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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Handle pass leash vs fixed? (deathloop+rocks=Bad)

Created by Wisha > 9 months ago, 13 Jan 2012
SA, 255 posts
13 Jan 2012 6:59PM
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3 Years kiting, never had to use my safety 'till yesterday…

9m overpowered big boost session, overcooked the landing, got slack in the lines, went to down loop, outside line wrapped behind bar…death loop.
Basically picked up instantly, looped and spat out.

First instinct was to unjam outside line, but was now being picked up for my second 'loop smashing' and couldn't get it (remember overpowered). Started pulling my way up front lines. Kite sat in water, thought I had it…kite slowly rolls back on its side, then up…and pow! nice big loop, as I had pulled some front line! Followed by 3rd and 4th loop.

Now getting very close to marina rock wall, grab down and pull chicken loop safety, but since I'm leashed suicide it don't make much difference, except I'm now being pulled with the same power backwards as I'm attached to my harness using the handle pass line across the back. Plus as a bonus, the slack I pulled in slipped through my hands when reaching for the safety and is now wrapped round my leg.

Bloody hard to reach behind to grab the release on the leash when being pulled, looped and lofted backwards towards jaggered rocks.

Thankfully, Ping! F-One leash breaks. Lines come away from my ankle after 'ring barking' it!

Now double emotion time. I'm alive but watching my kite slide over jaggered rocks, bar jams, loops super hard into the rocks, raps around a shelter, then lands on top of rocks.

Summing up
Adrenalin wears off, pain becomes apparent. Very glad no one was on the rock wall. Glad I was no longer attached. Amazed my kite has only one 20 cent sized tear (kudos x1000 to CORE, the Kevlar patches seem to take most of the bashing).

So, started re-thinking about using the handle pass system on the harness vs a fixed point. Though have got my arm jammed behind while trying to pass using a fixed leash attachment point in the past.

Anyone else got experience on this one??

ACT, 1258 posts
13 Jan 2012 7:41PM
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sounds like a scary experience. Seems like you were very lucky your leash snapped. I think harnesses with there own safety release on handle pass tube are the go for this very reason. Also riding suicide in overpowered conditions probably isn't the best idea.

SA, 255 posts
13 Jan 2012 7:25PM
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Yeah good points Bennie, wind started off average, so was unhooking. Then it came in, so just went for boosts. But will rethink changing my leash point when it picks up in the future.

Also, I have a Liquid Force Luxury harness 08/09 with that side release, but it lets go all by itself pretty much 2 out of 3 times :(

QLD, 115 posts
13 Jan 2012 8:10PM
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you should be able to hook it scuicide so you can pull yourself back to the chicken loop and release the QR.

SA, 255 posts
13 Jan 2012 9:00PM
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So you mean attach directly to the chicken loop? so if you pull the QR, the Chicken loop opens so you release everything?

I used to attach to the chicken loop itself, but it gets in the way hooking back in. On this occasion I was attached suicide above the chicken loop.

Alternative option would be to have attached the leash so the release was at the top, ie climb up the leash then pull.

Tried using safety/ sui - ie through mini 5th then on to loop. Still gets in the way.

Design Idea - A chicken loop that you can attach suicide to in a fixed position at the top, but then will let go when you pull the QR? Can't be hard...

WA, 3489 posts
13 Jan 2012 6:48PM
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Has anyone seen waveslave.

I was just discussing this the other day when I changed my spreader bar to a dynabar.
I usually wave ride on a surfboard so am not usually very overpowered, I don't do handle passes so don't connect my leash suicide, I use a short leash attached to the RHS of my spreader bar so I always know where it is.

I'm not sure if I would want my leash to be attached at the front if I was riding overpowered and riding suicide though.

1421 posts
13 Jan 2012 7:12PM
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There are harnesses which have a quick release on the front for the handlepass line.

You can also fit a new handlepass line with a release at one end, although it is a velcro release and not as good as some of the ones built into the harness.

There's an advert for not having a release you cant reach.

QLD, 1292 posts
13 Jan 2012 9:17PM
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Also there are bars which allow your safety to still work even if you are hooked suicide. Guessing yours isn't one.

