We all can relate to this vid...
Especially the wind meter hands out when its under 10 knots or when it's pumping 25 knots..
“ah bro I was out on my 9, but really, like, my nine pulls like a 15 almost, but like, when I pump it up it's like pumping up a 4“
“what size kite you think I should use? 8? 10? 14? 18?”
Ha ha ha ha.
"wait,,I forgot my harness"
"wait,,I forgot my board"
"wait,,my lines are twisted"
"wait,,I havent put my zinc on yet"
This is my pet hate when launching someone.
Usually because Im in a hurry to get in the water myself.
i love that footage that folowed the fat guy who only rides strapless and unhooked supermaning across the ocean LOL
2 great reasons to ban kiters I say & in the second film I feel my beach has been violated!
Nice work!
Beatty Park......