I did a search in Facebook and found a great page for Flying Objects..
Check it out here www.facebook.com/pages/Flying-Objects/31651239402
If you become a "Fan" you can then upload your own photos, video and join in the discussion groups..
There is also a Flying Objects "Group" www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=45455675852
Nice one. I'll be sure to add Flying Objects Man to them, he's been on facebook for a while now with his own page and group.
15,880 Flying Objects adverts with logo all targeting existing kitesurfers and windsurfers and the number is growing every hour.
Do a search for Flying Objects in Facebook and it comes up in the top two results. Not bad considering there are 159 results for the term "Flying Objects"
If you don't have a Facebook account then you can view the other Flying Objects page here www.facebook.com/pages/Flying-Objects/31651239402
If you do have a Facebook login then join the Flying Objects group here www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=45455675852
We currently have 63 members in the Flying Objects Group and 28 Fans in the Flying Objects Page totalling 91 people that have signed up in the past few days (this number is changing every hour) "Legal" Viral Marketing is one of the best ways to get a brand out ... If you consider that on average each member has 80 friends then 91 members x 80 friends = 7280 free Flying Objects adverts in facebook.. 7280 people may not have joined the group but they would have seen the Flying Objects logo when they log in to their facebook accounts.
But wait there's more. I posted links / logo to the Flying Objects pages on various water sports Facebook groups as listed below
575 members - Extreme Elements TV Facebook Group
1640 members -Tropical Paradise water sports Facebook Group
214 members - The Women of Kitesurfing Facebook Group
733 members - Kiteboarding is Life Facebook Group
3,068 members - Windsurfing. The greatest sport in the world Facebook Group
2,370 members - Kitesurfing Facebook Group
7,280 free Flying Objects adverts in Facebook through member signups
15,880 personal Flying Objects adverts and logo all targeting existing kitesurfers and windsurfers