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Gopro on your lines effect safety?

Created by CmonWind > 9 months ago, 21 Jun 2013
SA, 42 posts
21 Jun 2013 4:42PM
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Hey people, I'm going to buy a gopro soon and like the idea of mounting the camera on the lines. I am wondering if setting up the camera with the line mount will effect the safety system? If your on a four line setup and the camera is mounted on the centre lines (from what I could figure out), if you need to use the safety, the mount looks like it will keep the lines at the same length.

Anyone had any troubles? with the safety or other?

QLD, 1203 posts
21 Jun 2013 5:23PM
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I'm a fan of the line mount and have had some great pics however there are a few problems:

1. The camera can slide down the lines slowly towards the rider. A small stopper in the line will stop this
2. Tricky to launch - only launch with another person
3. I've had an outside line catch over the camera - it didn't affect performance however I was a bit edgy. This happened when I had the camera too far up the lines
4. I reckon the safety becomes a bit useless in this setup - be ready to ditch the whole kite

QLD, 1203 posts
21 Jun 2013 5:46PM
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Some of my pics

671 posts
21 Jun 2013 4:25PM
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same gopro problem, no scale!

QLD, 1203 posts
21 Jun 2013 6:28PM
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Yeah, scale is definately a factor with fish-eye. Makes a 3ft day look like ripple riding

WA, 258 posts
21 Jun 2013 5:56PM
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Hi Guys , Please excuse my ignorance .. What is the best way to attach my go pro to the lines ??

NSW, 9 posts
21 Jun 2013 8:05PM
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I have a newer camrig mount (the one with the green inserts so it does not slide). What I have done is take two inserts out and don't use them. Look at your lines and see which one acts at the safety (if you are running single line safety) then use the green inserts on the opposite line.

This will hold the kite mount in place yet also allow the safety to slide free if you punch out. I as well as a friend have both "punched out" with this set up and the go pro was fine, as well as the kite safety worked the way it was supposed to.

:edit: added sketch...

WA, 2940 posts
21 Jun 2013 7:17PM
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Monkers said..

Hi Guys , Please excuse my ignorance .. What is the best way to attach my go pro to the lines ??

the best way is to leave the gopro at home

WA, 2940 posts
21 Jun 2013 7:18PM
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sunseeker said..

cute shorts

QLD, 1203 posts
21 Jun 2013 9:49PM
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Thanks Dusta, I'm glad you noticed


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Gopro on your lines effect safety?" started by CmonWind