Once again, may have been posted, I have gone back 5 pages and searched the forum for germans, but only came up with Euro bashing threads.
My question is who the hell taught them how to kite - check out the awesome hot launches they are running - especially the one immediately upwind of the service station!
Kitebuggying reinvented??
Two wheels at the front is a no-no, they will learn, and you don't need two people or a fancy f/g fairing with pink roll bars and fake exhausts. All I can say is WTF?
Why is it always the Germans coming up with this stuff?
Reminds me of the german guy that kited on a mountain board from adelaide to Northern Territory. At least he used a doona ;)
lol @ the beach jumping @ 18 seconds
- hop
- flail
- luff
Still, it does look like it could be fun (read fast) in the right conditions
just fuel to the euro bashing fire. don't they just deserve it?
kite darwin awards coming soon if they continue to launch like that.
Yeah, there are not many places in the world you can do it with a kite.
Surely a windsurfer sail would have been more practical.
The car went through Merimbula a week or so back. It has a wind turbine that recharges the battery in an attempt to generate kinetic energy. It aint working that flash though because they were last seen pushing it up the hill on the way out of town!