Been trying to get the hang of tacking on a surfbaord only made it onces so far. It would be good to get some tips.
Hey Gtds,
Slow down as you come to the point you want to tack. Bring the kite up to 12 as you carve the board hard into the wind. At the same time, sheet it to take some of the weight off the board. Once you have carved into the wind, use your front foot to "flick" the board around back under you as you hop into the new tack. Dive the kite back in the direction of the new tack.
All of that needs to basically happen at almost the same time, it's a very quick move. Stick with it, it's not that hard, just takes practice
when you spin under kite take kite from 10-1130 pm not from 10-2pm otherwise you will not be above your board you will dunked downwind of it
Thanks for all the feed back .Had a go today at Kurnel .Got one even if my front feet was closes to the nose of the board I am claiming it.
Thanks Daren and every one.Good to see people helping a brother
This is actually a gybe but it blurs the difference between a tack and a gybe.
At 1 minute, he just reverses the board in the air and goes the other way. He does another just before the breasts appear.
The title of the thread is "tack"...
To tack - to turn the bow of the watercraft through the wind ie. to turn upwind/into the wind. This transition looses the least amount of ground downwind during the change of tack.
To gybe - to turn the stern of the watercraft through the wind ie. to turn downwind/away from the wind. This transition looses more ground downwind during the change of tack but maintains speed (or should) and is ****ing cool.
Directional riders will mostly gybe, race board riders will mostly tack... dunno, just guessing :D