Forums > Kitesurfing General

Fiji or Cook Islands

Created by BoardGirl > 9 months ago, 30 Apr 2012
QLD, 248 posts
30 Apr 2012 2:42PM
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Hi All,

Before you jump on my back, I have used the search function and have read all the threads related to this, however as I am a relative newbie I would like to know which is a better location for a winter holiday.

Any advice re which is the better location for a beginner would be great.


VIC, 641 posts
30 Apr 2012 3:54PM
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When you say the Cook's I assume you are talking about Aitutaki. I've done both, Fiji in 2010 and Aitutaki last year and I'm returning back to Aitutaki this year. IMO they are two different places that offer a kiting experience but it's hard to compare them. Fiji is a lot bigger than both Aitutaki & Rarotonga and probaly offers more accommodations options.

I stayed and Kited around Nananu-l-Ra Resort in Fiji and enjoyed it as my first island kiting trip but I prefer the kiting spots in Aitutaki. If you are comparing these two then IMO the Aitutaki kiting areas around Honeymoon Island & 1 Foot Island are better for flat water kiting and suit most wind directions.

It is just one huge lagoon with a large amount of flat water thats waist deep and for the most has a sandy bottom.

Honeymoon ls has a great little hut on it so as you can come in land your kite and have something to drink, grab fresh fish of the BBQ or jump in a hammock for a rest before heading back out for another kite.

A lot of the better kiting/flatter water in Fiji is done out on the outer reefs and requires you to launch you kite from the boat which is not hard if your lines are set up correctly, get that wrong and your stuck sitting in the boat while everyone else is out kiting.

I found that Aitutaki had More options for a drink or a meal, from beach huts serving fresh seafood right up to 5 star restaurants and I wasn't tied into the one place and the same group of people each night.

On Aitutaki you have mopeds to get around on the island.

Both places have great trade winds

The Cooks will cost you more and things like boat transfers are not included in the costs but its still not that expensive.

At the end of the day they both offer a kiting experience in warm water and trade winds while the rest of us sit here in the cold. PM if you want more details

VIC, 292 posts
1 May 2012 12:24AM
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Where did you stay in the cook islands and how much was your budget... Flights and accom


QLD, 248 posts
1 May 2012 4:36PM
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Thanks for the comprehensive coverage and awesome photos.

I have personally holiday'd in both locations but have never sailed in either of them so this was the information I was chasing.

VIC, 641 posts
1 May 2012 6:47PM
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HappyG said...

Where did you stay in the cook islands and how much was your budget... Flights and accom


Stay at Inano Beach Lodge and the trip cost around $2100 for 10 nights accom, return airfares from Melb & scooter hire. Add on to that about $25 dollars a day for the boat transfer to the outer Islands for kiting, this includes use of the shade house, lunch, water etc

1 posts
5 May 2012 12:32AM
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Hi there,

nice forum... Just joined. I'm an experienced kiter from Italy and never post on this forum... quite far from here :)

I'm planning to spend my honeymoon in Aitutaki in September, and hope to meet anyone from this forum as well.

I've a question: do you know if there are any restriction on the Air Rarotonga flights from Raro to Aitutaki to bring our twin tips?

Thanks a lot for your help

VIC, 641 posts
5 May 2012 8:03AM
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I didn't have any problems taking a TT on the flight to Aitutaki, some times if the plane is full of kiters and kite bags then some of the bags need to come over on a later flight, i think there is 4 or 5 flights a day

75 posts
5 May 2012 10:33AM
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There's a bit of info on our site
that folks might find of use if planning to go...other stuff about the island and things to do

and we still have some space in august...
NZdollar pricing

Go, you'll enjoy it!

VIC, 197 posts
5 May 2012 1:48PM
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Great pics and advice WHAT about surf kiting ???? thanks

VIC, 641 posts
5 May 2012 5:42PM
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No surf kiting that I know off, heaps of swell on the outer side of the lagoon but it breaks on to an almost dry reef

VIC, 197 posts
5 May 2012 7:01PM
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Thanks Deanrobi Bum'er Looks good size waves

QLD, 593 posts
8 May 2012 9:54PM
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The waves look massive. Surely on smaller swells and higher tides Surfkiting would be more than doable?

Great photos.

Deanrobi, m8 when you were in Fiji did you Kite surf some waves there?


NSW, 1637 posts
8 May 2012 10:03PM
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The waves in the Cooks come hard and fast. Size only makes it more extreme. Even when it is smaller, the reef is still there, only breaking in shallower waters. There are lots of good waves in the Cooks, but I can't think of one I would like to kite. I would think that Fiji has better options with deeper water and bigger channels. I haven't scouted all the Cooks, it is a mighty big area, could be something out there. I do love the islands and it's people!

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
8 May 2012 10:42PM
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deanrobi said...

Love that bar - double long island ice tea

QLD, 699 posts
9 May 2012 10:30PM
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I am dreaming of going to Cook island one of these years. However, i have been to Samoa on a surfing safari and the waves in those pictures above are very similar to the waves I surfed - 10foot freight trains and definetely not for the faint hearted or inexperienced. As mentioned they suck up water off the reef and expose it, so it's surfing for those that can do quick stand ups, bottom turns and stick to the lip as much as possible. If you get wiped your life is in the laps of the Gods.

NSW, 561 posts
12 May 2012 9:35PM
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Just got back from Fiji yesterday (11 days) We had 10 in our group, some very experienced surfers, some not but all experienced wave kiters. We stayed at Sonaisali near Nadi for half the trip and on Mana island for the other half and I reckon I spent about $2500 all up including flights, accom, extra baggage, resort food and booze, plus chartered a boat and transport thru Fiji Surf Co. The whole shebang was organized by Stu from Kite Muddies at Old Bar.
We were lucky to jag a big swell and wind in the first week, kiting Cloudbreak and Namotu lefts, with the surfers scoring perfect barreling Clouds, Swimming Pools & Restaurants. One memorable day was watching a bald-headed bloke shredding 10 foot Cloudbreak. Only Slater himself!
We didnt have to boat launch as our boat driver knew of a sandbar about 3km north of Cloudbreak that we could downwind from. The boat trip from both Sonaisali and Mana was about 8 km. Overall I think we kited 6 times? So a bit better than 50%.
Plantation and Malolo islands were closer to the wave action but not sure of the prices of accom etc. there. Mana had good flat water oPtions with a sandbar nearby and kiting in a few wind directions possible. The all time spots to stay are Namotu (paradise on earth!) and Tavarua (didnt go there but apparently excellent, but exxy) for waves.
One thing to watch out for are reef cuts... A fairly innocent looking scrape on my leg turned septic in a week and I spent the day today getting wound dressed and drained. A cocktail of antibiotics to take too
Have an awesome trip wherever u choose... and pack your booties


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Fiji or Cook Islands" started by BoardGirl