents or off water abuse.... but half the posters here seem to want to assume I am maintaining the hate - which I am not!

Which reminds me, anyone who posted in this thread who is not from WA and wants to talk about "us vs them" and so on can get stuffed as far as I'm concerned.

NSW, 1261 posts
30 Nov 2010 12:16AM
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Hi Mark
My Question to you is why do you not go up to the offending kiters and suggest or recommend they move to the other area? Why do you expect other kiters who are obviously over a hundred meters away to speak to them?
I'm sure if you politely pointed out the signs or even informed them of the informal agreement they would happily move.
It is my experience that most people want to the right thing but react badly if yelled at or abuse in the water. Speak to them the way you like to be spoken to and they will do the right thing.

WA, 814 posts
29 Nov 2010 10:42PM
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Mark _australia said...

airhead said...

^^^^ that's probably how Mark "One Nation" Australia would like to see things.

Try not to assume Airhead. No need for personal insults when I would not know you from a bar of soap.
Read the first line of my original post again.

Now let's look at your map. That is how I thought it worked.
2 yrs ago it was very rare to get a kiter in the polie area (and vice versa I might add)
Last season a few kiters were in the polie area, rarely.
This season I see kiters pretty much every day inflate their kite and start off right in the polie area and stay there. They are obviously the noobs who don't know any better.

That is why I posted - see if we can get some more info out there to avoid on water incidents or off water abuse.... but half the posters here seem to want to assume I am maintaining the hate - which I am not!

Which reminds me, anyone who posted in this thread who is not from WA and wants to talk about "us vs them" and so on can get stuffed as far as I'm concerned.

^^^fair call I like to always avoid getting personal...

Here's my take on it.

In previous seasons polies outnumbered the kiters and the kiters at Dutchies were reasonably "clued up". People like John Geyer, Ray Swartz, Jono Keys myself and many others. Some of us are also ex-polies and long time regulars. I've been surfing, windsurfing and kiting at Dutchies since around 1978. In the beginning it was easier to just keep to our own little piece of beach especially helping each other out launching and landing the old "C" monsters.

Now kiters are starting to outnumber the polies and there are lots and lots of new faces on the beach. Many times already this season I've had to park 50-100m further down the road than I normally would. People are now looking to spread a little to ease the congestion. Me included!

As IanR said why don't you have a friendly word to them and put your point of view across. As I said before nothing has ever been formally agreed as far as I'm aware and if there not bothering me I have no reason to say anything.

At the end of the day the ocean is there for all to share and get along as best we can...

Postscript: this conversation has probably already benefited some

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
29 Nov 2010 10:45PM
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Ian and Airhead I have spoken to them, but can't speak to all of them !
and obviously it hasn't worked. They are immediately defensive or are put out that a polie is telling them where they should kite, regardless of how nice i am about it.
And of course they are, that is human nature.

Same as on here, the immediate reaction of many kiters is "oh another polie having a go at us" so before they hear you out they tell you to f off. BUT considering how I worded my post at the start I can't understand the hostility in this thread.

So f^&k it.
Seeing as though the area is WAKSA only, and I have been largely criticised in this thread I will forget the politeness and trying to prevent problems, and will approach them on the beach and say "WAKSA only, f off"

Seems that is what many people here want - cos talking about it here to prevent issues on the beach is not the go in kiteland apparently.

and postcript 2: I know all of the oldies you talk about as I am one of them too.
Happy to share a wave with any of them.
So if the informal agreement and map area posted above is not being adhered to, what shall we do ? That was my original question even though some others here wanted to turn it into kiters v polies. Let's get back to Dutchies.

NSW, 1261 posts
30 Nov 2010 9:06AM
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Mark if they are immediately defensive it may be because you are aggressive in your approach to them. I personal cannot tell the difference between a kiter and a sailboard on the beach, we are all water users. Maybe leave your I hate Kiters T shirt in your car when you go to have a chat with them

I think swearing at the kiters is only going to make things worse for you.

