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Forums > Kitesurfing General

False statement on Kiteforum about KBM

Created by KBM > 9 months ago, 24 Jul 2010
QLD, 223 posts
24 Jul 2010 11:27AM
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Saw this on kiteforum posted by someone called SUZE from australia
Post subject: Australian Kiteboarder Mag close to going underPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:31 am

This mag is close to folding

Falling sales and advertising revenue are hitting the bottom line. The internet and kiteboarding forums are making it hard for paper-based mags.

The mag attempted to reinvent itself 18 months ago by bringing back Bilsby Wilson, but the effort failed. Wilson was unable to restore circulation figures and advertising revenue - no big surprise really.

Just to set the record the straight - the mag is actually in the best shape ever -
Readership is still increasing made of of growing retail sales and subscribers reflecting the healthy growth of our sport. Our advertisers are stoked with the improvement in quality of the production - enough said. We aint going anywhere but UP!!!

I did a search on kiteforum to look at posts from this guy SUZE.
Almost all of his posts are about making nasty comments about Ben Wilson. It seems he has a personal vendetta against poor Ben.

If you know who this SUZE guy is pm us - our legal team is interested in writing him a little letter.

It is not ok to make untrue public comments like this.
thanks for your help.

WA, 893 posts
24 Jul 2010 9:44AM
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Good to hear i saw the post on kiteforum last night and was disappointed at the thought we were going to lose an aussie kiting publication.

I enjoyed the last issue

Keep up the good work

There are obviously worse trolls on kiting forums than disgruntled windsurfers

WA, 1917 posts
24 Jul 2010 12:56PM
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It's a great mag
Keep up the good work
Sounds like Suze is talking out of his ass

WA, 4263 posts
24 Jul 2010 8:31PM
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KBM said...

If you know who this SUZE guy is pm us - our legal team is interested in writing him a little letter.

Hello KBM,
I wouldn't trouble yourself too much about a boy named Suze.
If Johnny was still alive, he'd probably advise you to write some good magazine stories for a change ...
rather than spending our subscription money on an expensive legal team to hound down some forum junkie.

QLD, 5283 posts
24 Jul 2010 10:41PM
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of course kbm never printed anything contraversial.

boo hoo!

you guys could have replied with a reply like.

"your statement rolls like water off a ducks back"

WA, 365 posts
24 Jul 2010 9:33PM
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waveslave said...

KBM said...

If you know who this SUZE guy is pm us - our legal team is interested in writing him a little letter.

Hello KBM,
I wouldn't trouble yourself too much about a boy named Suze.
If Johnny was still alive, he'd probably advise you to write some good magazine stories for a change ...
rather than spending our subscription money on an expensive legal team to hound down some forum junkie.

What, like You

WA, 5355 posts
24 Jul 2010 10:22PM
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Yeah, what Greenie said sounds like something weird is going on, because the old KBM would have had a laugh at that and then wrote some entertaining article full of complete bull****. Just what you need in a mag.

p.s. I heard "Suze" is actually Sir ROWDY get the lawyers on his ass so they can clean liquidate all this crap awesome stuff he has lying around the place.

WA, 4263 posts
25 Jul 2010 5:56PM
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Select to expand quote
KBM said...

I did a search on kiteforum to look at posts from this guy SUZE.
Almost all of his posts are about making nasty comments about Ben Wilson.

Suze = Ben Wilson

NSW, 86 posts
25 Jul 2010 9:16PM
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waveslave said...

Select to expand quote
KBM said...

I did a search on kiteforum to look at posts from this guy SUZE.
Almost all of his posts are about making nasty comments about Ben Wilson.

Suze = Ben Wilson

geez now thats a wacky conspiracy theory

WA, 239 posts
25 Jul 2010 7:50PM
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Rowdy may be suze????

Sir Rowdy = Assmaster for sure, thats a fact.

WA, 42 posts
25 Jul 2010 8:50PM
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jarvo said...

waveslave said...

Select to expand quote
KBM said...

I did a search on kiteforum to look at posts from this guy SUZE.
Almost all of his posts are about making nasty comments about Ben Wilson.

Suze = Ben Wilson

geez now thats a wacky conspiracy theory

Not really when you consider waveslave=wacky

WA, 5355 posts
25 Jul 2010 9:25PM
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If there is a completely out of control forum lurker on any forum anywhere, there is a fair chance it is me. What forum rabble don't trent like?

NSW, 4188 posts
25 Jul 2010 11:29PM
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Shamelessly stolen from somewhere else on the interwebs, but I thought it was appropriate:

Troll Rhapsody

Is that a real post?
This must be just fantasy.
Caught in a thread flood
No escape from the trolling spree

Open your browser
The trolls getting louder, please

I'm just a poor troll (Poor troll),
I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
Little high, little low
Any way the thread goes
Doesn't really matter to me, to me.