WA, 4263 posts
13 Jan 2012 9:13PM
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tightlines said...

Has anyone seen waveslave.

Line wraps around bar >>> CHECK

Deathlooping commences >>> CHECK

Heading for rock wall >>> CHECK

Pull quick release >>> CHECK

Nothing happens >>> CHECK

Deathloops arc up more >>> CHECK

Can't reach stupid secondary release >>> CHECK

Deathleash snaps >>> CHECK

The system works fine.

SA, 255 posts
14 Jan 2012 1:51AM
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Ahh, cheers Waveslave :)

Briskites, I've got a Core ESP bar. Which bars can be rigged suicide but release? (and don't get in the way of the loop?)

Terminal - Liking your idea of putting my own release on the pass line, rather than using the useless LF setup (possibly better on newer models?).

1421 posts
14 Jan 2012 1:38AM
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I have an Ocean Rodeo harness with a very neat and efficient release on the handlepass line. Something like that would be best.

This could maybe be the simplest answer by using this knot on the D-Rings at both sides of your harness. When you need to get free, you find the loose end of the rope and pull it then let go.

I am guessing this could work, but it would be easy enough to try it out under load and see if it does.

WA, 1347 posts
14 Jan 2012 8:03AM
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From this thread:

DaFinchy said...

Thanks to all! I have found a 100% workable and cheap solution! I stole a pigtale of an old bar and the a solid stainless steel ring of the old safety line. Connected it to the current "Front Line" or "5th Line" and presto... Now i can unhook and not loose my kite if i hit the release + the leash wont get it the way when i try to hook back into the chicken loop...its all good!

SA, 255 posts
14 Jan 2012 3:48PM
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Cheers Bennie. I have tried this is safety / sui method in the past, but find it still gets in the way when hooking back in (especially when baring off downwind to get slack in the lines).

Was thinking i'll use this method but will use a crap cable tie or light fishing line to keep it attached to the top. Have to be strong enough to hold a depowered kite suicide, but break when the **** hits the fan, ie being dragged?

Maybe just need to refine my technique when hooking back in, quick yank first to ensure the safety 5th is back at the top...

QLD, 115 posts
14 Jan 2012 4:21PM
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Scroll down to scuicide with flagging capabilities and see how slingshot sets theirs up for it.

you can also put the chicken loop through the safety leash and then clip directly to the metal O and it will stay out of the way

NSW, 518 posts
14 Jan 2012 5:36PM
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Maybe deathleashes need to be designed so that with a certain amount of force applied they do break. As Wisha has pointed out that thankfully it did break.If a kite is flagged to the safety leash and there is nothing to stop it working correctly there should not be that much force on the leash.With a deathlooping kite it can produce considerable forces on the leash and if you couldnt release the leash that would be a time where you wished you never had one.
^^ Its just an idea
bene313 great idea, will change to that system

SA, 255 posts
14 Jan 2012 7:31PM
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JJB, Great idea putting the loop through the ring. Will give it a try...

Time to get back on the horse after the 'smashing'. Still getting awesome wind here..

Cheers to all for advice

WA, 552 posts
14 Jan 2012 5:33PM
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Wisha just choose your strongest side i.e. if you are left or right handed and attach a longer pass leash might just need a extra 10 CM if you are fussy and attach to it to the d-ring on that side with a handlepass leash between the d-rings and if one of the d-ring breaks you still have the handle pass leash attached on the other side and you will will not lose your kite. I find this is much better and although does not look as "cool" as havng it swing on the handle pass leash I know that when it all goes wrong on my right about 10 cm's up is the eject button ;)

SA, 255 posts
14 Jan 2012 8:11PM
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Take it your talking about the harness attachment? (got any photos?)

WA, 552 posts
14 Jan 2012 6:47PM
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Wisha said...

Take it your talking about the harness attachment? (got any photos?)

Sorry for the bad pic but so all you really doing is instead of running ring on handle pass leash thing you put it on the d-ring on the side you favor.......


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Handle pass leash vs fixed? (deathloop+rocks=Bad)" started by Wisha