My only solution for you is if you can't beat them join them. By learning to kite you may get a better understanding of how to avoid them, spot learners and get over your irrational fear of kiters. Also you will be able to talk to them as a kiter

WA, 2940 posts
30 Nov 2010 9:34AM
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apart from the waves which aren't at leighton, what is the big appeal of dutchies over say leighton ?

Still trying to figure it out

WA, 814 posts
30 Nov 2010 12:29PM
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Mark _australia said...

So if the informal agreement and map area posted above is not being adhered to, what shall we do ? That was my original question even though some others here wanted to turn it into kiters v polies. Let's get back to Dutchies.

dunno? I guess an informal agreement is not worth the paper it is written on!

All you can do is try to educate the masses and try and get some sort of consenus. Won't be easy tho.

Whether polies and kiters are segregated or not personally doesn't bother me that much except for the 2 or 3 times a season when Deep 6 is going off. Whenever the opportunity arises I always suggest to any newbie that it's probably best to keep clear of the polie area but I don't run up and down the beach all day telling people where they MUST launch and land except if they're in the NO KITE ZONE.

I try to use common sense and just find my own space as I don't like being crowed in, so sometimes I head towards the groyne if it is not busy with polies, otherwise I head North towards Iso's or maybe even further South to Mosman beach.

If your concerns are shared by other windsurfers why not try to organise a meeting one afternoon, maybe with a few brews, and see where it leads .

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
1 Dec 2010 8:42PM
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IanR said...

Mark if they are immediately defensive it may be because you are aggressive in your approach to them. I personal cannot tell the difference between a kiter and a sailboard on the beach, we are all water users. Maybe leave your I hate Kiters T shirt in your car when you go to have a chat with them

I think swearing at the kiters is only going to make things worse for you.

My only solution for you is if you can't beat them join them. By learning to kite you may get a better understanding of how to avoid them, spot learners and get over your irrational fear of kiters. Also you will be able to talk to them as a kiter

Well b&gger me, I must have missed the part where I said I walked up to people and swore at them.
Yeah Ian, I posted this thread as I had no luck with abuse and throwing tantrums on the beach. Gee I must be a c0ckhead who has no idea how to talk to people.
I wonder why I even bother with polite resolution threads here, when some people's automatic assumption is that I must have the wrong approach!

It is quite to opposite (as I said somewhere above) - a polite approach by a polie is met with hostility by most kiters so I figure it is better if their own crew menton it to them, and thus I started this thread.

I'm over it now as discussion seems to not be the kiter way.

Now I can see how some of your own are completely frustrated in their attempts to self regulate and prevent problems and being banned from areas.
Good luck fellas.

WA, 216 posts
1 Dec 2010 9:34PM
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Sailing dutchies today 4.2 4.7 weather and no begginer kiters only kiters who are in control, heaps better for everyone

NSW, 1261 posts
2 Dec 2010 4:32AM
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Mark _australia said...

So f^&k it.
Seeing as though the area is WAKSA only, and I have been largely criticised in this thread I will forget the politeness and trying to prevent problems, and will approach them on the beach and say "WAKSA only, f off"

WA, 893 posts
2 Dec 2010 8:18AM
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This is off the Waksa website under locations for Cottesloe

"Local GuidelinesThere are some strict rules that have been imposed by the local council which all riders must abide by.

* Do not setup or kite north of Rosendo St
* Do not setup on the grass at the phone box, car park or play area (see signs).
* Stay clear and give way to all swimmers & other water users, includng all windsurfers at Dutch Inn.
* Only WAKSA/AKSA members are allowed to kite at this location. AKSA membership tags must be worn on harnesses at all times for easy i.d. by rangers. Failure to do so may result in a fine and confiscation of equipment."

If anything this thread should at least inform those that didn't have a clue. As for inexperienced kiters kiting at Dutchies i would recommend heading down to Leighton or another wide open beach where you have space in case things go pear shape. Think you'll find the Leighton crew a friendly helpful bunch. Just stay south of the main setup kiting area.......NO LAUNCHING LANDING KITES NORTH OF THE DOG BEACH PERIMETER SIGNS.

