Just moved to Exmouth and am wondering where the wave action might be when the wind kicks in on wednesday, Is it on at dunes? Ive surfed there a couple of times already and can see it working for kiting, where else is there, Im sure Ive seen pictures of a beach someone called graveyards but cant remember if that was here or not. Any info would be good and some people to kite with would be nice too ;-)
call in to the shop and I will give you some directions for graveyards as it's not a signed access. Dunes is pretty average for kiting in fact I have never had a decent sesh there. Up towards the wreck can be ok on a northerly though.
cheers mate, what time are you open, Im temporarily living at the lighthouse caravan park but will be in town tommorrow morning..
10am to 1pm monday to saturday. I know the hours are long but hey I am a workaholic. If you can't make it during those hours call me on 99494050 and if I am around I will open for you. By the way is there any wind south of the lighthouse this arvo
I was given the directions to Graveyards once....
drive till you see the termite mound then take the second left
But hey I found it
I found a place at Exmouth last year, sweet lefts and rights breaking off the reef in a decent swell. sorry cant tell you where, but if your game downwind during a decent swell, through the national park, outside the reef, you might find it. Its Epic, and no one rides there, I dont know why.
i can probably guess why.
last time i was there a 3m plus tiger shark was on the inside of the reef chasing fish. can only guess how big they are outside that reef...
Yo turtle have you kited the offshore break at yards, looked like the ozone clan rode it a couple of years ago.
6 weeks in and finally got my first session today,,Kited the eastely at Bundegi,,was pleasently suprised...will definately make more use of the easterlies in the future, stoked to get out on the small Reo for the fist time :-) has anyone ben out around here ecently? would be good to get some sessions in with other people, didnt even need a wetsuit :-)