When kiting the groynes (the big stone pile running out to sea (groin in America English))around Botany Bay could we all try to keep to this general flow of kite traffic.
Please give people a line length distance when following them and look over you shoulder before you turn or do a trick.
Edit the text in green states Out Corridor keep kite low (should have worn my glasses when I wrote that
Edit dyslexia gets me again
Good advice - nice one IanR
i rarely go anywhere near botany.
apart from the stupidly overcrowded number of kiters, our out of control ethnic mates on jetski's and the collection of hard rubbish floating in the water, its not that good.
quite bumpy.
and good luck with your groin.
good on you IanR for making an effort, was not intending to take the piss if it sounded that way.
The spelling is groyne, for a hard protrudance into a soft and wet area some call the ocean. The other spelling describes the spot where c**ks are found, but that might be what you mean given the need to tell people yet again how to follow the rules for the rights-of-way at sea.
In the groynes there is nice smooth water and is the best spot to do tricks and load up an edge. But every time lately some people do a tack or ride right into the corner and don't move down wind blocking the area.
So frustrating when your comming in and have to abort.
So if you go into the groynes ride straight downwind a bit so others can come in and commit.
Also when your going out don't head out right in the upwind corner cutting off everyone comming in.
Good post Ian.
right on nice post with pics to back up point ian, great diagram :)
just to push the point one last time please show common sense in the groyne area or you could be kicked in the groins!
Good post.
Also, what can stuff up the flow is that many riders can only do tricks on one tack, albeit some very good tricks.
In the diagrams below the trick is done as you come into shore and hit the flat water. Go downwind with the trick, transition and ride back out with the kite low.
Some kiters will come in close to the groin right to shore, transition and then do their trick coming back out. This can cause issues as another rider will be coming in and about to the trick in the same spot.