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Fiji "Safari Lodge"

Created by doppelganger > 9 months ago, 3 Sep 2006
VIC, 337 posts
3 Sep 2006 3:22PM
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"Oh yes", this subject again.

The last time the Fiji, Safari Lodge threads were raised on this forum I didn't have much to say,” I hadn't been there".

Well, I've just arrived back in Melbourne from a 2 week stay in Fiji (Safari Lodge) and I now do have something to say: To all those who basically slandered Safari Lodge in the past threads, not only were you misinformed, but I believe you have done a disservice to those that had decided not to holiday at Safari Lodge as a result of your posts. And to those who received a PM from people perpetrating to give you sage advise not to go to Safari, PM them back to say,” thanks d$ckheads, I missed out on a great trip.

Did I get "bang for bucks", yep?

Accommodation, Location, Staff, meals and the Kiting were great. Tourists from other resorts and backpackers on the Island that stopped in to Safari to hire equipment would comment on the vibe of Safari.

The Kiting: 12 kiting days out of 14, 11 km down winders, boat launches from reefs, kiting from the resort. You no it's good when, by the end of your stay your thinking,"sh$t I hope there's no wind tomorrow", cause you could do with a rest day.

I'd like to thank, Warren, Stef, staff and guests from Safari for a most memorabile trip.



Note: I'm not associated with Safari Lodge, Fiji in anyway. Just a guy who had a bl@@dy good trip.

382 posts
3 Sep 2006 1:30PM
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I'm glad to hear that fiji is good!

I'd like to go there, have they got a website?

whats the cost?

VIC, 337 posts
3 Sep 2006 3:55PM
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Gidday Tone,

The links below:

Price depends on what you want? From tents to villas, the prices should be on the web site, if not, theres an email.


VIC, 337 posts
3 Sep 2006 6:20PM
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I've just noticed the format change, I'm in Vic, not W.A

SA, 2884 posts
4 Sep 2006 8:11AM
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I'd like to add to Dopples commments by saying the other 3 days he didn't kite were due to him just not wanting to go out in 35kts. Or he was repairing the rabbit damage to his SB12.

I'd also like to thank the following punters for making this a fun trip.

Rob, Mel, Andrew (the Southern pom Pansies)
Nee, (northern Monkey)
Adriana (Spanish spak)
Colin (the rabbit)
Simon ( reef cuddler)
Liz, Mon, (kiwi Kuties)
Matisse, Helene (Frenchies)
Ryan (US ex navy flywieght)
Dusty, Dean (Californian and Canuck, can now kitespeak with the best)
Damian, (80kg exaussie hammock wrestling Damian 0 - Hammock 1)
Steve, (the rabbit catching, toeside kiting king)

also the 3 girl Kayakers from Geelong, had all the gos on Joel and his ex girlfriend.
Joel, be afraid be very afraid[}:)]

All the above contributed to the fun atmosphere to make this a very fun and enjoyable holiday.

Best Winds
Tony L

1 posts
10 Sep 2006 5:43PM
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Now now...Go easy on our cameraman! Steve was chomping at the bit to get teabagged from Ellington Wharf to the Safari Lodge backyard, I'm sure. That guy's got balls of bigg brass, man! Watch out.

My stay at Safari Lodge in Fiji was fahquing miraculous. I come from the Pacific Norwest coast of Washington and for the last two years I've been kiting in a 5-3 mil wetsuit. My tan line went from my wrist to the tips of my fingers and from the base of my neck to my forehead. The warm water kiting in Fiji was excellent. A bit gusty early in the day, but around 11:00 the wind clocked around, moved to a complete sea-breeze and smoothed out nicely.

As for the staff and owners, I have nothing but thanks to give. The accomodations were very comfortable, the food was great and the company was superb. Except for that one aussie bloke who kept shoving Bounty in my hand every morning as the sun was rising.

What a chore it was to wake up to palms blowing in the breeze, knowing a great session is in store and sipping coffee over breakfast of eggs, toast fresh fruit and cereals.

See ya next year!
Bula Fiji!

SA, 2884 posts
11 Sep 2006 9:21AM
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I'm sure it was you, Ryan, that set the record by passing the Bounty can over Steve's shoulder at 8:15am.

Still I'm sure he had the last laugh plucking that 3hr Sat morn session while you were enroute to Airport.

VIC, 337 posts
12 Sep 2006 12:44AM
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MMMmmmmm, BOUNTY (said with Homer Simpson drawl), "and yes", "thankyou Tony, it was all Ryan's fault, a bad influence indeed"[}:)]."Ninjafish aye", suitable username after some of the moves you were pulling off, I'll send you a DVD when it's edited.

Bring on Fiji 2007, Wind, Bounty Rum, Karva.


