Stumble across this classic whilst in the Kitesurfing Photo Gallery ... got any more?
"The Invisible Rider"
I seen this on the alva forum and replyed ( letter from board . LOST one rider cant find it anywhere please contact me if found )
This is the best clasic photo that i have ever seen cooooool . hope there is more like it out there .
Lol here's a few i found from the last few years on the KPQ computers... They all seem to be the same culprit lol
Not so ugly on the inside but the outside...ouch... you would be invisible as well if you could
Sorry mate, couldn't help myself. Way too easy of an opening not to take advantage of... and yes, before you say it, that would be the pot calling the kettle.....
Funny (see I told you no safety is a risk to your modesty!):
Serious (omg c kites in "surf" like that?!?!):
Not funny (bad hair day for a few weeks):
Ah piss off, this is an old trick I use when there's work to be done!!!
And it works, I strongly doubt you've ever seen me strike a blow
Keep it up and I'll go get some of your double chin collection, Marks muffin top and Freemans scorpion. That'll get you of my back for a while.....
Had another great kite today by the way
I know this is not strickly kiteboarding but it was at the Alva Awakening party on Saturday night. So what's this guy doing under his shirt? He's attempting to light a poi (fire stick) with metho and a lighter. Too much JB helps when making these decisions.
LOL its ok Rowdy - Robs rectified the situation with a pair of Black LF Ultras he scored for $50 on ebay...
Love the wave pic lol
Ha Ha Ha....clicked on refresh 3 times because I thought the pic hadnt loaded.
Ya got me
The invisible man didn't man didn't happen overnight you know, this is some of my earlier work...enjoy