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How to adjust for shrinking REV bridles

Created by kitelooper1 > 9 months ago, 14 Mar 2011
112 posts
14 Mar 2011 12:07PM
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One side of kite P line bridle is 199cm vs 192cm the other side. .This is equal to two knots difference. This happens at the rate of about a third of a knot a session.

P line bridle spec is 197cm. Note one bridle is longer than spec because replacement bridles from SS vary by up to 10cm.

When hooking lines to kite do you compensate for this on the back or front lines?

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
14 Mar 2011 12:59PM
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It doesn't seem to make sense to me that one can adjust the length of the lines (with the knots) to compensate for a shrunken p-line. It may help but after looking at the diagram I'm unsure if it would be a solution.

I have had the same issue all season.

Last november my Rev 2 was flying like a dog and pulling to one side. Ordered p lines from the slingshot website and replaced the lines. It then flew amazingly good. Problem solved with great results I thought.

Within 1 month both the p lines had noticably twisted and shrunk again. By 2 months the kite flew real bad again and was retired to the shed.

Has anyone else had this happen?

Another set of P-lines was ordered. 2 pulleys were also ordered.

In the time (around 2 weeks) that I spent on the internet finding out why my rev 2 was flying bad, checking the line lengths, pumping it up in the backyard to walk around and around the kite in an attempt to understand the kite and connect with its inner chi, the possible reasons why the p-lines were twisting and shrinking so quickly, finding out what do about it and the possible solutions, and the time waiting for the order I bought a different small kite without a bridle.

I have been very happy flying this 'other' kite and maintenance of the rev2 has been put on the backburner.

My only solution would be to always have a spare set of p-lines in your kite kit. Replace them as soon as it becomes obvious that the kite starts to pull to one side and/or flys bad. Flying the rev with shrunken p lines while waiting for a new set is very frustrating.

WA, 6 posts
14 Mar 2011 1:10PM
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I'm having the same problem with my gen 1 rev, where there was a 90mm difference between the bridle sections on each side.

I was told that the technique used to stitch slingshot lines means they can pull out and extend, as a sign that they're about to fail ...but shrinkage you say?

You can't really stop it pulling by changing the length of the flying lines - I've tried changing the back and front and still didnt completely fix the problem - looks like the change needs to be made at the bridle.

NSW, 1089 posts
14 Mar 2011 4:30PM
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pulleys people! get pulleys that are bigger and the wheel on the pulley has to be a more open shape unlike the "U" shape ones they come with a more open shape puts less stress on the p lines and reduces twisting and wear. any good boat shop will have them

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
14 Mar 2011 4:37PM
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Your marked up diagram shows bridle LE5 as part of the P line. That's not correct as I am sure you know.

My REV 1 (sold 18 months ago) and Rev 2 (now my backup kite) both show P line twisting and shrinkage like every other REV ever made. I have replaced 7 sets of P lines. No longer covered by warranty of course. Been making my own out of old gear I have laying around.

My warranty P lines were always exactly 2220 mm

Here are the P line sizes Slingshot quote:

For replacing the 'P' Line on the Slingshot 2008 Hybrid Kite.
The 'P' Lines can be a wearing part and should be checked regularly.

5m Rev 'P' Lines - 1515mm

7m Rev 'P' Lines – 1800mm

9m Rev 'P' Lines – 2070mm

11m Rev 'P' Lines – 2220mm

13m Rev 'P' Lines – 2400mm

15m Rev 'P' Lines – 2525mm
The dimension you quote 1970 mm as standard for your kite P line does not match any of these. Something not making sense here.

Initially you can compensate by shortening the back lines but eventually (often) you just have to replace the P lines.

BTW. My P lines shrink/twist about equally both sides

112 posts
14 Mar 2011 1:54PM
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This is what I know.

Bridles twist and shorten at quite a rate. One side twists at 3 times the rate of the other.

SS fix was to remove neoprene pulley cover but this does not help. SS used to send replacements free of charge but no longer do, they now want close to $40 for a set. I used to go thru 5 sets a year per kite size.

Constantly have to compare length and make a little tag on bridle so know how many knots to compensate. Currently compensate when connecting BACK lines.