SA, 2884 posts
12 Sep 2006 5:26PM
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Here's a couple of pics of us trying to survive the hardship

kite gal
3 posts
14 Sep 2006 3:38PM
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Here's one more kudos to Safari Lodge for being one of the best adventure vacations I've ever been on.

I went from zero experience to driving my edge hard to go upwind, turn and look like a half way decent kiter in a week or so.

I've got only positive things to say about Safari Lodge, Warren the owner/instructor, the food, the atmosphere, etc, etc.

It's impossible to not have a great time... I guess if you're a total cheap skate who likes to skip out on bills or a total lazy ass who doesn't have the motivation to pick up a new water sport... this place was so much fun.

Wind was blowing about 15 knots most days.. had a few light days, but we went wake boarding, kayaking and wind surfing on the days we didnt' have enough wind to kite.

Kudos to Warren and his team for successfully packing his adventure resort with awesome people!

SA, 2884 posts
14 Sep 2006 5:56PM
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Go Girl

But I bet we had more fun than you

QLD, 85 posts
15 Sep 2006 1:26PM
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Sorry I didn't make it with you guys.

Don't you hate it when work get in the way of fun.

still my few days there were fun, going as a group seems better both for cost and friendwise. half my days there I was the only kiter so the support boat charge was an unexpected hit in the pocket.

I knew it was a factor but my brain was thinking of Tony's group deal which now looks a way more better deal. Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with the above comments and the place is spectacular.

I can't wait till next time, and if the boss gets in the road again it will be time for a new boss.

And when is this Sandy point week?
Who has been to one and what was it like?


VIC, 337 posts
16 Sep 2006 3:13AM
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"Yo" Freed, teach your boss to kite, then again "DONT", when the winds up, you'll have to look after things while they kite.

I can understand where your coming from, when your kiting at a local spot, it's nice to have a blast by yourself without any traffic once and a while, But, places like Fiji, especially with massive down winders, support boat's and all that open space, you just wanna share the experience. For me, putting aside the great accommodation and meals ECT, the main buzz was the eclectic mix of people.
All the kiters that were there this year are going to try and hook up their next year, the Oz Crew, and kiters from America, UK and Spain.

Out of interest, what’s the cost for the support boat if your not there with the package deal.

I spent a week at Sandy Point in February and will be going for another week this February. The accommodation, meals and people are great.


SA, 2884 posts
18 Sep 2006 7:29AM
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Hey Guys,

Sandy point is great, and the food is fantastic (cause sheryl's the cook).

Helps to have port Franklin 25mins away for fresh fish off the wharf.

It's $130 per person per day, which also includes Transfers from Tullamarine for those flying in and staying the week.

There is always a pile of demo kites to play with as well.

Doppleganger, How's the DVD going?
Did you get your harness and video cables back yet?
Support boat rates can be upto 85$per day I think, based on how many to share the cost of fuel, and driver.

Any way we have to be booking the house pretty much now for Sandy point and need to know more accurate numbers if we are to get a 2nd house.

Also those wanting to go to fiji next year, we are negotiating the same package but for those booking now we are trying to lock this years price in for next year.

Best Winds
Tony L

QLD, 85 posts
18 Sep 2006 6:19PM
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What dates in febuary???
when doppleganger says the food is great, just how great????

The support boat charge in Fiji was $210 but over 4 days some days were better cause there were some others to share cost.

But you would be crazy to not use it. especially kiters like me who still worry about all the closeness of trees and reefs.

How did you guys go with the boat launches. 2 times I stuffed up and had crossed lines.


QLD, 85 posts
18 Sep 2006 6:32PM
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Did doppleganger go to Fiji and the Cocos?????

What a life!


VIC, 337 posts
19 Sep 2006 12:30AM
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Hi all,

Tony: I'm waitng for still pictures to incorporate in the dvd. I haven't got the harness ect as yet, I believe the people that were bringing them back to oz were going to NZ first.(?)

Freed: The boat's well worth it, dont get Tony going about the boat launches though. We were given instuctions before we went out for our first one. We were supposed to out to the sandy area near Dolphin island, (where you can stand) and launch. It didn't look far enough out, so we instucted the driver to keep going,and going, and going, way out. Once out there, we relized the driver was unfimilair with deep water boat launches. We figured it out, but one of the guy's ended up around the other side of the island.
We had our fair share of crossed lines.

We came in from a downwinder on one day in the darkness,it was bl@@dy funny. A kiter from the UK had lost his presciption glasses and had to follow directly behind the boat( bright yellow) because he couldn't see anything else. One of the non kiting American tourists had just arrived on the island as we were comming in and decribed how amazing it looked, the kites comming out of the darkness.

Sandy Point: The food is fantastic, it's a real hard life when you've been out kiting for the day, return to the house, have a shower and there's pre-dinner ordorves waiting for you on the coffee table.


