What happens when your down winding? I hope your invention is cheap cos the thieves on the goldy are ruthless..
Mate if your out on a 10 in 40-50 knots then your pretty much screwed whatever way you look at it,youd have to be a gorilla to hang onto it fully depowered,youd be crazy to try to get back to the beach.
I was thinking about getting something similar to what is being discussed on this thread for reasons no one has mentioned, seaweed.
It is all fine if you have a nice big sandy beach to work with, but doesn't anyone else get sh1ted off with seaweed? It gets all tangled up and it can turn into a real hassle getting your lines free all on your own. If there is no one around what would be the problem with the devices mentioned?
I have launched off someone else's bull bar, (they were out kiting) and I thought it was a great idea. After seeing people using what looked to be a standard sand anchor from a boat, I was considering something similar to what is being suggested on this thread.
What is the consensus, yes or no?????
if you hooked the safety leash from your kite around a fixed point or second anchor (presuming your happy to be standing nuts and all on the beach with no safety tryingto hook it onto something in a gale ). then hook your chicken loop to a second anchor or safety leash that you have there then try and land your kite then. that other bloke has come in unpacked and gone home probably more safely.nooo ! could it be an egnigma?
^^^^^^^^Is this an enigma ,its got me totally stumped even after reading it 3 times.
Maybe i've just had too much to drink.
I just take this to the beach with me whenever I go kitesurfing. Stylish, practical and most of all user-friendly.
Also works great as a learn-to-kite tool, just throw a leggie on it, tie it to a newbies ankle, and strap a 14 on 'em. Fool proof. No need for expensive lessons.
lol. the best idea yet. takes some one from across the ditch to come up with such a simple practical idea. should sell well on ebay.
Interesting reading. I use an anchor to launch and land up to 30k of wind. I have a medium size sand anchor that I bury in the beach about two feet (600mm). About a 2m long piece of rope with a snap clip attached to one end anchor on the other end. Set the bar up in full depower mode, attach the kite and set the kite up as you would if you had someone helping you. Near the edge of the wind window. The kite will just sit there it may move back and fourth a little, but I have never had it power up. Move back to your bar, make sure to hook your safety on first and then kneel down and connect to your chicken loop. Away you go. Landing is much the same, full depower on the bar, land gently on the beach while kneeling next to the snap clip. As soon as the kite lands let the bar go, hook onto chicken loop with snap, then disconnect chicken look from your harness. Run to kite and secure. Cheers Egga
self launchin is a piece of pisss and with self landing just smash ur kite into the ground.........simple as that reealllyy