REv 1 and Rev 2 have the same twisting.

REVs are great SLE kites overall but this bridle thing is a pain and now expensive.

Did not buy an Octane because sus about this problem.

Have replaced a pulley or two but never has SS suggested replace with wider pulley.

112 posts
14 Mar 2011 1:59PM
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Rob S said...

Your marked up diagram shows bridle LE5 as part of the P line. That's not correct as I am sure you know.

The dimension you quote 1970 mm as standard for your kite P line does not match any of these. Something not making sense here.

Yes error on diagram.

Dimension of 197cm is for Rev 2 9m which is different spec to Rev1

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
14 Mar 2011 5:18PM
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Hmmm. That means Slingy sent me REV 1 P lines for my REV 2.
Can't quite read your chart. Pls let me know correct length for 11m REV 2 P lines

112 posts
14 Mar 2011 2:23PM
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REV 2 P Line
7m____167.5 cm
9m____197 cm
11m___213 cm
13m___233 cm

No wonder the Rally has no bridles

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
14 Mar 2011 5:24PM
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Do you trick and jump equally hard and often in both directions?
I assume this effects how fast Left and Right P lines twist but not really sure

NSW, 2465 posts
14 Mar 2011 5:29PM
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Have had the same problem with my Revs an 11 and 15.
On a trip to Fiji last year I took spare P lines for my 15 which I replaced while away, funny that my old P lines had reduced in length to match the right length for a 13 Rev (so a mate put my old lines onto his 13, nothing like recycling)

IMO, when the P lines twist and shorten the kite in slightly powered up (there for not as much de-power when bar out, this making it a tad harder to fly in light winds. And in some cases on 11 Rev with the bar pulled in and kite flying up under a lot of load (say from a stall close to the water) the top/centre edge of kite has started to collapse (pumped up to close to 9 pounds).

When rigging I use last knot / longest on back, 3rd knot / shorter on front, this fixes both of my problems.

Re pulleys, Ronstan have a good one, and a shop sell them with pig tail attached. check thread

112 posts
14 Mar 2011 2:44PM
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Rob S said...

Do you trick and jump equally hard and often in both directions?
I assume this effects how fast Left and Right P lines twist but not really sure

No- one tack Pony. You are probably right.

Rotate bridles and even use 11m bridles on 9m when they shorten enough.

Been thru about 5-6 depower ropes and bearings at the same time.

Amazed the grip on the bar still hanging in there

TAS, 824 posts
14 Mar 2011 7:55PM
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Another option, if you're in WA come to the kite repair night at AKS this Thursday and learn how to splice your own dyneema!!!

And as someone said, get better pulleys!!!

WA, 925 posts
Site Sponsor
14 Mar 2011 5:09PM
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Hey Guys,

As Rumblefish says, come along to our DIY repair night, I'm sure we can give you some useful tips you didn't already know. We stock the Ronstan Orbit block pulleys with pigtails attached. They are $29.95 ea but will be cheaper than two sets of P-lines.


Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
14 Mar 2011 8:11PM
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Craig66 said...

IMO, when the P lines twist and shorten the kite in slightly powered up (there for not as much de-power when bar out, this making it a tad harder to fly in light winds. And in some cases on 11 Rev with the bar pulled in and kite flying up under a lot of load (say from a stall close to the water) the top/centre edge of kite has started to collapse (pumped up to close to 9 pounds).

When rigging I use last knot / longest on back, 3rd knot / shorter on front, this fixes both of my problems.

I am certainly no expert and would really like to know. I thought that the twisting/shortening of the P line pulls down the front of the kite. Thus depowering the kite. So I would do the opposite to you when rigging. That is, I would shorten the back lines using pigtale knot closer to kite to power it back up.

NSW, 4188 posts
14 Mar 2011 8:58PM
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kitelooper1 said...

When hooking lines to kite do you compensate for this on the back or front lines?

I would suggest neither.

As the safety sheriff I would suggest you get the bridle fixed. That way you won't forget to adjust or adjust the wrong way on that epic day when you are itching to get out for that long awaited overpowered session...