NSW, 6451 posts
2 Dec 2010 7:55PM
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Mark _australia said...

IanR said...

Mark if they are immediately defensive it may be because you are aggressive in your approach to them. I personal cannot tell the difference between a kiter and a sailboard on the beach, we are all water users. Maybe leave your I hate Kiters T shirt in your car when you go to have a chat with them

I think swearing at the kiters is only going to make things worse for you.

Well b&gger me, I must have missed the part where I said I walked up to people and swore at them.
Yeah Ian, I posted this thread as I had no luck with abuse and throwing tantrums on the beach. Gee I must be a c0ckhead who has no idea how to talk to people.
I wonder why I even bother with polite resolution threads here, when some people's automatic assumption is that I must have the wrong approach!

It is quite to opposite (as I said somewhere above) - a polite approach by a polie is met with hostility by most kiters so I figure it is better if their own crew menton it to them, and thus I started this thread.

I'm over it now as discussion seems to not be the kiter way.

Now I can see how some of your own are completely frustrated in their attempts to self regulate and prevent problems and being banned from areas.
Good luck fellas.

Ah the dummy spit.
Maybe if there wasnt so many posts calling kiters wankers,gays,c@ckheads etc by you and a couple of the usual few suspect windsurfers(kite haters) in your forum, people wouldnt get defensive towards you.All of the windsurfers I have met have been good blokes and keen to get along.
I dont think anyone in this thread has told you to f@@ off or what ever you seem to think.
Or anyone has made it dancer Vs kiter?????
Some have disagreed on seperation and think learning to co-exist is the better option than drawing lines in the sand,wasting council time/tax payers money.
Just because some dont agree on your ideas,It is what a forum is all about, dosent mean you need to say "well f@ck it then,,,Im just gunna tell them all to get f@cked".
I think if you have a problem with someone in the water,you will get better results sorting it out with them instead of posting on a forum that they probly dont even read.This works at other spots,,and in other sports that use the same areas,
Life is good Chill and chat to people face to face,most will listen if your rational.
Lifes way too short to waste it stressing and whinging on a computer.
Now get out there and get some wind.

I dont expect you to agree with me,
Just like you shouldnt expect all to agree with you.Thats life
This kiter Vs dancer seems to happen on the windsurfing forum more than in real life.

WA, 2940 posts
2 Dec 2010 6:21PM
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so no-one can explain to me why dutchies is soo much better than leighton . It's not because i want to go there . I am happy with leighton . I am simply curious .

WA, 3464 posts
2 Dec 2010 6:27PM
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Sharp rocks.

WA, 2940 posts
2 Dec 2010 6:31PM
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gruezi said...

Sharp rocks.

thats my experience :)

NSW, 6451 posts
2 Dec 2010 9:48PM
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And 1 stressed out old poledancer

WA, 1194 posts
2 Dec 2010 6:50PM
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dusta said...

so no-one can explain to me why dutchies is soo much better than leighton . It's not because i want to go there . I am happy with leighton . I am simply curious .

this song will explain it

WA, 3464 posts
2 Dec 2010 10:20PM
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WA, 814 posts
3 Dec 2010 9:17AM
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dusta said...

apart from the waves which aren't at leighton, what is the big appeal of dutchies over say leighton ?

Still trying to figure it out

Friendly locals

WA, 4485 posts
3 Dec 2010 1:20PM
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Mark said:

(foreword: no I am not kiter bashing.)

I've noticed this year (so far this season anyway) there has been a few kiters down near the groyne at Dutchies.

The last couple of seasons there has been this voluntary segregation whereby kiters stay about 200m plus north of the groyne and never venture down south near the groyne / area in front of the playground.
Obviously the odd downwinder comes thru but that is no biggie.

In my last 3 sessions I have seen guys actually launching at the bottom of the stairs from the playground (as in, 30m from the groyne) and staying there all afternoon.

