Forums > Kitesurfing General

Euro bashers

Created by Mr float > 9 months ago, 20 Jan 2011
Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
20 Jan 2011 11:31PM
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A visiting euro asked me today if the bleeding obvious spot that we were all looking at and I was walking towards with a kite was the spot to kite .I replied " nah mate in the Harbours the go " .The guy took it seriously and thanked me to which i replied " nah mate ,only kidding .Out there where i'm going is the go " to whuch he replied with a very serious look on his face "why did you say that " > to which I replied " I'm Australian ,we like making a joke of things " .He was not amused .Talk about super serious ... no sense of humour .. Has this guy been Euro bashed in his wicked camper elswhere in Oz by local kiters and surfers takin the piss or what???

WA, 192 posts
20 Jan 2011 10:11PM
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Sorry no sympathy from me mate. Maybe, try introspection?

No matter what you may think or feel, personally I don't find your avatar amusing. It's pretty easy to take you for an unpleasant redneck bigot ****tin on those you perceive to be weaker than you. Now in your post you're also exhibiting what appear to be xenophobic tendencies. Dude tryin to do the right thing, double checks by asking you a question, you take the piss. Great interpersonal skills! How Aussie is that really?

Yeh likes ter light yer own farts, sport? Ha. BIG fkn ha....

WA, 995 posts
20 Jan 2011 10:23PM
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Bo said...

No matter what you may think or feel, personally I don't find your avatar amusing. It's pretty easy to take you for an unpleasant redneck bigot ****tin on those you perceive to be weaker than you.

Ok what? All else aside, WTF does a black guy wearing a Kevin Rudd campaign shirt have anything to do with anything? I never thought of it as anyhting other than a funny coincidence to see a guy in (at a guess) PNG or New Caledonia wearing it.

Maybe i don't get it cause i'm not an overly sensative fairy. NO JOKES...... any of you. No fun.....EVER.

QLD, 417 posts
21 Jan 2011 12:50AM
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ApatheticEnd said...

Bo said...

No matter what you may think or feel, personally I don't find your avatar amusing. It's pretty easy to take you for an unpleasant redneck bigot ****tin on those you perceive to be weaker than you.

Ok what? All else aside, WTF does a black guy wearing a Kevin Rudd campaign shirt have anything to do with anything? I never thought of it as anyhting other than a funny coincidence to see a guy in (at a guess) PNG or New Caledonia wearing it.

Maybe i don't get it cause i'm not an overly sensative fairy. NO JOKES...... any of you. No fun.....EVER.

my float you rock are you RSC maybe ....

QLD, 248 posts
21 Jan 2011 12:56AM
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Nothing wrong with Euros, you dumb ass pimp.
Its wicked seeing the different wicked vans, when its not flooding.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
21 Jan 2011 8:54AM
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Bo said...

Sorry no sympathy from me mate. Maybe, try introspection?

No matter what you may think or feel, personally I don't find your avatar amusing. It's pretty easy to take you for an unpleasant redneck bigot ****tin on those you perceive to be weaker than you. Now in your post you're also exhibiting what appear to be xenophobic tendencies. Dude tryin to do the right thing, double checks by asking you a question, you take the piss. Great interpersonal skills! How Aussie is that really?

Yeh likes ter light yer own farts, sport? Ha. BIG fkn ha....

Ben (the guy in my avatar ) is a personal friend of mine in Fiji ,he was coming up the road one day with the T shirt on last year not long after Kevin received the knife in the back (impeccable timing) .It reminds me of how impermanent life is and I hope that I have enlightened those wondering why i have a Fijian guy wearing a Kevin 07 T shirt as my Avatar .You really are taking your political correctness a bit far and you need to lighten up a bit (as perhaps does our Euro friend).I was merely passing on something that indicated to me that this guy seemed oversensitive and perhaps had been made unwelcome elsewhere (If he is there today I'll get his details so that you guys can catch up ,I'm sure that you will both get along really well) , I wasn't looking for sympathy. I have had other non Euro people ask the bleeding obvious about all sorts of things and I have had a bit of a joke with them as many people have done to me when I state the bleeding obvious and we all have a bit of a laugh .
Isn't the world serious enough already?

BTW the hat that the guy is wearing on your profile page is as good as useless and makes him look like a duck .this type of hat is much more effective

WA, 192 posts
21 Jan 2011 10:22AM
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Mr float said...
It reminds me of how impermanent life is and I hope that I have enlightened those wondering...