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
14 Mar 2011 9:40PM
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I wish there was a proper fix but the twist and shortening happens continuously from the time you start using the new P lines. Shortens in small increments every time you load the lines. It was a Rev 1 and Rev 2 design fault. I reckon the harder you jump and loop the sooner you have to replace the P lines. May be as quickly as 15 hours flying time or 30 or more hours if your'e just cruising or surfing.

But I have to say I haven't seen those new orbit pulleys before tonight. I wonder if they really do stop the Rev line twist/shortening?

112 posts
14 Mar 2011 9:16PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

kitelooper1 said...

When hooking lines to kite do you compensate for this on the back or front lines?

I would suggest neither.

As the safety sheriff I would suggest you get the bridle fixed. That way you won't forget to adjust or adjust the wrong way on that epic day when you are itching to get out for that long awaited overpowered session...

I reckon the kite flies more on its front lines so any diff in P line would be more noticed on back lines effecting steering. Therefore attach up the knots on the back line on the side of the longer bridle to even out back line length.

Posters have reminded me that with shortening of bridle -assuming the solution is to compensate on back lines, the front line length also needs to be reduced by hooking up the knots on both front lines by an amount equal to the shortening of the P line relative to the P line length as specified on Slingshot US website.

Amazing to think so many people have had a blast on the REvs when most of them would be flying with bridles and lines all out of whack most of the time.

NSW, 4188 posts
15 Mar 2011 12:30AM
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Rob S said...

I wish there was a proper fix but the twist and shortening happens continuously from the time you start using the new P lines.

Hmm well you can tell I don't fly rev's otherwise I would have had a better answer...

Strange it does one side a lot more than the other.

Maybe try a different kind of line less prone to shrinkage / twisting?

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
15 Mar 2011 9:02AM
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How many complicated replies ?What a hassle . Just get rid of it

NSW, 341 posts
15 Mar 2011 11:30AM
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AKSonline said...

Hey Guys,

As Rumblefish says, come along to our DIY repair night, I'm sure we can give you some useful tips you didn't already know. We stock the Ronstan Orbit block pulleys with pigtails attached. They are $29.95 ea but will be cheaper than two sets of P-lines.


Now that is a quality pully!! and I can spot a good pully when I see one.. Basically the P line rope is **. I would go and get a bunch of different types as one will not twist or wear through. better pullys will stop the wear of outer sheeths

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
15 Mar 2011 5:20PM
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kitelooper1 said...
I reckon the kite flies more on its front lines so any diff in P line would be more noticed on back lines effecting steering. Therefore attach up the knots on the back line on the side of the longer bridle to even out back line length.

Posters have reminded me that with shortening of bridle -assuming the solution is to compensate on back lines, the front line length also needs to be reduced by hooking up the knots on both front lines by an amount equal to the shortening of the P line relative to the P line length as specified on Slingshot US website.

Of course, a bit of a blonde moment there, the kite will be flying on the front lines so the short P lines will mostly pull down the back of the kite, so steering lines need to be lengthened (via knots). But not by the full amount of the P line shortening. (trigonometry of the sideways pull). The rest of the effect will be seen as a bit of canopy distortion at the wing tips I think.

I can't see the logic with the second suggestion to shorten the front lines.

The only exact fix is to have the correct P line length. I have ordered the orbit pulleys and will fit new P lines. Again!

WA, 773 posts
15 Mar 2011 3:25PM
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Very surprising!!
I've flown both rev 1 and 2s for a season each (and bought them 2nd hand ) and they have always flown straight and true

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
15 Mar 2011 8:51PM
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graceful said...

Very surprising!!
I've flown both rev 1 and 2s for a season each (and bought them 2nd hand ) and they have always flown straight and true

If you mostly kitesurf you probably will not see the problem as much as those who load the lines a lot wilth continuous tricks and boosts. But measure your P lines anyway

112 posts
15 Mar 2011 6:26PM
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Rob S said...

kitelooper1 said...
I reckon the kite flies more on its front lines so any diff in P line would be more noticed on back lines effecting steering. Therefore attach up the knots on the back line on the side of the longer bridle to even out back line length.

