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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Guy with kite up on the street, Cottesloe

Created by mattflyingaway > 9 months ago, 28 Mar 2012
WA, 106 posts
28 Mar 2012 5:31PM
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Saw someone this arvo dodging all the trees on the foreshore running up and down the road with his kite up, then eventually landing it on the golf course while another bloke intervened.

WA, 908 posts
28 Mar 2012 5:40PM
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i posted the same in the WA section..

He is a total F wit regardless of his experience....

WA, 995 posts
28 Mar 2012 5:42PM
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Should have intervened with a punch in the face.

WA, 500 posts
28 Mar 2012 5:53PM
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what a winner.

WA, 2940 posts
28 Mar 2012 5:54PM
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why didn't you go and get it down rather than take pictures ?

I understand your anger but really why didn't you go and intervene . Young guy , old guy ??

WA, 21 posts
28 Mar 2012 6:35PM
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What a tool. How the hell did he get to that point anyway? The number of trees he must have dodged is unbelievable!

WA, 522 posts
28 Mar 2012 6:44PM
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Typical, someone is in trouble and everyone just ignores them, or even worse, starts dishing out on them on a public forum where they have little chance to defend themselves.Hope we get to hear their side of the story before everyone else jumps to conclusions based on sweet fa.

At least there was only one person willing to help him out.

WA, 3464 posts
28 Mar 2012 6:47PM
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Well done Matt.....I went for a swim at Cott. today and all I saw was sad people flying wind, no swell.......pathetic.

I think I saw the kite in question as he started south of the Cott. groin, I had left by the time he really stuffed up.................I am sure none of the pathetic crowd today were WAKSA members.....which they need to be to kite there........rant over.

NSW, 6451 posts
28 Mar 2012 9:50PM
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Freddofrog said...

Typical, someone is in trouble and everyone just ignores them, or even worse, starts dishing out on them on a public forum where they have little chance to defend themselves.Hope we get to hear their side of the story before everyone else jumps to conclusions based on sweet fa.

At least there was only one person willing to help him out.

Was he in trouble?????????
From the other thread (by someone who saw it) he wasnt in trouble, but was walking there on purpose?

Maybe its typical that you have jumped to the conclusion that he was in trouble and everyone just ignored him??

WA, 106 posts
28 Mar 2012 7:34PM
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he was just running around up and down the path, thats when the other bloke approached him, (before i got there) so we didn't bother intervening

WA, 179 posts
28 Mar 2012 7:51PM
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Looks like good kite control!

6 posts
28 Mar 2012 9:23PM
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Not Kite Control, just not a Cabrinha.

WA, 9588 posts
28 Mar 2012 9:38PM
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If he can run up a path, through the streets of cot I'm sure we can assume he had decent kite control.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
29 Mar 2012 1:11AM
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that looks more like a ufo .someone call seti and send them the photos as proof

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
28 Mar 2012 10:48PM
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Dusta and Freddo are right on.

Why pay out on the guy when you don't know the story?

WA, 3489 posts
28 Mar 2012 11:27PM
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^ I can't see how any story can justify walking up off the beach and across a busy road with a kite in the air, he obviously wasn't an out of control beginner and even if he wasn't from WA (which is my guess) and isn't familiar with local protocol, common sense should prevail.
IMO AE, NoBS and toolman are on the money, the guy is a first class tool.

WA, 551 posts
28 Mar 2012 11:28PM
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There has to be more to it surely......!

WA, 355 posts
29 Mar 2012 12:36AM
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I was also there this afternoon when this fella was in trouble. I was probably only a few cars in front of the car from where the photos were taken. BUT the difference was that I stopped my car to assist.

By the time I got to the kiter, another guy had landed his kite on the golf course for him. I do not necessarily agree with what the kiter did but I stopped as this was blatantly dangerous for everyone involved and either he needed some educating or some help!! This situation, he needed some help.

After a chat, I ended up giving him a lift back to his downwinder rendezvous point in Swanbourne. Nice bloke and seemed like an experienced kiter.

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
29 Mar 2012 12:50AM
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so how about you tell us what happened and why he was in trouble instead of leaving it so vague?

4862 posts
29 Mar 2012 3:22AM
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So theres a guy doing a downwinder. for some reason he has to land in an unknown spot, lost board perhaps?. presumably theres not enough beach to land on? so he goes looking for a suitable inland landing spot.

I don't see a problem in that if the wind was suitably steady enough to keep the kite in control.

though even if there was only a thin slither of beach i'd be landing on the beach first before negotiating traffic.

13 posts
29 Mar 2012 4:38AM
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I heard he had to grab his phone from his car. He parked across the street which led to this situation.

NSW, 6451 posts
29 Mar 2012 8:16AM
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I heard there were no swimmers or poledancers in the water, but he spotted some in the carpark across the road so he walked over to kite next to them.

VIC, 4501 posts
29 Mar 2012 8:21AM
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Why did the Kiter cross the road?

WA, 240 posts
29 Mar 2012 5:47AM
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I don't know the details however I would have thought if he made it to some small section of beach or rock then wouldn't the best option be to drop your kite in the water, flag to safety and then pull the kite in?

Maybe that wasn't possible.

QLD, 1535 posts
29 Mar 2012 8:00AM
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Maybe he went out for a kite and by the time he got back the beach had been turned into a dog beach and he was chased off by the lovers of dogs and thought in the interest of forum safety it was better to take his chances with the traffic?

WA, 179 posts
29 Mar 2012 7:52AM
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Maybe he was on his way to do some extreme kiting - round of golf boosting his way around the course!

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
29 Mar 2012 8:47AM
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"he was in trouble"

He was in so much trouble he pulled in at cott, walked up through the pines crossed the road and landed in the golf course.

That sounds like serious trouble to me. Imagine if it had been an emergency.

671 posts
29 Mar 2012 9:14AM
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yeah right, in trouble my ass
guy's an outright tool.
what's next taking your kite for a walk into freo, stop off and have a coffee on cap strip. unlikely, the ultimate in being LAZY.

WA, 9588 posts
29 Mar 2012 9:19AM
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austin said...

yeah right, in trouble my ass
guy's an outright tool.
what's next taking your kite for a walk into freo, stop off and have a coffee on cap strip. unlikely, the ultimate in being LAZY.

yeh I reckon he would order a weak skinny mocha. Knob head.

WA, 1549 posts
29 Mar 2012 9:37AM
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saw this peanut launch from leighton, was on struggle street pretty much all the way on his 9m.. When most people were on 12's....

He misjudged the wind shadow at cott sth, got caught and ended up locked in behind the breakwall where the wind sucks even on a good day.

Natural selection at it's finest... No excuse for walking the kite through trees,park residential and the road

Hope the council doesn't see the pics...

WA, 355 posts
29 Mar 2012 9:39AM
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His story was that he is a local, doing a downwinder that he regularily does. The wind dropped and bodydragged a long way to get back in. He reckons he ended up on the rocks and there was nowhere to land his kite so was in search of some where to land..... and ended up on the golf course......


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Guy with kite up on the street, Cottesloe" started by mattflyingaway