fast. armoured. i like it. wouldn't mind trying some actual speed kitesurfing one day....
hheehehe i wanted just one person to "send it"..... just for the camera's
I just have to ask one question and it's one thing I aways see and it sh!ts me off so much, but I just gota ask.
who's the music by?
Don't you just hate it when some dickhe@d has to always ask that.
but a general video whinge. I get it that it's windy. Why do I need to see 90 seconds of bollocks scene setting shots.
I don't DO foreplay!
yeah i hate the couple of mins of intro wasting my band width for no aparent use.
action vids are like porn. nobody wants a story line. Just show the good bits!
ok you do need a few seconds of setting the scene.... but after that action please!.