Forums > Kitesurfing General

First winter wave comp ran......sort of....

Created by coreyb > 9 months ago, 23 May 2010
WA, 463 posts
23 May 2010 5:06PM
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The name says a lot. Gusty frontal winds made conditions very difficult but the head high waves made us try and put something on.

No one took control so it was very informal. One lot of guys watched and judged before they went out, then the other guys stayed on the beach watching until a rain squall sent us running for the cars.

We didnt come up with a definate winner as yet, we could get a result if everyone watching puts there thoughts on here.

Personally I didnt have a problem calling between strapped and strapless. Everyone was having a hard time. I think to get a solid result giving each wave a score and then taking the best 2 or 3 waves would work the best. Problem is getting the people to sit out in the cold and judge like that.

I score the heat I watched as follows....Ryland and Will take top spots. Carl close behind then Russ, Oz, Gary and a few others who I found hard to seperate.

Ry only made one big hit that I saw, he fell off a lot. The one he made though sticks in my mind. It was a solid overhead closeout. He rode out of it smooth when by all rights it shouldnt be possible to land it.

Will didnt get many either, but he did two huge ollies and I think they look the goods.

Carl was consistant, but for my critical eye didnt do any major stand out moves.

The other guys were hard to tell apart as I said which is why scoring would help.
The strapless guys seemed to do smoother turns, but soft. The strapped guys hit harder, but the turn was ended by a rip down the line.

I must make a special mention for Oz who not only rode the waves, but threw in some entertainment along the way. Boosting and throwing in transitions makes it a bit better to watch.

From what I was told from the first heat, in no particluar order, Carl, Myself and the guy on the Generator (sorry I forgot your name) took the honours.

Im not sure if anyone sat through both heats and can make a call on an overall winner.....

NSW, 609 posts
23 May 2010 9:27PM
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Cred to you corey for even trying to come up with something I found the conditions very challenging eg very gusty with a huge strength variation and yuck direction, loaded one minuite and scratching the next

In my opinion from what i saw i saw brown airush generator old mate (sorry dont know your name) do some very nice controlled wacks as did yourself Ry's hit as you mention was sweet

Definately one of those days that suits a strapped rider well powered up to do the proper hit...

WA, 4263 posts
23 May 2010 8:28PM
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coreyb said...

No one took control so it was very informal.

We didnt come up with a definate winner as yet, we could get a result if everyone watching puts there thoughts on here.

You contest-heads need to decide if you want to run real comps ...
or just want to create instant crowds at the local wavekiting spots.
Trying to establish a fair competition result with vague post-mortems and loose consensus,
all well after the event,
all via the seabreeze internet game-show,
just makes it look like a meaningless popularity contest.

You guys need to give WAKSA a call.

2 posts
23 May 2010 9:34PM
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waveslaves said...
waksa...... leashes...,
strapless ... patent pending,
seabreeze gameshow

2 competitions,
can't compare strapped in gnarly airs with those floundering around strapless.
upwind barrels, froth.

WA, 1916 posts
24 May 2010 10:07AM
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WA, 491 posts
24 May 2010 10:38AM
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Well the comp did run in a loose assortment of two heats, the best we could do with a late call.

I rate it a success as a good crew where down there at approx the same time and we where treated to some nice waves with some good wind.

Next time there will be more stucture and a long as we luck some conditions it will be well worth it.

The video above to document the conditions is fantastic.

I would like to put a request to someone to volunteer to video the next winter surf comp.

This way we can make the judgement call on the day, and then show the seabreeze crew to get their verdict as well.

WA, 1916 posts
24 May 2010 11:16AM
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sorry about the quality of this one, lost concentration there

QLD, 4083 posts
24 May 2010 5:42PM
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You guys could have a rematch this Sunday going by the current forecast.

QLD, 7 posts
24 May 2010 6:01PM
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Corey I think your wrap up was pretty accurate... I'd give the overall to Ry.

We do have some more formal wave comps planned for June/July- watch this space!

William Phillips
WA, 50 posts
28 May 2010 8:01PM
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Thanks Corey, I guess I owe you a few beers, ha ha. I spoke to the guy with the brown airush generator and he was unaware that a contest was even on.
As I arrived late I'm more than happy to do the filming next time. Well done Corey, I think you were the stand out .


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"First winter wave comp ran......sort of...." started by coreyb