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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Epoxy surfboard, with strap plugs?

Created by craggers > 9 months ago, 18 Jan 2010
WA, 475 posts
18 Jan 2010 10:33AM
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I have been looking for a new surfboard, epoxy, and i want it about 6'4". i also want to be able to bolt some straps on and take it kiting.
there are kite boards designed for waveriding that 'can be freesurfed', but these are designed with the freesurfing as an add-on possibility.
I am wondering if anyone knows of an epoxy surfboard being made that has factory fitted footstrap plugs so that occasionally i can kite on my surfboard?
the closest i have found is the firewire boards, but these are still designed primarily from a kiters perspective.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
18 Jan 2010 10:59AM
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I guess any tufflite surfboard would do.
Go to your local shop have a chat and buy from the rack, alternativly check out websites such as Webber, Surftech etc etc
Once you've got the board then look at a pair of these. They don't come cheap (round $200 from memory) and the straps arent the best and the glue needs a bit of toxic bunnings gear to beef it up but the pads themselves are great

NSW, 604 posts
18 Jan 2010 3:29PM
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Those surftech pads have lumps where the screw inserts are.. I would imagine these would be very uncomfortable to lie on when just surfing your board.. also you will pay $700 for a tufflite/epoxy board then $200 for the surftech pads.. for that price you could get a custom firewire with inserts.. or you could look at the airush converse.. they do a nice 6'4" which i recon would surf ok..

WA, 170 posts
18 Jan 2010 5:28PM
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im 6'4 around 95kg, had a 6'6 webber tufflite at home that i didnt surf much. got a mate who shapes to take fcs fins out, and glass some in and then he put an extra sheet layer of glass across the fin area to make it super strong. He fitted boxes either side of stringer front and back, measured to fit slingshot straps a mate lent me. Just a single stomp pad at front and threw a deck grip over back and found the holes with a metal skewer and in go the straps. He reckons with my weight i'll probably put my foot through it in a year or so but hey, it cost me $280 worth of mods (he also repaired an epic hole in the bottom and took the piece of rottnest out of it), ive been thrashing it (with weight and chop not mad tricks) for a few months now, front stomp pad heel area has sunk a touch, but it holds up surprisingly well, and its also my surfboard....which funnily enough i havent surfed since i took up kiting a year ago

QLD, 1011 posts
18 Jan 2010 9:55PM
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NSW, 7068 posts
18 Jan 2010 11:19PM
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No seriously, I have watched two blokes learn to kite on boards without straps and both of them have exceeded their own expectations. Sure they both spent a lot of time in the water, but they are a lot fitter for it and one hell of a lot more skillful. And they are both having a huge amount of fun. Watch that video from Tazzie.

I have been talking about it for 18 months, just need some flat water!

SA, 1390 posts
19 Jan 2010 12:04AM
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F one do a nice board but i think from memory only 6ft with straps anything above that and they dont have inserts. Or look at the new range of fire wire boards they finish off the f one boards any way and have a great range with and without straps.

But if you like surfing just buy your dream surfboard and kite on it strapless, it really is quit easy to do but will take a long time to master.

WA, 475 posts
19 Jan 2010 9:59AM
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thanks for the tips all!! (and minimal flames! a first!)

i have been riding my surfboard strapless basically since i started kiting and the wind was somewhere below what i needed to get planing with my kiteboard. yep its fun, and yep its not that hard.

iv been riding in some waves with my kiteboard, yep its not that hard, and yep its fun.

however... i cant see myself taking a strapless surfboard out in ideal conditions (with waves).

to be honest i couldnt be bothered with the hassle. im having a great time in these conditions with the kiteboard smacking the lip and popping air like i can only aspire to on any other board and corresponding ramp/surface (skate, surf, snow). all i want to do, is ride the board that i surf, carve faces and slash lips and drink a beer at the end of the day feeling fantastic.

il pass on the grovelling around in the whitewater, keeping kite up, struggling to repossess board long enough to get up and riding again. thanks :) that reminds me of the years i spent getting rolled in the white water on a windsurfer... i have found a way to ride/carve more faces of more waves than was ever thought possible back then. if that means straps on my board... well woop woop, im sticking them on.

finally there is a practical side: one board, one kite, one hand luggage, one plane ticket, off we go to surf, kite, and travel as luggage minimally as possible.

NSW, 106 posts
19 Jan 2010 2:09PM
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apart from the extra luggage...

wouldnt it be better to get 2 boards, a smaller older board with straps and a bigger board for surfing? that way you dont destroy your surfing board from your harness and it wont have depressions all over it?

QLD, 1011 posts
19 Jan 2010 2:37PM
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I have the Firewire kite specific Taj 5'11, its basically the same as the standard Taj model but with inserts for straps and extra beef in certain areas to avoid snappage. Surfs and kites exceptionally well, no need for 2 boards.

WA, 170 posts
19 Jan 2010 3:33PM
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"that way you dont destroy your surfing board from your harness and it wont have depressions all over it? "

good call, the only damage on my board apart from slight depression of front foot area is little dings and scratches from harness, mainly cosmetic but its adding up!

WA, 3489 posts
19 Jan 2010 3:52PM
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Paul1 said...

I have the Firewire kite specific Taj 5'11, its basically the same as the standard Taj model but with inserts for straps and extra beef in certain areas to avoid snappage. Surfs and kites exceptionally well, no need for 2 boards.

Yep I agree but at nearly 90kg I went the 6'2" instead, I think the 5'11" maybe a little snappier on the turns, but I usually surf at least a 6'4" and reckon I would struggle paddling in on the 5'11".
It will probably stay stapless but the inserts are there if I want them.

