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How to avoid car break ins

Created by FlyingWhiteBoy > 9 months ago, 25 Nov 2006
WA, 111 posts
25 Nov 2006 12:06PM
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Here is my advice from years of mentoring juvenile offenders.

Please record all cases of kite related car break ins within this thread.

NEVER EVER EVER leave anything in your car that could remotely be seen as stealable at any kitesurfing spots. All popular kitesurfing spots are on the circle route of carparks that thieves drop by multiple times every day. If you leave a handbag on a car seat, more times than not you will loose it at a place like Woodmans Point or Leighton. Note that local cars are not safe, they dont give a crap where you live.

How to minimise the risk of a broken car window+stolen gear
- Leave your mobile phone and wallet at home, they are never safe on the beach or in your car.
- Never leave any type of bag in your car, they will smash your window to check whats inside.
- Never leave sheets, towels etc looking like they might be covering something. I know a friend who lost a digital camera wrapped up in a beanie stuffed into the corner of his car boot.
- Leave all glove boxes and consols open to show there is nothing in there. On days where car thieves have not pulled much of a loot they get desperate and will smash your window to check your glove box.
- Do not leave clothes hanging in the car, it shows your are going out somewhere afterwards or have just been out somewhere and thus you have a wallet and mobile in the car or on the beach.
- Any sign of a stereo with a face that could have been left in the car is justification for smashing your window. If you pull into the car park with your music blaring, you dont know who is listening. They know that you dont take your stereo face onto the water.
- A radar detector left in a car in any area of perth will get your window smashed.
- If you are lucky enough to drive a nice looking car, buy a crappy looking cheap car for kitesurfing trips, its not like you couldnt afford it. I nice car equates to expensive stealables inside the car.
- Do not put kitesurfing stickers on your car!!!!!! It automatically makes you a target where ever you park.

Sometimes there is almost nothing you can do...
There are places and situations where EVERY car will have its window smashed and its contents gone through. I've seen upwards of 20 successive cars with their windows smashed at some concerts, beaches, dinner parties, parking lots... with no regard to make/model or contents. Some people avoid this risk by driving a crappy car and leaving the windows down.

Fists of justice
Do not attempt to physically apprehend these guys unless you are willing to break your board on their head or you have a baseball bat or you are chuck norris, they ALL carry knives and wont hesitate to make a nice hole in you.

Edited on the 16/5/07

Leaving stuff on the beach
Leaving valuables in shoes or buried under clothes on the beach is like making a non tax-deductible donation to the scum who make a living on other peoples misery (thieves not divorce lawyers). There is also a large risk of losing your car when you leave your car keys in your kitebag on the sand, not to mention what they will do when they have your address from your wallet and your house keys attached. Carry your car key on you while kiting (in a mini dry bag if it has an immobiliser built in). Leave your house keys at home.

A lucrative business...
A good afternoon/evening of breaking into cars will net a talented young thief (who has the right connections) thousands of dollars - including selling stolen credit cards, bankcards (which can be used over the teller without pins at some banks), ids, mobiles, mp3 players, stereos, radar detectors, clothes, tools, sports gear, laptops, video and digital cameras, car rims (one kid i mentored had a $5000 set of car rims buried in his backyard), pdas... not to mention when they later visit your home with your house keys and steal your kite gear, motorcycle, plasma screen, dvd player, stereo, computer, passport... It is highly lucrative and the risk is low especially if they are under 18 as the police cant hold them for long and their record is cleared when they become an adult. The only thing that will deter them is the belief that you have nothing worth stealing

Added 25th November 06

Car theft
Most of the thieves are not there to steal cars as they cannot easily make money from it, they are mainly after non trace-able goods, cash and cards. They do however usually go from carpark to carpark up and down the coast in stolen cars so they must pick one up from somewhere, plus a favourite past sport of some thieves is thrashing the buggery out of stolen vehicles then lighting them on fire.
Disable your car mechanically if you are worried about theft (disconnect spark plugs, battery, ignition wires, fuel line valves... the less obvious the better and preferably do it from inside the car so they do not watch you doing stuff under your bonnet). Thieves are not renown for their auto-mechanic abilities. Once again, do not leave your keys on the beach with your gear.