Now THAT IS funny - you are a poor misunderstood comedian after all...


NSW, 1114 posts
21 Jan 2011 2:48PM
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i also beleive in the inpermanence of life.... I have been reincarnated on this forum sooo many times....

I can't even remember who I really am anymore.

QLD, 3620 posts
21 Jan 2011 1:51PM
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stabber said...

I can't even remember who I really am anymore.

Stabber - Don't you remember , you are really Richie Rich.
Thats what youve been telling us

QLD, 3620 posts
21 Jan 2011 1:54PM
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Ok - hating someone coz they have some foreign ethnic birthplace, isn't there a word for that?

Hating someone coz theyre stupid , thats just funny.

QLD, 238 posts
21 Jan 2011 2:18PM
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Honestly I thought Mr Floats avatar was him. Then again I'm just a dumb Euro (the good kind, from the mother land.... ha ha ).

This thread is about Mr Floats avatar isn't it?

156 posts
21 Jan 2011 1:51PM
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still a lot of hypocrasy when it comes to "takin da piss". ppl harass me all da time and expect me to handle it but when i send it back their way they can't take it.... haha

europeans are fine... nothing wrong with them

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Jan 2011 6:13PM
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^^^^^Its the kiwis that are the problem.
They wont shear their sheep with anyone.

Anyway,, Im off to the pub in my jandels(flip flops) to get a sex pack and ice for my chillie bin.We are having a hungie tonight with all my cousie bros.
Choice bro, Where is the nearest centerlink bro????

156 posts
21 Jan 2011 3:18PM
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damn strait i like my sheep all to myself

over here in OZ i starting riding this ram starkers and he couldn't understand what i was doin.... i told him i was a Kiwi and that he can't handle my kiwi sense of humour

Bloody kiwi's..... keep em AWAY from the sheep

WA, 4485 posts
21 Jan 2011 4:13PM
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6 posts
21 Jan 2011 5:38PM
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probably german. no sense of humor

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
21 Jan 2011 9:52PM
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now ol mate turns up again today .Sets up right next to everyone on the beach and right next to the flags .Off he gos in light wind direct on shore strAIGHT THROUGH THE FLAGS .then does it again .lifeguards call out for all to hear for him to head well up the beach .He gives em a little wave (doesn't walk up ) gos out again kite right over the swimmers and manages to get a bit of upwind and then comes down through the flags again >this time lifeguard gos down and talks to him and the NO KITESURFING sign goes further up the beach than it has ever been and in order to get out we have to ride out over inch deep water and rocks or walk right up to the headland .thanks ol mate in your wicked van .
(Now in ol mates defence the sign was not out when he got there so he didn't know and lifeguards didn't say anything when he set up right next to everyone and the flags but isn't it common sense to stay well away from flags and swimmers )Perhaps I should have just told him to go in the harbour yesterday and leave it at that

now I know that some people will say why didn't you say something .it is not my job the lifeguards are clear that they will handle this sort of stuff and the lifeguards are very kite savvy (usually) .I did mention to them that I thought he was too close and they made the first announcement

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
21 Jan 2011 10:33PM
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I don't understand the red thumb to my report of todays incident .Are you saying that its ok for some mindless gimp of a visitor to blow in and potentially injure and maim an innocent bystander and **** it for everyone who lives here ?

WA, 2119 posts
22 Jan 2011 12:01AM
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He came to your area and followed all athe AKSA guidelines wait 10 mins and if unsure ask the locals, instead he got a pile of misinformed crap by yourself, Try some introspection. You could have been an ambassador for your area???????

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
22 Jan 2011 8:40AM
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He didn't follow these golden rules always "keep downwind area well clear " and "others - be considerate and courteous to all other water and beach users" (BTW I missed the misinformed bit ,I think your rant is misinformed because you obviously did not read what I said,maybe you could be a better ambassador for yourself).He had also seen where we kited the day before and told where by me and others (again I should have just stuck to telling him the harbour and added right under that coal ship) ,well up the beach and definitely NOT where he went yesterday because he was too lazy to go somewhere less intrusive .
The lifeguards have made it quite clear in this area that they are well aware of kiting issues and will handle any situations if I had seen this in an area without lifeguards I would have said something .I did intervene when I saw fit and did not run down and abuse the guy or threaten to cut his lines or kite up and followed the local protocol by reporting a situation that i think they might have missed or that I feel could lead to an incident .
My original post was why this guy was so defensive and now I can see why ,he is a hazard and does not respect lifeguards either and if kiters in other areas have experienced his behaviour I am sure he has been given a frosty welcome.HE is a poor ambassador for wherever HE is from and from what I have read about situations in WA particularly he is not alone .