Posters have reminded me that with shortening of bridle -assuming the solution is to compensate on back lines, the front line length also needs to be reduced by hooking up the knots on both front lines by an amount equal to the shortening of the P line relative to the P line length as specified on Slingshot US website.

Of course, a bit of a blonde moment there, the kite will be flying on the front lines so the short P lines will mostly pull down the back of the kite, so steering lines need to be lengthened (via knots). But not by the full amount of the P line shortening. (trigonometry of the sideways pull). The rest of the effect will be seen as a bit of canopy distortion at the wing tips I think.

I can't see the logic with the second suggestion to shorten the front lines.

The only exact fix is to have the correct P line length. I have ordered the orbit pulleys and will fit new P lines. Again!

You need to connect up the knots on the front lines to depower the kite and counteract the powering up from the shortening P line

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
15 Mar 2011 10:48PM
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Select to expand quote

You need to connect up the knots on the front lines to depower the kite and counteract the powering up from the shortening P line

Since you have already lengthened the back lines (reducing the kites angle of attack) I don't see the need to pull the front down as well.

I think you can compensate for back line shortening by all back line lengthening
by all front line shortening
Half and half if you want

112 posts
15 Mar 2011 9:19PM
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Select to expand quote
Rob S said...

You need to connect up the knots on the front lines to depower the kite and counteract the powering up from the shortening P line

Since you have already lengthened the back lines (reducing the kites angle of attack) I don't see the need to pull the front down as well.

I think you can compensate for back line shortening by all back line lengthening
by all front line shortening
Half and half if you want

Due to both P lines shortening - let alone one faster than the other, you are going to have to effectively shorten the front very quickly.

I want to work thru fixes that do not involve adding or removing anything to the kite or lines in the first instance.

I just saw an example of how a REv 2 was tuned by a dealer, remember all the complaints about Octanes being underpowered, shortened the back bridle by 4 inches. It fixed the sick kite.

WA, 635 posts
15 Mar 2011 10:17PM
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peanuticus said...

AKSonline said...

Hey Guys,

As Rumblefish says, come along to our DIY repair night, I'm sure we can give you some useful tips you didn't already know. We stock the Ronstan Orbit block pulleys with pigtails attached. They are $29.95 ea but will be cheaper than two sets of P-lines.


Now that is a quality pully!! and I can spot a good pully when I see one.. Basically the P line rope is **. I would go and get a bunch of different types as one will not twist or wear through. better pullys will stop the wear of outer sheeths

Forget the pulley replacement. will not solve the problem.
The worst culprit out of the REV Octane range was the REV2, I presume because it had the highest bar pressure out of the lot, and therefore put the most strain on the P-lines., you can buy the line off the roll in some yacht shops, and make your own p-lines but this wont stop the wear. I actually had a set totally twist up at kite stock two years back, after 3days of hard riding in 25 knots ++ including a 20k down winder they were stuffed.
BWS has the same bridle setup without the pulley on the P-lines, instead they use a metal ring through which the line runs, my 6m BWS still looks ok, its flattening out the lines to certain degree, but they are not twisting and dont bunch up like on the rev.
you can buy an oval shaped ring with a screw lock, may be worth while to try out and replace the pulleys with that

Rob S
VIC, 391 posts
16 Mar 2011 10:50AM
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Thanks for your input. I had my doubts about the orbit pulleys making any difference. But also think the friction with the BWS rings could accelerate the twisting.

I now doubt that altering the line lengths through the knots does anything much to compensate. The more I look at the bridle diagram the more I see how complex the interations are. If Slingshots designer was unable to figure it out through three generations of kites who am I to understand.

The only way to correct short P lines (temporarily) is to fit new ones.

QLD, 248 posts
16 Mar 2011 10:49AM
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Remove them and throw them away.
A good kite doesn't need bridles to fly.

WA, 69 posts
16 Mar 2011 10:37AM
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Lovely said...

Remove them and throw them away.
A good kite doesn't need bridles to fly.

I thought you would have hit this thread way earlier


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"How to adjust for shrinking REV bridles" started by kitelooper1