Forums > Kitesurfing General

Good idea or Bad??

Created by Bradlez > 9 months ago, 5 Dec 2010
23 posts
5 Dec 2010 8:07PM
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Hey it is recommended that you get a trainer kite just to get the hang of it for a beginner but what if ya have actually run another line off ya harness to a post or something to use as an ancor point with a big kite to stop it from takin ya away?
Dumb idea or is there people out there that have actually done it??

Thanks Brad

WA, 241 posts
5 Dec 2010 8:27PM
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Pump up a big one mate. The bigger the better.... Maybe a Pre 2006 16m in 20 to 25 knots should get you the feel of it. Whats a training kite for anyway?? Training???

VIC, 427 posts
5 Dec 2010 11:52PM
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Get lessons, it is inevitable. Flying the kite is one thing, knowing the safety aspects another.
There is no need to spend extensive time flying trainer kites, although it doesn't hurt and gives you a good understanding of the wind window.

23 posts
5 Dec 2010 9:01PM
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I not long ago got a 2008 Naish Helix - 12 metre and im just waitin on some good wind to give it a fly! Iv got myself a wind metre and wondering whats the ideal wind speed would be for that kinda kite and i weigh 60kg?? im still waiting for my board, i just thought in the mean time i could tie myself down and to stop me from flyin away! i was just checkin out some videos on youtube and some of the accedents they have simply coz they are flyin there kites on land. what goes up must come down hey!! i figure if i stop myself goin up i wont have far to fall if im tied down but i dont have them kinds of winds here either.

Cheers Brad

WA, 773 posts
5 Dec 2010 9:09PM
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23 posts
5 Dec 2010 9:18PM
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graceful said...



WA, 500 posts
5 Dec 2010 9:21PM
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It's been said a million times but best to just wait till you get lessons mate, forget the post idea.

WA, 113 posts
5 Dec 2010 9:27PM
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The harness ends up squezing you as the sides of the harness pulls together kinda hurt

23 posts
5 Dec 2010 9:48PM
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Im not plannin on getting any lessons, im going to be doin it on a lake for starters so i fuigered i should just teach myself. Can anyone recommend any good beginner dvds?

WA, 74 posts
5 Dec 2010 11:05PM
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Jackass or darvin awards - both should be inspirational

NSW, 439 posts
6 Dec 2010 9:24AM
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definately a troll... humerous nonetheless

NSW, 1715 posts
6 Dec 2010 9:51AM
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Bradlez said...

Im not plannin on getting any lessons, im going to be doin it on a lake for starters so i fuigered i should just teach myself. Can anyone recommend any good beginner dvds?

Just in case you're serious. Are you keen to attach yourself to something that can pick you up off the ground/water and throw you into the nearest carpark when you have no control over it? Get a small cheap kite to learn the basics and get some lessons so that your mom doesn't have to pay for your medical bills.

If it's all about trying to minimise cost then find another sport. This is not a cheap sport.

WA, 469 posts
6 Dec 2010 7:14AM
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Hey BradleZ
ignore the haters, and just do it!!
get someone to video it and post it here!!!

Remember safety is overated and for pussys.

Its a action sport and we need an action hero like you.

SA, 213 posts
6 Dec 2010 9:59AM
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Make sure you tie a rope to both feet. one leg longer than the other may make it harder to buy your next wetsuits or jeans.

NSW, 601 posts
6 Dec 2010 10:50AM
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Someone filmed an attempt. Broken ribs, spine, punctured lung.

From the same thread on Kookforum. I guess you've been busy Mr Troll.

(Don't watch if you're particularly squeemish)

23 posts
6 Dec 2010 8:09AM
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Trant said...

Someone filmed an attempt. Broken ribs, spine, punctured lung.

From the same thread on Kookforum. I guess you've been busy Mr Troll.

(Don't watch if you're particularly squeemish)

Ok so whats the point of tieing yaself down with a rope higher than a 2 story building? i know its gunna stop ya from flying higher than that but the smarter thing would b to atleast tie it so ur feet are still touching the ground!

and whats with callin me a troll? is that some kind of gay lingo?

NSW, 517 posts
6 Dec 2010 11:25AM
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NSW, 1147 posts
6 Dec 2010 11:52AM
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hey bradlez,

i too am new to kiting and just purchased a 12m helix. i think your post idea is brilliant.
can i tie myself to your post also. we can learn together!

and if anything goes wrong we can ask to be in beds next to each other in hospital and discuss other great learning ideas, i bet you will come up with heaps more good ones.

NSW, 1147 posts
6 Dec 2010 12:11PM
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and if you cant find an appropriate post i have a fairly fat Labrador (i'm going to have to change her diet from meat lovers to vegetarian pizzas) we can tie to.
she likes swimming too so once we do hit the water we can still have our safety lines attached.

NSW, 1715 posts
6 Dec 2010 12:20PM
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OK, I'll make it simple. Forget the post/ancor idea. Bad idea. It's been tried before with disasterous results.