I will finish by saying that we have had alot of visitors this year (particularly withe the QLD weather situation ) they have largely kited without incident ,been welcomed and been friendly and there has only been one other incident with a visitor when the flags were well up the beach where we usually kite and he went out a bit too close stuffed up and eneded up in the flags . I had a chat with the lifeguards and it was handled professionally .Again no abuse or threats or unwarranted localism .

NSW, 5780 posts
22 Jan 2011 9:44AM
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Mr float said...

I don't understand the red thumb to my report of todays incident .Are you saying that its ok for some mindless gimp of a visitor to blow in and potentially injure and maim an innocent bystander and **** it for everyone who lives here ?

so you watched him set up near the flags in light wind and you knew because you're a local that it was the wrong thing to do, and then watched him kite through them and then watched as he walked back and did it again and then watched as the lifeguard had words with him...

you deserve to lose your spot

NSW, 2458 posts
22 Jan 2011 10:03AM
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Picture is from NSW Waterways handbook, referring to Surf Zones.

The following is cut and paste from book

"A designated swimming area in a surf zone is defined as the area extending 500 metres out from shore between surf patrol flags or signs.

In all other areas a swimming area is defined as the area extending 60 metres out from shore between signs for swimmers.

A vessel must not be operated in these zones or within 60 metres either side of the flags or signs marking such zones unless it is a vessel operated by Surf Life Saving NSW or Council lifeguards."

Now if Kite surfers follow this the Life Guards don't need to bother us, pretty simple.

Only thing I would add is don't crash on the up wind side of a flagged area and get washed / dragged through the surf zone. (quickest way to get the life guards p####d off.

Hey Float and others.
I offen wonder if a Sign at Nobby's (where most kiters walk past) displaying the do's and dont's would help ?
Using the K.I.S.S theory, a few words in English and Pictures (for non English Euro's)

Ps, did you hear the rumour that 2hour parking meters will be installed in all the car parks spaces at Nobby's, they say they will start at 6am till midnight ??????

QLD, 548 posts
22 Jan 2011 10:28AM
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I get the feeling from reading many posts that the blam is directed more at the local on the beach who sees the guy doing the wrong thing but says nothing rather than the guy on the water doing the wrong thing. How about we start to put resposibility on the guys doing the wrong thing. I see no way today you can say I didn't know what to do, the information availble through the web, kite shops, instructors, locals and common sense will make sure you do the right thing. And if that all fails don't go out if unsure.
I was one of the first people in my area to start kiting and have offered advice to people about local rules or safety for many years but feel the area is now more dangerous than ever. Because it's easy to do in a short time with relativly safe gear caution is not practiced.

If I see someone do the wrong thing now I tell them bluntly with an explanation of why, sorry but the care factor of hurting someones feelings was lost years ago.

NSW, 5780 posts
22 Jan 2011 11:54AM
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Hardcarve1 said...

I get the feeling from reading many posts that the blam is directed more at the local on the beach who sees the guy doing the wrong thing but says nothing rather than the guy on the water doing the wrong thing. How about we start to put resposibility on the guys doing the wrong thing. I see no way today you can say I didn't know what to do, the information availble through the web, kite shops, instructors, locals and common sense will make sure you do the right thing. And if that all fails don't go out if unsure.
I was one of the first people in my area to start kiting and have offered advice to people about local rules or safety for many years but feel the area is now more dangerous than ever. Because it's easy to do in a short time with relativly safe gear caution is not practiced.

If I see someone do the wrong thing now I tell them bluntly with an explanation of why, sorry but the care factor of hurting someones feelings was lost years ago.

well where I kite there are no shops (thank god)

there are no instructors (thank god)

not every kiter has the web (thank god)

and most sydney blow-ins and touring euro seem deviod of common sense.

if I/We leave it up to the lifeguards to deal with, then the lifeguard and council have the ammo to come at us with restrictions and bans and today tonight mums screaming 'won't somebody think of the children!'...

If I/We (as a concerned kiting local) deal with it by telling them to wake up themselves or advising they not return, then the lifeguard sees that the locals self regulate/police the irresponsibles off the beach and he can go back to reading his who weekly, perving on hot mums in bikinis' and playing games on his iphone and as far as council is concerned there are no problems with kiters on the beach...