Mama, just killed a thread
Posted a picture of Hitler's Head
Godwined it and now it's dead
Mama, the thread had just begun
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
Mama, ooh
I want to make it die
If it's not locked tight by this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters

Too late, this thread is done
Sends electrons down my line
Brain is aching all the time
Goodbye, everybody
The thread has got to go
The troll will leave you all behind 'cuz it's a douche
Mama, oooooooh (Anyway the thread goes)
This thread don't wanna die
Sometimes wish it'd never been born at all

[Guitar Solo]

I see a little silhouetto of a troll
Meta-whoosh, Meta-whoosh, he didn't get it at all
Politics, Religion, can't believe I fed him! Sheesh!
(Hitler Stalin) Obama Palin (Global Warming) I'm Just Sayin', Do not feed the little troll!
I'm just a poor troll nobody loves me
He's just a poor troll check his facebook page and see
He's made this thread into another travesty

Easy come, easy go, will you let me troll?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you troll
Let him troll
Bismillah! We will not let you troll
Let him troll
Bismillah! We will not let you troll
Let me troll (Will not let you troll)
Let me troll (Will not let you troll) (Never, never, never, never)
Let me troll, o, o, o, o
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
(Oh mama mia, mama mia) Mama Mia, let me troll
The Sysadmin has a banning put aside for me, for me, for me!

So you think you can troll me and spit in my eye
So you think you can troll me and leave me to die
Oh, douchebag, can't do this to me, douchebag
You just get out, just gotta get right outta here

[Guitar Solo]
(Oooh yeah, Oooh yeah)

Trolls don't really matter
Anyone can see
Trolls don't really matter
Trolls don't really matter to me

Any way the thread goes...

WA, 5355 posts
25 Jul 2010 9:31PM
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hahaha, I just sung that. I think it could be my theme tune.

WA, 3489 posts
26 Jul 2010 1:06AM
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^^ Ha ha good one Freddy galah.

WA, 1917 posts
26 Jul 2010 2:20PM
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sir ROWDY said...

p.s. I heard "Suze" is actually Sir ROWDY get the lawyers on his ass so they can clean liquidate all this crap awesome stuff he has lying around the place.

legal team on their way
the lady in yellow is coming to get you and beat you then the guy in the pink....... well .....maybe an organ removal or cavity search...


WA, 2940 posts
26 Jul 2010 2:43PM
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hahaha lol at the crows supporter .

WA, 5355 posts
26 Jul 2010 3:06PM
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Well at least someone is comming to do something around here.

QLD, 2776 posts
26 Jul 2010 5:40PM
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dusta said...

hahaha lol at the crows supporter .

he can't be a true crows supporter- i can see at least one tooth in his mouth and he's wearing shoes with laces

WA, 2940 posts
26 Jul 2010 4:10PM
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stamp said...

dusta said...

hahaha lol at the crows supporter .

he can't be a true crows supporter- i can see at least one tooth in his mouth and he's wearing shoes with laces

you are getting confused with a Port supporter , that is what you are thinking of .

WA, 8 posts
28 Jul 2010 5:34AM
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looks like this suze is a female.. and an angry one at that

page 11

WA, 8 posts
28 Jul 2010 5:35AM
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Post subject: Re: Don't mess with this Kitegirl !!! Unbelieveable story!
PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:14 pm
Rare Poster

Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 1:44 pm
Posts: 26
Location: Australia
As a girl - yeh, I know, with attitude, I have a lot of sympathy for other female kiters, particularly if they are fairly "good looking."

There is something about kitesurfing that attracts a really high number of w*nkers and try-hard losers; a lot more, say, than football. Don't know why it's like that - maybe because it is so easy compared to other sports and you don't have to be fit or strong to do it. Anyway, in my experience, there are a lot of creeps and weirdos in this sport.

There are all sorts of ways we get hassled: Staring, people trying to start conversations with you when you are rushing to get out on the water, guys talking to you when you just want to be left alone, guys riding near you just to be close to you. After a while it gets really frustrating and upsetting.

I can imagine if some creepy old guy was riding deliberately close to me or trying to talk to me or making intense eye contact with me, I could easily snap, maybe just tell him to f*** off. And then if he tried to come over and talk to me again after that, I could easily get REALLY MAD and loop his kite. Very easy to imagine.


QLD, 3666 posts
28 Jul 2010 11:01AM
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Im not sure what's worse for the image of a magazine, someone starting rumours on a foreign website, or KGM threatening legal action on an Australian website.

Move on guys, you run a great magazine. No one cares about Suze and his/her games.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"False statement on Kiteforum about KBM" started by KBM