SA, 2884 posts
19 Sep 2006 6:52AM
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Boat Launches go real well, when kiters follow the set procedure.

Late on our 2nd day there after coming back from a Sandy flats to Nananu Bpackers downwinder, we decided to do a short blast in the bay in front of Safari lodge.

Those who needed a bit more upwind ability, where INSTRUCTED to get in the boat and go over to Dolphin Is. to launch in the waist deep water. When I got there.
I was kiting up to the launch area.
Half way there, the wind drops and I have to go back.
Sensible kiters would see this happen and think, "Oh! the wind is gone, we should go back."

But NO! Instead they say to each other, " lets take the boat out to deep water and launch." Do they ask if anyone on board knows what to do. NO.

By some miracle they get launched. They also had fun doing the walk of shame. and one the 'boat rescue from landing at the wrong beach' shame.

And students expect sympathy. That costs extra boys.

SA, 2884 posts
30 Sep 2006 9:55AM
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Some more pics hey Steve.

Where's the Rest?

QLD, 1674 posts
30 Sep 2006 1:17PM
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Cant stop holding from responding when I keep seeing this topic appear over and over again. While it seems many have had great experience, I know of a few including myself who did not have a good one and would never recommend anyone joining their tours/packages. In fact only less than a month ago I heard the same bad experience from a few guys who went from Queensland. Far too money oriented, $5 a small bottle of water..... I suppose some wouldnt mind paying for that, but I do.

SA, 2884 posts
30 Sep 2006 2:43PM
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Originally posted by padi


While it seems many have had great experience, I know of a few including myself who did not have a good one ... $5 a small bottle of water..... I suppose some wouldnt mind paying for that, but I do.

You didn't have a good time. Diddums. WE DID
At one meal that was 20 guests HAVING A GOOD TIME.

Fiji Bitter stubbies $2.50fj soft drink included in package.
Accomodation is the best on the Island.
Also included in our package were outer reef snorkelling, outer reef fishing and wakeboard session. (as no wind activities).

But we had 15 days there and 15days of wind.

So Padi, tell us where you're going next, we'll go after and have your share of the fun.

VIC, 337 posts
30 Sep 2006 7:24PM
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Select to expand quote
I know of a few including myself who did not have a good one and would never recommend anyone joining their tours/packages.[/quote]

You weren’t on our tour/package, so how can you recommend or not recommend it, for Christ sake, all you can come up with is:

Far too money oriented, $5 a small bottle of water... I suppose some wouldn’t mind paying for that, but I do.

Ral Inn organised the tour/package and all those who participated were aware (via Tony) of the price for extra's before arriving and planned according ling beforehand, after all, it is an island. There was free (chilled) cordial for the asking and the beer and rum were cheaper than the backpackers.

The only compliant I heard whilst there was a couple comenting:"Oh, we didn't realize this place was so Water Sports orientated"

“Oh, I've got a few complaints myself,

Change the flavour of the cordial sometimes.
Mosquitos, to many
Jim bean instead of bounty Rum
More karva nights

At the end of the day, with all the sh$t and corruption going on in the world, if these were the least of my problems, "it's a fkn good day, aye".

I cant comment on other places in Fiji, but, if you want pool side service and the rest, don’t stay at Safari Lodge. Several other guest's that I spoke to, had stayed at some mainstream resorts in Fiji and had seen flyers for Safari and ended up there and were happier for it.

Most holidays/trips are all about what you make of it. We had wind (lots of it) whilst at Safari, If the wind hadn't of put it on, I don't think it would have made that much of a difference, mainly because of the state of mind and positive outlook of our crew and the eclectic group of guests that stayed.

Having just written the above, if there had have been no wind for 2 weeks, I probably would have sh$t canned the place, sorry Warren, it's a kiter thing: Realism doesn't come into it.

Kiter theorem: No Wind = Hell, Wind = Heaven


QLD, 1674 posts
30 Sep 2006 8:46PM
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For your info I was on a 2 weeks package so i was speaking from personal experience. In fact I stayed on at the local back packers as well as the 5 star resort for another 2 weeks after, just to experience both worlds. Got to know many locals too. That was when I found out how much the locals were paid and how much we were charged whilst on the package. That was what cheezed me off most. Different if the money went back to the locals for giving us a great time. We were also raided by the local police, fully armed. The business was reported by the locals that they did not have a licence to operate. We were told to lie and say we never paid anything to be there and we are just friends all meeting up for a holiday. I believe anyone who has been on the tour is fully aware even to date how many (or few) friends the business has on the island. Doesnt that sound odd? And the list goes on. And yea, the wind was **** too, thats probably why the whole trip stunk even more lol! At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Those who had a great time, I envy them and glad to hear they enjoyed themselves. Just I think it is also fair for the negative to be heard as well so people are aware it is not as perfect as all made it sound.