Windows down? Doors unlocked?
I did not recommend leaving windows down and removing all valuables because I do know of a number of cases where frustrated thieves slashed up the car seats when there was nothing to steal (now that is truly a scumbag thing to do). BUT my dearest mother was one of 15 cars broken into outside a house party in Riverton, her car was the only car without a window smashed because she left it unlocked... you would have to weigh it up - risk of vandalism VS risk of smashed window.

Added 28th November 06

NOTE: Most insurance companies say that not locking the car would void their cover. This would be in relation to contents theft, vandalism AND car theft. Simple and illegal way of getting around this is to smash the window if you do lose something expensive enough or if the vandalism is bad enough.

Added 1st December 06

"If you're worried about losing your kites out of your car when at the beach, look into getting them covered as part of your home/contents insurance. My policy has nominated items (kites, board etc) which are covered, even if they're stolen off the beach. Wasn't a big hike in premium for this option. Cheers, Guy"

Added 10th March 07

Cheers for this tip Harry.

1) Take a Jim Beam or Jack Daniels bottle that is almost empty perhaps a third left ( I know this may be hard to part with for some but it is important that there is still some left for the cover up )

2) Fill the remainder with urine, cold tea mixed with laxitive powder or anything else which will cause some discomfort ( please note you could go to the extreme and mildly poison the bottle and as you did not give it to them you may have a defense)
OR alternatively
2.1) Instead of urine or laxatives add a nasty yellowish brown dye that wont come off the skin and something nasty and alcohol based like methylated spirits so they end up in hospital with a bloody painful tummy but dont die. Let the police know to put a post out for someone with their mouthed dyed the brownish colour in the hospitals and they'll be caught.

3) Leave it on the front seat or floor each time you go for a kite.

Note: You can buy screw on caps that make it look like a sealed bottle Try this packaging place on 28 Catalano way/street/rd? Canningvale during business hours.

WA, 453 posts
25 Nov 2006 2:59PM
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I would like to share my last three years of experience without any notable break ins (yet) although I frequent high risk car parks such as Woodies, isolated car parks between Woodies and Freo and Leighton (WA)...

Option 1 :
I drive a 20 year old small car (probably $1500 worth), normally used to bring the dogs to the beach, with an incredible mess of useless stuff everywhere inside, and probably 30 kg of sand spread on the ground and the back seats, imported during the past years of usage... I leave it open, windows down (that's really to say the vandals "Do not smash the window... IT'S OPEN!!!" and to help the vandals' brain to understand that going inside there would be a total waste of their soooo valuable time.

This car has never been 'visited'.

Option 2
when Option 1 is not available, I take a fairly recent, tidy and shiny Toyota Hilux. I remove any valuable from the car. I leave it locked with the windows low enough to pass an arm and unlock the car. This one has been 'visited' once (two weeks ago), but nothing was stolen (the only item they could have stolen would have been a petrol card that they moved but did not keep). Nothing was broken.
Thus this option seems to work... so far. However,
I am scared of having the car's inside destroyed because there is nothing to steal or simply the car stolen (Has anyone experienced that???)

Also: overseas' experience

I am a "WA local from South of France" , and that's how things happen over there:
The vandals are watching you arriving at the car parks. They may be hidden or not. They usually have a stolen car or motorbike.
They see you hiding your valuable in your car (typically, sliding a hand bag or wallet under the seat while or just before you arrive at the car park). As soon as you are away from the car, possible witness or not around, it takes them 5 seconds to break the window, steal the valuable and disapear in the stolen car. Typically, the innocent witnesses will not do anything.
In South of France, Italy and Spain, I would not leave the car open, as it would be stolen. I would just leave the car inside very tidy, clear of anything that can be seen from outside (not even a $1 coin, experience shows that it is worth for 'Them" to break a window for a bit of change), without any valuable inside. I have been lucky not to have experienced any break in during the many years I frequented high rik areas.

That's all my experience with car vandalism.

I touch wood.


WA, 111 posts
25 Nov 2006 3:43PM
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I will add this to my main post.

