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GoPro Kiteboard mount

Created by CrashTestOZ > 9 months ago, 3 Oct 2013
QLD, 75 posts
3 Oct 2013 9:17PM
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How do you mount your GoPro on your kiteboard?

I designed this flat plate with symmetrical holes for mounting using the fin screws. My board screws are 38mm apart. I wonder if that is a standard now a days?

I haven't tested it yet but I feel confident. Any thoughts?

QLD, 139 posts
3 Oct 2013 9:45PM
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Provided you clean the board well before sticking them on, all you need is the sticky base and something to attach the safety cord to (sticky go pro cord attachment does the trick) the problem with mounting on the board is you tend to crack the housing where the tangs that insert into the black base begin. I have cracked 3 GP2 housings this way. Have not mounted the three on the board yet. They do cop a pounding on the board.

QLD, 799 posts
3 Oct 2013 9:47PM
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Looks awesome.........buuuut, the problem you will have (cos it happened to me 4 times before I gave up) is that there is a weak point in the plastic bracket just below the stainless bolt on the knuckle. This will break in choppy conditions. Just make sure that the safety leash is as secure as you can make it, good to see the floaty back attached

Also the POV from down on the board isn't that great IMO.......

Hate to put a downer on your project, but just letting you know my experiences........

Have fun!!

QLD, 1286 posts
3 Oct 2013 10:06PM
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Gilly is correct, we find them when the tide goes out!

We have been selling the Camrig mounts and people seem to have success with them.

QLD, 287 posts
3 Oct 2013 10:07PM
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Same thing happened to me too gilly. Turns out its from tightening the screw up to much andnit weakens the plastic. Expensive lesson

QLD, 75 posts
4 Oct 2013 8:27AM
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Gilly3 thanks for the heads up about the weak spot. I'm a beginner kiter so I will go slow while testing. I was concerned that the surfboard mounts would not stick to a board with a rough surface?

BrisKites that Camrig looks solid. I was looking for smothering that can be rotated on its axis to get diferent angles not only up-down.

Perhaps if I used the shorter clip mount? Would it still break at the housing mount? This one in the picture is the longer one.

NT, 2177 posts
4 Oct 2013 9:01AM
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... just to add a little more and to offer a semi-temporary solution, I found same as others, I would attempt to over tighten the screw and cracking the housing when hit with water, I kept tightening the screw in an attempt to stop it from flopping forward and filming just toes so I figured out a pretty simple idea.

So what I did was mount it on board with a base similar to yours only and I put loops either side of the camera then simply threw a length of old kite line over and over the camera, back and forth 5 or 6 times so its held down (lashed it down so to speak). I found this stops it from tilting forward even when board/camera is drilled with tones of white water.

Wrapping it up with a line and holding it down, allowed me not to over tighten the screw and with the added bonus the vibration is kept to a minimum. Since the board is relatively short, you can tilt it all the way back and you will end up in the middle of the screen.

Good luck and have fun.



QLD, 75 posts
4 Oct 2013 5:35PM
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Puetz thanks for the tip. I think thats where the BrizKites mount is better because it doesn't use the prong style mount, but can not be adjusted back.

12 posts
10 Oct 2013 3:53AM
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The best mount for kiting providing 3rd person POV by Wizmount:

WA, 396 posts
13 Oct 2013 2:08PM
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board mounts are rubbish. Cant really see much. Line mounts or head mounts are the go. Or the above picture looks awesome but makes you look like a little bit of a knobber and i can imagine that would hurt if you hit the botttom!

VIC, 431 posts
13 Oct 2013 11:41PM
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Hey "ZVIKA" do you kite or just pimp you rip off product under some false name on sea breeze?

If your true, tell me Australia's best known surf wax, where you can kite in Sydney harbour and what the Main Street is in cott?


QLD, 1855 posts
14 Oct 2013 7:52AM
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we tested a few and found camrig and the gopro mounts to be the best.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
14 Oct 2013 10:45AM
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we tested a few and found camrig and the gopro mounts to be the best.

What he said ... I use mine all the time and have tested all the GoPro mounts available (literally). By far the fin mount is the most solid.. as no parts to break due to vibration and pre-set best angle.

Camrig and most shops also sell the new linemounts - they work well too. For Kite-mounted cameras there is no better than the Camrig strutmount.

Just go to their site. I have no affiliation with anybody or shop but you should contact SurfFX, Kitepower, etc. They have them all available.

VIC, 641 posts
14 Oct 2013 1:17PM
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Sir V, Sounds like you are across all these GoPro mounts, what do you think about the wizmount? Been using the Backymount
the video is pretty good and stable

But thinking the wizmount will allow for a better front on shot. Have you had any success with these type of mounts

Camrig is still a little shaky for video for me, even using stabilisation programs

Just read the other thread with some video from a harness mount

All Forums > Kitesurfing > General > Man Made Kiting Hole Gopro Harness mount video

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
14 Oct 2013 3:20PM
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deanrobi said..