23 posts
6 Dec 2010 9:41AM
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DunkO said...

and if you cant find an appropriate post i have a fairly fat Labrador (i'm going to have to change here diet from meat lovers to vegetarian pizzas) we can tie to.
she likes swimming to so once we do hit the water we can still have our safety lines attached.

lol thats a good one i also have a dog thats likes water so he wont mind the only problem is he aint a big dog so how did u go with ya first time?

NSW, 1147 posts
6 Dec 2010 12:51PM
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KIT33R said...

OK, I'll make it simple. Forget the post/ancor idea. Bad idea. It's been tried before with disasterous results.

how about instead of rope we use a big long bungee cord, would that make it safer?

NSW, 1147 posts
6 Dec 2010 12:53PM
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KIT33R said...

OK, I'll make it simple. Forget the post/ancor idea. Bad idea. It's been tried before with disasterous results.

what if we tie it to a windsurfer? they never seem to get very high.

WA, 389 posts
6 Dec 2010 10:03AM
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so funny
is this a case of the Y generation, Y cant I tie myself to a rope, Y do I need lessons

I too learned solo as I couldnt find anyone in area to go with and did so last winter, a couple of tips that worked for me.

was given a dodgy trainer that I had to fix up a bit to fly, amazingly the fixing and failing attempts gave me a better understanding of kite dynamics without the risk and power of a larger kite.

Copious amounts of time at work watching you tube footage and the progression DVD really good

Finally when I was comfortable setting gear up run through the safety system while kite still on ground then go in light winds was frustrating not always getting kite in air but used a star picket in ground and flew it off that a good tool when you are solo just remember to highlight it with some fluro tape so if anyone come down the beach they can see it.

Ok thats enough for now if you want any more solo learning tip shout out if this info was handy

23 posts
6 Dec 2010 10:22AM
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Jared888 said...

so funny
is this a case of the Y generation, Y cant I tie myself to a rope, Y do I need lessons

I too learned solo as I couldnt find anyone in area to go with and did so last winter, a couple of tips that worked for me.

was given a dodgy trainer that I had to fix up a bit to fly, amazingly the fixing and failing attempts gave me a better understanding of kite dynamics without the risk and power of a larger kite.

Copious amounts of time at work watching you tube footage and the progression DVD really good

Finally when I was comfortable setting gear up run through the safety system while kite still on ground then go in light winds was frustrating not always getting kite in air but used a star picket in ground and flew it off that a good tool when you are solo just remember to highlight it with some fluro tape so if anyone come down the beach they can see it.

Ok thats enough for now if you want any more solo learning tip shout out if this info was handy

Yeah for sure keep them comming any advive i get is good advice at the moment!
Thanks Brad

VIC, 1610 posts
6 Dec 2010 1:47PM
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I love the idea. It boils down to this:

I may not be able to handle the forces of the kite, so I'll

Attach myself to something that can, using myself as a link in the chain in such a way that,

The forces in question become even larger as I'll no longer have the "option" of reducing apparent wind at the kite by moving/being dragged towards it.

It's like an arms race. What could possibly go wrong as I stack up increasing forces opposed to one another with myself in the middle?

Definitely Jackass and Darwin material.

Go for it Bradlez, just do it on an empty beach/paddock and send us the footage and the x-rays/autopsy results.

NSW, 100 posts
6 Dec 2010 3:16PM
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Anyone remember the details of that fellow who connected himself to the goal post at a football ground? Was it in Cairns? When he came down on one leg, the other was stretched out with the leggie. The leg that landed went straight up through his internal organs if I remember rightly.

NSW, 1715 posts
6 Dec 2010 3:48PM
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****detector said...

Anyone remember the details of that fellow who connected himself to the goal post at a football ground? Was it in Cairns? When he came down on one leg, the other was stretched out with the leggie. The leg that landed went straight up through his internal organs if I remember rightly.

That was the version they gave his mother. In reality it was far worse than that.

NSW, 1715 posts
6 Dec 2010 3:52PM
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DunkO said...

KIT33R said...

OK, I'll make it simple. Forget the post/ancor idea. Bad idea. It's been tried before with disasterous results.

how about instead of rope we use a big long bungee cord, would that make it safer?

Yes, yes! A big long bungee cord, definitely safer! No, second thoughts, too safe, no thrill factor.

NSW, 439 posts
6 Dec 2010 7:11PM
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Hey troll brad
Just Be sure to choose the right conditions for ur size kite, 30 knt squally off shore winds shud b perfect for the 12m... I can perform the xrays btw, u might wanna make an appointment now however as we r always heavily booked

WA, 46 posts
6 Dec 2010 4:26PM
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Get a trainer kite and fly it like crazy, it will help. Then you can pass it to someone else or a friend who can play with it at the beach when you are out on the water. Don't tie yourself to a post! It’s not only dangerous but will not allow you to gain a proper understanding of the dynamics going on when your kite pulls you around.

Troll or no troll many people, beginners and others, read these posts. They might not always sort out the jokes from the serious advice. So, don’t tie yourself to posts, especially no this one bam bam


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Good idea or Bad??" started by Bradlez