Most of the thieves are not there to steal cars as they cannot easily make money from it, they are mainly after non trace-able goods, cash and cards. They do however usually go from carpark to carpark up and down the coast in stolen cars so they must pick one up from somewhere.
Disable your car mechanically if you are worried about theft (disconnect spark plugs, battery, ignition wires, fuel line valves... the less obvious the better and preferably done from inside the car so they do not watch you doing stuff under your bonnet). Thieves are not renown for their auto-mechanic abilities.

I did not recommend leaving windows down and removing all valuables because I do know of a number of cases where frustrated thieves slashed up the car seats when there was nothing to steal (now that is truly a scumbag thing to do).

VIC, 663 posts
25 Nov 2006 9:42PM
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The best think would be a rottweiller well trained in the car (if the car would'n get that hot.
I would like to see the mongrels face to face with the "beast".

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
25 Nov 2006 8:00PM
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Fists of justice
Do not attempt to physically apprehend these guys unless you are willing to break your board on their head or you have a baseball bat or you are chuck norris, they ALL carry knives and wont hesitate to make a nice hole in you.

Are you kidding me?, I would gladly smash a new board over the head of a filthy vermin ripping off stuff from my car, I'd be happy to break a baseball bat the same way.

A grand for a board broken across a vile little sh1ts head would be so worth it.

Karma will see that they die of some slow unbearably painful disease that is uncurable, like the flame from a blowtorch [}:)]

Now I'm angry again

Good winds,

QLD, 5283 posts
25 Nov 2006 11:38PM
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you need a trunk monkey!

WA, 2184 posts
26 Nov 2006 8:37AM
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WA, 284 posts
26 Nov 2006 10:36AM
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I lived in a street and had 6 breakins in 2 years. After the first pointless broken window I left the car unlocked and each subsequent time all they did was rearrange the rubbish in the glove box. I was stoked every time I saw it because I thought "I win!".

I was going to do the same thing with my new car but when I checked with the SGIO they told me that not locking the car would void their insurance cover.

Sad. Now I feel like I'm setting myself up having to leave the car locked up.


WA, 2184 posts
26 Nov 2006 11:37AM
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wow, u live in a street

VIC, 333 posts
26 Nov 2006 6:15PM
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i love trunk monkey!!

oh and if you dont have one i say beat the **** out of anyone who rips you off.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
27 Nov 2006 10:07AM
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I have a 20 year old laser, that looks crap.
One door cannot be opened without can opener.

As you peer thro a window there is rubbish, ****, sand, dog hair, old fruit cores, and crap strewn from one end to another.
It smells of.....well i dont know what that smell is... its a new smell and noxious.

Anyone who looks in would think, nope hes got fk all....and they are probably right.

WA, 205 posts
27 Nov 2006 3:15PM
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I recently had my drivers side window smashed and clothes stolen - it was around august at the Ocean Reef end of Mullaloo Beach - needless to say I drove home in my wetsuit cos it was effing cold and also to avoid shards of glass. It was only after that incident that I started to notice the piles of glass in other parking bays in the same carpark. I now avoid the more secluded parking spots especially during the week when yours might be the only car or one of a few. The day I got broken into there were only two cars in the carpark and two kiters out on the water. Pretty easy for the little turds to do the maths and work out their odds are pretty fair for a smash and grab.

Then I had my social worker sister tell me they were probably cold and needed the clothes more than I did!!!! #@*!@^

String em up.....I say

WA, 148 posts
27 Nov 2006 8:00PM
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man this sucks... i dont suppose an alarm would deter them? ive got 2 kites one 07 cahbrina xbow2 ... its like 2800 kite and then my 06 ocean rodea about 1500 worth .. thanks for the heads up looks like i wont bring both kites to the beach with me when i get back to perth... sucks though .. **** im in christchurch atm and we leave spare kites, wallets, keys, phones just sitting in our bags in the launch area ... ive never heard of anything being stolen .. i guess the benefit is there is always someone around. do u leave ur kitebag and pump on the beach or do u need to lock that in the car to?

WA, 111 posts
28 Nov 2006 1:01PM
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I was going to do the same thing with my new car but when I checked with the SGIO they told me that not locking the car would void their insurance cover.

Damn, good point. I'll add it to the main post.