The area the kiters were in (and where most still stay) at the north end was suitable as the reef is a bit shallow for polies in some bits so life was just grand.


was there ever a formal agreement about segregation?
will the kiters have a word to the ones who persist in kiting in the middle of the polies, when 20 other kiters are obviously in a different area?
Do we need a proper agreement like Safety Bay?


Not everyone (and possibly not the majority) but there are far too many insular d!ckheads who kite who just simply cannot or will not look past their own interests and water/beach usage.

Aside from a Poley dropping his mast on my noggin in the mid-80s I have never had any issue with poleys on the water or the beach.Wish i could say the same for fellow kiters..Every session I witness kiters doing selfish dumb irresposible sh!t and have been put in fkn dodgy situations by mostly selfish, ill-educated, arrogant kiters. Simple as that!

And some of you defensive insular shiners still think it's a poley - who posted a reasonable calm post - attempting to find clarity (and was proven correct) on the protocol of a multi use area, stirring sh!t.

FFS - read the initial post above and tell me where the abuse or unreasonable content is?? It's a fair question, he is spot on BTW, and yet insular immature cawk smokers carry on like their bat n ball are being taken away and it's bath time!!

Wake up to yourselves.

Gawd it's embarrassing being associated via the same sport as some of the nongs out there.

Stoopid is as stoopid does.

WA, 365 posts
3 Dec 2010 4:10PM
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Feel better GF?

NSW, 6451 posts
3 Dec 2010 7:13PM
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We love you too get funky

Its just hard to take markie seriously when most his posts in that other forum are bagging kiters, calling them all wankers etc. He burns his own bridges

WA, 4485 posts
6 Dec 2010 11:49AM
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ADS said...

Feel better GF?

I feel better when i enjoy a session on the water without seeing a kiter be a total selfish nong and fk my/other kiter's/punter's sh!t up.. but it's not that common.

Actually I did grin from ear-ear on Wed as the winds were well over 25kts. The chaff stayed at home watching hero/dingle dangle vids and the wheat enjoyed the awesome conditions. No crowd, no dramas and capable, considerate, smart kiters out fangin away. Kewl.

Wish it cranked that hard every day.. Darwin would do some more wheat/chaff sorting.

BTW - it's hard to take seriously comments from interstate kiters, who may never have seen the location in question, or witnessed the plethora of idiots who are cashed up enough to buy a spanky new kite rig in this town.

If you know the scene over here then make a comment on this thread. If not spend ya 2c elsewhere perhaps.

Just to re-iterate: In modern times I have never had a poley stuff my sh!t up on the water, yet ignoramases hanging off kites do it all the time.. But it's the nasty poley at fault.. right? Dreamers.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
6 Dec 2010 6:54PM
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GetFunky for President of AKSA, WAKSA and any other ....KSA out there

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
6 Dec 2010 7:40PM
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Mark _australia said...

GetFunky for President of AKSA, WAKSA and any other ....KSA out there

Well he thinks we should all be polite and get along with each other
Yet I have a couple of red thumbs already.

Thus maybe he is right about some kiters?

WA, 1916 posts
6 Dec 2010 8:28PM
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a couple of friends wanted to come down and kite dutchies on a good day

WA, 3464 posts
6 Dec 2010 8:39PM
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^^^Naw that's Leighton, you crack me up

WA, 4263 posts
7 Dec 2010 6:55AM
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Mark _australia said...

GetFunky for President of AKSA, WAKSA and any other ....KSA out there

You two were made for each other. ^^^

He's the only poley on Seabreeze who knows the difference between a WAKSA and an AKSA.
Mark, the well-informed hater ...
he likes to keep his enemy close.

And Get Funky: the poler opposite.
He knows zilch about poleboarding ...
wouldn't know a uni-joint from a boom clamp.
He's never witnessed the worry-wart poley in its natural environment ...
Those string-paranoids, those over-anxious klutzes who will do almost anything to be upwind of those scary kite-lines.

Those freaks are out there, they are a menace and they are fully certifiable.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Dutchies Kiters" started by Mark _australia