WA, 563 posts
19 Jan 2010 4:10PM
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japie said...


I have been talking about it for 18 months, just need some flat water!

Hey Japie, sounds like you should stop japping and yust do it!

WA, 563 posts
19 Jan 2010 4:12PM
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tightlines said...

[img XXX Kite porn kite porn /img]

Hey tightlines, can I have a go sometime - paddling it her? EDIT: Sorry.


WA, 3489 posts
19 Jan 2010 4:55PM
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Hey Fooosh, dunno if I'm ready to share my one true love,.... but if she keeps leaving sand in my bed I'm gunna kick her out soon....

Yeah sure, I've had heaps of kites on it but haven't had a decent surf yet myself.

P.S. I also tried the 6'4" Converse (kiting only) and reckon that might be a good option as well for a board for surfing and kiting.
6'4" sounded big for kiting but it felt great, it is a fair bit heavier than the Firewire though.

WA, 475 posts
19 Jan 2010 8:10PM
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Select to expand quote
tightlines said...
Yep I agree but at nearly 90kg I went the 6'2" instead, I think the 5'11" maybe a little snappier on the turns, but I usually surf at least a 6'4" and reckon I would struggle paddling in on the 5'11".
It will probably stay stapless but the inserts are there if I want them.

thanks tightlines, this was the kind of feedback i was looking for. my problem is basically that kite/surfboards are essentially smaller than a regular surfboard. hence i cant imagine virtually any of the boards on the market will be suitable for paddling into a wave without extra effort. im at the age/phase where im actually going for slightly bigger surfboards/fish style, to give myself a few extra waves each session and compete with the featherweight little groms.

i have to say, even a 6'2", for a 90k person, is a pretty small board for paddle surfing, at least in my opinion. that is, unless these firewires are extra bouyant like the tufflite boards are.

from the pic, your firewire looks to be similar to a tufflite, or is that an illusion of the white finish? this could be the critical difference between looking for a 6'4" that doesnt exist (no one produces with footscrews), or, with extra bouyancy, a 6'2" will be spot on given my experience with tufflites and their extra paddle power.

WA, 3489 posts
19 Jan 2010 9:22PM
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craggers said...

i have to say, even a 6'2", for a 90k person, is a pretty small board for paddle surfing, at least in my opinion. that is, unless these firewires are extra bouyant like the tufflite boards are.

from the pic, your firewire looks to be similar to a tufflite, or is that an illusion of the white finish? this could be the critical difference between looking for a 6'4" that doesnt exist (no one produces with footscrews), or, with extra bouyancy, a 6'2" will be spot on given my experience with tufflites and their extra paddle power.

Yep 6'2" is smaller than I really want for surfing but I didn't want to go any bigger for kiting. Although I am hoping to be able to do both on this board, I will probably always take a bigger 6'6"- 6'8" surfboard with me when on trips anyway.
The 6'2" Firewire is fairly buoyant though (a la tufflites) and has slightly less tail rocker than the 5'11" and from the couple of little beach break waves I have caught so far it feels more like 6'4".
I am going on a weeks holiday down the South Coast next week so should know how it surfs better by the time I get back.

Airush do make a 6'4" Converse with inserts and it is a sweet board also, I had trouble deciding between the two. They are both the same width 18 3/4 however the squash tail of the Firewire holds more of the width through the tail than the more rounded pin shape of the Converse (check the photo's), so I don't think the Converse would be any easier to paddle in on.
I am fairly sure the Converse is also a bit heavier despite being thinner.

NSW, 144 posts
20 Jan 2010 9:24PM
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Hi to all
This topic is a dilema as to ride your favourite surfboard hard with straps you trash them in one season.
I have the airush 6'4 converse, great board but I only use it heavy conditions and its too small to paddle surf.
I,v put straps on a cheap ronin epoxy 6'2 fish its lasted 2 seasons and only cost 450.00. I,v just updated to another ,still only $475.00.
They come in all sizes and great to surf.
regards glenn

WA, 475 posts
21 Jan 2010 6:48AM
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thanks glenn.
im starting to think that my wish contains too many compromises. i wont be happy surfing the board that is compromised towards kiting, and when im kiting i will be annoyed by the size of the board that i required to paddle.
so... the obvious answer is to get the best board i can for surfing, and, in the next budget, look for a surf/kite board designed for kite waveriding.
...and in addition to my 2 redundant windsurf boards, 2 skateboards, 3 snowboards, 3 aging surfboards and already 2 kiteboards, i now will have to again expand my ridiculous collection by 2 more boards. yes, im a hoarder. and i just cant bear to part with any board that has: made me smile as i got barrelled, even if it is now old and waterlogged; saved for 18 months with part time job at age 16 and first windsurf board of particular brand and make in the country at $1500 (a lot of money 12 years ago!) etc etc.
how do i explain this to the missus...?

the truth
QLD, 189 posts
21 Jan 2010 10:42AM
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'how do i explain this to the missus...?'

Now this could be a whole new topic, first we need to know what excuses you have used already.


poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
21 Jan 2010 9:18AM
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Can someone help.
what difference does an extra 2" make on a kitesurfboard ?
why would a lighter board be better for Kiting ?
What difference do hard rails make ?

I currently ride a 6" (chosen because i am 5'10" +85 ish KG) and consider the Converse slightly heavy as compared to my 6'4" poly.
Rode my 6'4" poly yesterday unstrapped and hated having to spend my energy/concentration hanging on rather than hacking n slashing.

WA, 23 posts
21 Jan 2010 12:32PM
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Firewires surf good but the technology sucks. I snapped two of them in small surf. The third one had fake FCS fin plus.

TL2's go sick.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Epoxy surfboard, with strap plugs?" started by craggers