QLD, 33 posts
1 Dec 2006 10:42AM
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Originally posted by havox

man this sucks... i dont suppose an alarm would deter them? ive got 2 kites one 07 cahbrina xbow2 ... its like 2800 kite and then my 06 ocean rodea about 1500 worth .. thanks for the heads up looks like i wont bring both kites to the beach with me when i get back to perth... sucks though .. **** im in christchurch atm and we leave spare kites, wallets, keys, phones just sitting in our bags in the launch area ... ive never heard of anything being stolen .. i guess the benefit is there is always someone around. do u leave ur kitebag and pump on the beach or do u need to lock that in the car to?

Yea same at our beach, there's usually enough of our crew there that somebody is on the beach to keep an eye out for theives.
If you're worried about losing your kites out of your car when at the beach, look into getting them covered as part of your home/contents insurance. My policy has nominated items (kites, board etc) which are covered, even if they're stolen off the beach. Wasn't a big hike in premium for this option.

WA, 111 posts
1 Dec 2006 11:41AM
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If you're worried about losing your kites out of your car when at the beach, look into getting them covered as part of your home/contents insurance. My policy has nominated items (kites, board etc) which are covered, even if they're stolen off the beach. Wasn't a big hike in premium for this option.

Added to main post.

WA, 238 posts
3 Dec 2006 1:29PM
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We watched a guy casing and breaking cars at Brighton/Scarborough once. I got on the phone to the police but they got there too late. I wrote down his number plate and car description right in front of him! However, this only made him move to the upper car park! They are kn cheeky. I had my mothers car broken into in NZ while out kiting and lost $2000 worth of stuff The local kiters there at Raglan leave there cars open, so that theory worked for them. Makes me want to kick there arse when I see them

WA, 101 posts
4 Dec 2006 5:47PM
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one of my dads m8s drives a crappy old ute that he lugs his big american bulldog around in and he rocks up at places and leaves his keys in the ignitio and windows down and he neva gets his car broken into . summ ppl are just lucky i guess?

WA, 1194 posts
9 Dec 2006 6:43PM
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Originally posted by Jesse19

one of my dads m8s drives a crappy old ute that he lugs his big american bulldog around in and he rocks up at places and leaves his keys in the ignitio and windows down and he neva gets his car broken into . summ ppl are just lucky i guess?

nup. theifs dont knock off stuff that smells of dog sh!t.

WA, 291 posts
15 Dec 2006 10:16AM
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Originally posted by havox

man this sucks... i dont suppose an alarm would deter them? ive got 2 kites one 07 cahbrina xbow2 ...

don`t worry havox , no one`s gunna steal a xbow

QLD, 111 posts
24 Dec 2006 10:02PM
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just get dropped off

TAS, 451 posts
31 Dec 2006 7:16PM
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Move to NW Tassie!

WA, 3619 posts
15 Jan 2007 2:54AM
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from another thread - info for those in WA.
NB South Beach is just south of Fremantle & Coogee is overlooking Woodies.

Originally posted by puppetonastring

Almost caught 3 of the fkrers last week. Wasnt gonna touch them but I was having wet dreams about driving backwards & forwards over their bike ... accidentally.
Be on the look out for 3 extremely well tanned (al a naturale) young guys cruising the carparks on small motor-bikes. Watch your stuff & warn everyone if you see them - apparently they are regulars . They usually have a couple of adults in a car somewhere about, but away from each break-in, to collect all the stash.
These guys are real low-life hoods........ they knew I, along with 2 security cars, were onto them (tracking them as best we could) and still they smashed their way into another 2 cars in South Beach carpark when we headed off the other way.
This was the exact same carpark I called the cops from but who must have been too busy to show up - probably all busy on speed camera duty.
At least 5 cars smashed into in the sth freo/coogee area that one day. Then they just ride off along the train line reserve back to Spearwood somewhere. Cops cant follow them even if they try.

In fairness to the cops the security guy told me they dont respond because its a waste of time. Even if they take the time to get them to court & they are just lectured & sent home - laughing all the way no doubt. And why not

And if your unlucky have a good long search around in the dunes. Anything they cant carry easily on their bikes they stash & come back to collect it later.

