RIP trusty friend.
Cause of death - Catastrophic dermal failure leading to drowning and electric shock until dead.
the Coronial inquest showed that Aquapacs have a use by date of about a year.
Ahh Boooo Hoooo
Haa too much Chit Chat
not enough balls to the wall kiteing
serves you right kite geek
P.s ever thought about an Aqua pack for your car - then your phone will be safe while you carry that around
just got back from holidays at Double Island point and read this...
scared the $#@! out of me ya scumbag
glad its just your iphone heading to passage with the zephyr now ohhh yeah!
hey been through numerous phones myself...both aquapacs and paquas. Have come up solution that hasn't failed in several years. I use an aquapac that fits my phone and then i put it inside a paqua (good arm strap) but you could acheive the same thing with two aquapacs - just used what I had
Whilst most of the waterproof pacs work great they do let go or take a bit in every now and then -esp if theres some sand in the mech or you take a real beating. by having two layers the odds of it getting in the first one and then into the second are much much less.
the new improved paquas are a good product. but I still reckon you cant beat an extra layer
RIP, but at least you have an excuse to by the new Iphone now
Why not just leave your phone in the car?
The amount of times that Mikes iPhone (RIP) has been used to call the lifeguard when some gumby has needed a rescue ......
Don't most instructors keep a phone with them during lessons??? Just as a safety backup alone...
Welcome to the club bruv!
mine failed drowing in the hot tub, but i don't suppose you'd have them up there hey?
2 hunj odd bucks will get you a replacement from your provider - apple have a "liquid ingression" clause in their warranties that lets you get a cheap one, once.
well thanks for all the support everyone- i was pretty bummed on the beach - i may have even lost it in a fiery red head kind of way - but i dont remember that.
Ive got a new plan and phone now - I needed a new plan update anyway.
ive heard from two people today that aquapac have a content insurance policy for failure - I guess that why they cost more. I should have a case cos it wasnt the seal that failed it was the actual skin. 3cm break along the corner.
anyway - if it comes off ill let yall know.
Apple have a no questions asked replacement fee of $250 for an iPhone.
One of my good mates accidentally had his go through the washing machine, *facepalm* and Apple replaced it no problems.
If you've already got a new phone on a new plan you could stand to profit from this problem. Pay your $250 for a new one, then sell it on FleaBay.