If you see a gumby moron doing something that would draw negative attention to kiting at your local and you do nothing, then you are a gutless idiot

If you see a gumby moron doing something that would surely result in the utter spanking of said gumby moron, without affecting any other innocent, oblivious to danger by-stander (exceptions to those accompanying gumby withstanding), then you are in for a treat.

Front up and say something

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
22 Jan 2011 1:53PM
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Hardcarve1 said...

I get the feeling from reading many posts that the blam is directed more at the local on the beach who sees the guy doing the wrong thing but says nothing rather than the guy on the water doing the wrong thing. How about we start to put resposibility on the guys doing the wrong thing. I see no way today you can say I didn't know what to do, the information availble through the web, kite shops, instructors, locals and common sense will make sure you do the right thing. And if that all fails don't go out if unsure.
I was one of the first people in my area to start kiting and have offered advice to people about local rules or safety for many years but feel the area is now more dangerous than ever. Because it's easy to do in a short time with relativly safe gear caution is not practiced.

If I see someone do the wrong thing now I tell them bluntly with an explanation of why, sorry but the care factor of hurting someones feelings was lost years ago.

Yerr strange eh .I have been told by the head lifeguard and the co ordinator that when they are there they are responsible for and will patrol the beach and that they will handle this kind of thing .I used to do the running onto the the beach ,tell the guy to move and all that stuff but I'm not there all the time (nor are other local kiters )plus I and other locals were told to **** off .."who the hell are you to tell me what to do" by some people .Consequently A few years back I and others spent a considerable amount of our own time doing workshops with the beach coordinator and the head lifeguards so that they were educated about kiting and could handle issues if an when they presented themselves .We have very few issues here in a busy spot and hopefully this work has helped but occasionally someone blows through with no regard for others .I saw a potential problem and reported it and the lifeguards handled it If I was right next to the guy rather than being right next to the lifeguards I would have said something of course . Yet It seems to some that I was in the wrong .? Strange

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
22 Jan 2011 1:54PM
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Craig66 said...

Picture is from NSW Waterways handbook, referring to Surf Zones.

The following is cut and paste from book

"A designated swimming area in a surf zone is defined as the area extending 500 metres out from shore between surf patrol flags or signs.

In all other areas a swimming area is defined as the area extending 60 metres out from shore between signs for swimmers.

A vessel must not be operated in these zones or within 60 metres either side of the flags or signs marking such zones unless it is a vessel operated by Surf Life Saving NSW or Council lifeguards."

Now if Kite surfers follow this the Life Guards don't need to bother us, pretty simple.

Only thing I would add is don't crash on the up wind side of a flagged area and get washed / dragged through the surf zone. (quickest way to get the life guards p####d off.

Hey Float and others.
I offen wonder if a Sign at Nobby's (where most kiters walk past) displaying the do's and dont's would help ?
Using the K.I.S.S theory, a few words in English and Pictures (for non English Euro's)

Ps, did you hear the rumour that 2hour parking meters will be installed in all the car parks spaces at Nobby's, they say they will start at 6am till midnight ??????

Yep good idea and this has been discussed previously with the beach co ordinator at the time and Smaithy .the current course was adopted and it usually works well .Perhaps it could be revisited though

WA, 71 posts
22 Jan 2011 11:29AM
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Lovely said...
Its wicked seeing the different wicked vans, when its not flooding.

the "wicked" vans are so much fun, seen one at Augusta that said " what do you call breasts without nipples .......... pointless "

the gaz
WA, 172 posts
22 Jan 2011 1:34PM
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On that topic, I saw one that said, how do you make a kilo of fat attractive?

Put a nipple on it. boom boom.

VIC, 68 posts
23 Jan 2011 1:50PM
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lotofwind said...

^^^^^Its the kiwis that are the problem.
They wont shear their sheep with anyone.

Anyway,, Im off to the pub in my jandels(flip flops) to get a sex pack and ice for my chillie bin.We are having a hungie tonight with all my cousie bros.
Choice bro, Where is the nearest centerlink bro????

Hey bro we treat em and you eat em!! But I can honestly see why kiwis are an issue, we take your jobs and root your girlfriends... cant say I would be impressed either!

NSW, 5780 posts
24 Jan 2011 1:02AM
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dude, sheep are all yours...

if we need scaffold

we'll call you

NSW, 5780 posts
24 Jan 2011 1:03AM
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1800 baa cousie bro


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Euro bashers" started by Mr float