Sir V, Sounds like you are across all these GoPro mounts, what do you think about the wizmount? Been using the Backymount
the video is pretty good and stable

But thinking the wizmount will allow for a better front on shot. Have you had any success with these type of mounts

Camrig is still a little shaky for video for me, even using stabilisation programs

Just read the other thread with some video from a harness mount

All Forums > Kitesurfing > General > Man Made Kiting Hole Gopro Harness mount video

What you have is a good angle for sure, but as you say ..too shaky for video :) it's not like we are a stable sport anyway, bouncing is the name of the game. If you're not bouncing you're not riding hard enough eheh.

I've made my own rigs and posted some of the photos here too. I have a backpack harness with some good angles and very confortable, but the same as you - too shaky for video. The only other option for video is a stabilizer bar across the center lines... I also built one and have tested for video - by far the most stable of all of them, close up.

this album is public so you should be able to see it... let me know if you can't access the photos. It is a little old and since then I've made improvements on both mounts but haven't bothered to take new pics. It should give you an idea anyway..

12 posts
19 Oct 2013 6:50PM
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"Hey "ZVIKA" do you kite or just pimp you rip off product under some false name on sea breeze?"

Yes, I do kite and I am one of Wizmount owners. I don't live in Australia (I am based in Israel).
Wizmount was developed for over a year and provides excellent video stability unlike other systems. Sold in Australia, so you can check for yourself or visit our Facebbok page ( to see videos and pics of some of the best riders including Keahi.

WA, 2940 posts
19 Oct 2013 7:51PM
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zvika said..

"Hey "ZVIKA" do you kite or just pimp you rip off product under some false name on sea breeze?"

Yes, I do kite and I am one of Wizmount owners. I don't live in Australia (I am based in Israel).
Wizmount was developed for over a year and provides excellent video stability unlike other systems. Sold in Australia, so you can check for yourself or visit our Facebbok page ( to see videos and pics of some of the best riders including Keahi.

so become a site sponsor or stop peddling your sh!t

WA, 122 posts
20 Oct 2013 10:33AM
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hi All - I have recently purchased a wizmount - very happy with this product - provides the best footage by far from my gopro - cheers

1357 posts
27 Oct 2013 6:10AM
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QLD, 75 posts
6 Jan 2014 2:14PM
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As I found out myself, the footage from the kiteboard mount is not for good. The camera sits too close to the rider. Perhaps if there was an extension arm that could be mounted and would extend beyond the board ... But I guess that structure would not withstand the chop.

The line mount and the strut mount to me have the best view. Also the backpack mount has an awesome view but I don't know how it handles if you crash?

NSW, 406 posts
6 Jan 2014 4:14PM
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Does anyone else think that the amount of faff involved with go pro's just isn't worth the hassle? Toyed with getting one for ages but with the exception of some kite mount stills rarely see any quality output...

WA, 360 posts
6 Jan 2014 2:11PM
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EnglishCraig said..

Does anyone else think that the amount of faff involved with go pro's just isn't worth the hassle? Toyed with getting one for ages but with the exception of some kite mount stills rarely see any quality output...

Had one a few years ago. The little plastic fin cracked and i lost it.

Was'nt to upset either.

Who can be bothered with all that editing software? What a pain.

WA, 522 posts
6 Jan 2014 2:46PM
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Suction mount works, just make sure you teather it, mine is now at the bottom of the ocean

QLD, 131 posts
6 Jan 2014 5:15PM
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My son got a GoPro for Xmas - is the chest mount any good (or does it get smashed by the harness)? So far, he's videoed some backyard scootering and falling out of a kayak! Be a HERO indeed!
I do like the fact that the wide angle makes pretty much everything look faster/higher and more awesome though!

WA, 349 posts
6 Jan 2014 3:48PM
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Surfer62 said..

131 posts
6 Jan 2014 4:02PM
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Totally agree with moons I bet the ladies dig that thing on your head

VIC, 858 posts
6 Jan 2014 9:05PM
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EnglishCraig said..

Does anyone else think that the amount of faff involved with go pro's just isn't worth the hassle? Toyed with getting one for ages but with the exception of some kite mount stills rarely see any quality output...

Got one about 12 months ago using the cash from an unused board that I sold. Have used it about 5 times. Video makes me sea sick. I have found that the timed stills gives me the best results, I don't have the time or patience to edit video, the kite line mount gives good results. I have the most fun using it with my 9 year old as she learns to surf..

NSW, 2707 posts
7 Jan 2014 12:01AM
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i got a gopro the other day and kited using a chest mount...
it seems to work well, you just gotta keep the camera high and the harness low.
not much action but here's the pov. video mode looks pretty sweet too.

WA, 321 posts
6 Jan 2014 9:07PM
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anyone know where u can pick up the floaty backdoor in perth?

NSW, 220 posts
18 Jan 2014 11:45AM
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glasstraxx said...
anyone know where u can pick up the floaty backdoor in perth?

eBay mate. Can almost be sure it'll be 10 to 20 cheaper then any shop. Just make sure it's a genuine reseller and you'll be sweet

WA, 527 posts
18 Jan 2014 8:31PM
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floaty back door and everything you could imagine is on the ebay
or at bunnings !! DIY


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"GoPro Kiteboard mount" started by CrashTestOZ