Originally posted by doppelganger

Select to expand quote
I know of a few including myself who did not have a good one and would never recommend anyone joining their tours/packages.[/quote]

You weren’t on our tour/package, so how can you recommend or not recommend it, for Christ sake, all you can come up with is:

Far too money oriented, $5 a small bottle of water... I suppose some wouldn’t mind paying for that, but I do.

Ral Inn organised the tour/package and all those who participated were aware (via Tony) of the price for extra's before arriving and planned according ling beforehand, after all, it is an island. There was free (chilled) cordial for the asking and the beer and rum were cheaper than the backpackers.

The only compliant I heard whilst there was a couple comenting:"Oh, we didn't realize this place was so Water Sports orientated"

“Oh, I've got a few complaints myself,

Change the flavour of the cordial sometimes.
Mosquitos, to many
Jim bean instead of bounty Rum
More karva nights

At the end of the day, with all the sh$t and corruption going on in the world, if these were the least of my problems, "it's a fkn good day, aye".

I cant comment on other places in Fiji, but, if you want pool side service and the rest, don’t stay at Safari Lodge. Several other guest's that I spoke to, had stayed at some mainstream resorts in Fiji and had seen flyers for Safari and ended up there and were happier for it.

Most holidays/trips are all about what you make of it. We had wind (lots of it) whilst at Safari, If the wind hadn't of put it on, I don't think it would have made that much of a difference, mainly because of the state of mind and positive outlook of our crew and the eclectic group of guests that stayed.

Having just written the above, if there had have been no wind for 2 weeks, I probably would have sh$t canned the place, sorry Warren, it's a kiter thing: Realism doesn't come into it.

Kiter theorem: No Wind = Hell, Wind = Heaven


QLD, 5283 posts
30 Sep 2006 11:04PM
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you guys should learn how to fish or something.
if your holiday is reliant on wind alone then your holidays will often be a pile of the proverbial!
buy a snorkel, a paddle, anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VIC, 337 posts
1 Oct 2006 8:34PM
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The snorkelling was great, we wont mention the canoeing, who took the last two paddle's TONY?."That's all right", next year, "The paddle revenge".

One thing I noticed when reef snorkelling in Fiji was the lack of sharks, didn't see a single one. If ya read this Warren, sharks next year mate, just a couple of reefies would be nice.

Padi, it's unfortunate the you had a bad trip, Warren employs a lot of staff and they earn a lot more than they would with other alternative employment in Fiji, i.e.: main labour force (cane fields). Go in the fields and see the back braking work they do, ask the road side vendor's how much there making from selling there grass broom's and fish. Fiji might as well fall into the third world category, go there, have a good time, but don’t try and analyse things. "Life’s just to bl@@dy short buddy".
In an indirect way, the money is going back to the Fijian’s as Safari expands, more staff et.

I hope you got some picks when the police raided, would have made great conversation pick's.

Warren: add, “police raid” to “sharks request”, "ta"

VIC, 337 posts
3 Oct 2006 12:03AM
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Padi: How long ago did you stay at Safari Lodge?

WA, 90 posts
2 Oct 2006 11:19PM
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like a bunch of school kids

SA, 2884 posts
3 Oct 2006 6:20AM
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Hey Dopple, best leave PADI alone. He actually stayed at Morrisons way back when.

Thanks for keeping the thread fresh Padi.

However it is just a thread about a wonderful group who had a fun time and want to share those positive thoughts, lets just keep those positive thoughts happening.

Best Winds
Tony L

VIC, 337 posts
4 Oct 2006 12:22AM
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Ignore the thread shooterMcgavin, too easy.

The place and circumstances that Padi is referring to, is not Safari Lodge and was not the package deal we were on, he probably did have a sh&t of a time where he stayed.

Anyhow, I'll be going back next year and if anyone is thinking of going to Safari lodge Fiji next year and want to hook up with a good crew, send us a PM if you'd like any informed info.

Heres a unbiased account of a recent guest's stay at Safari Lodge from there blog, you'll have to scroll down to the Fiji section about half way.

Well, time for bed, school tomorrow

kite gal
3 posts
5 Oct 2006 12:11PM
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I'm the girl who wrote the blog... feel free to write me if you have questions.


can't wait to get back there.

SA, 2884 posts
5 Oct 2006 4:36PM
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So Tracy! can you teach doppleganger about the video download stuff.

By the way I'm the kiter you nearly run over in the boat when you guys first arrived and were heading out.

it was Dopple and I that were eiking out the last few hours of kiting before going home.

It's a wonderful world where you get to kite a wicked 3hr session on a remote Island in Fiji in the morning, and be sleeping in your own bed in Central Victoria that night.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Fiji "Safari Lodge"" started by doppelganger