NSW, 1132 posts
23 Jan 2007 7:35PM
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once had my car broken into lost all my cash and other ****,the next week i put a tin in the car with some coin and a big pissed off funnel web spider,didn`t have any drama`s after that

NSW, 174 posts
24 Jan 2007 9:21PM
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This is dead right,South Beach, CY Oconner Beach, Coogee and Woodmans point are all hot spots. My girlfriend and I got a couple of phones and a handbag (hers) stolen. Witness's saw two young fellas on a small motor bike going down the road just chucking the contents of the bag in the bushes as they went.
We reported it on the police 1300 number, they took the details but didn't seem too interested. The next day we rang the Fremantle police station. They were really appreciative of the call as they don't get told about the break in unless they actually go looking for them on the database. So make sure that you report the incidents to the local cop shop.

Originally posted by puppetonastring

Almost caught 3 of the fkrers last week. Wasnt gonna touch them but I was having wet dreams about driving backwards & forwards over their bike ... accidentally.
Be on the look out for 3 extremely well tanned (al a naturale) young guys cruising the carparks on small motor-bikes. Watch your stuff & warn everyone if you see them - apparently they are regulars . They usually have a couple of adults in a car somewhere about, but away from each break-in, to collect all the stash.
These guys are real low-life hoods........ they knew I, along with 2 security cars, were onto them (tracking them as best we could) and still they smashed their way into another 2 cars in South Beach carpark when we headed off the other way.
This was the exact same carpark I called the cops from but who must have been too busy to show up - probably all busy on speed camera duty.
At least 5 cars smashed into in the sth freo/coogee area that one day. Then they just ride off along the train line reserve back to Spearwood somewhere. Cops cant follow them even if they try.

In fairness to the cops the security guy told me they dont respond because its a waste of time. Even if they take the time to get them to court & they are just lectured & sent home - laughing all the way no doubt. And why not

And if your unlucky have a good long search around in the dunes. Anything they cant carry easily on their bikes they stash & come back to collect it later.


WA, 13 posts
29 Jan 2007 11:12PM
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had my rear 1/4 glass smashed at leightons last wednesday while kiting after work but they only took a pair of trousers - $135 to fix the window & the op shop has better trousers for $5 - pox on them

WA, 322 posts
30 Jan 2007 6:22PM
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i had 2 cars broken into at my old house in yanchep. My mates car had about 3000 worth of stuff taken, and the pricks stole a watch and 3 packs of tic tacs out of mine.....damn scum.

SA, 251 posts
8 Feb 2007 12:30AM
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Originally posted by Kitehard

Fists of justice
Do not attempt to physically apprehend these guys unless you are willing to break your board on their head or you have a baseball bat or you are chuck norris, they ALL carry knives and wont hesitate to make a nice hole in you.

Are you kidding me?, I would gladly smash a new board over the head of a filthy vermin ripping off stuff from my car, I'd be happy to break a baseball bat the same way.

A grand for a board broken across a vile little sh1ts head would be so worth it.

Karma will see that they die of some slow unbearably painful disease that is uncurable, like the flame from a blowtorch [}:)]

Now I'm angry again

Good winds,

Hey guys,

don't try to hurt these guys I know how much you would wont to but if in the unlikely event they could report to the cops that you bashed them you will get in more s@*t then them and could go to jail and then there would be no more kitesurfing or windsurfing for a while and if you get a fine for it no new gear for a whie. So guys keep it clean!!! call your local cop shop and report them and if you have a UHF in your car i know in SA the cop channel is 5 so if you follow them eather on the phone to the cops or on the good old UHF and tell them where they are you may get more of a chance to get them.

have fun in the wind guys
cheers Pittsy

VIC, 49 posts
13 Feb 2007 3:28PM
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Originally posted by Pittsy

Originally posted by Kitehard

Fists of justice
Do not attempt to physically apprehend these guys unless you are willing to break your board on their head or you have a baseball bat or you are chuck norris, they ALL carry knives and wont hesitate to make a nice hole in you.

Are you kidding me?, I would gladly smash a new board over the head of a filthy vermin ripping off stuff from my car, I'd be happy to break a baseball bat the same way.

A grand for a board broken across a vile little sh1ts head would be so worth it.

Karma will see that they die of some slow unbearably painful disease that is uncurable, like the flame from a blowtorch [}:)]

Now I'm angry again

Good winds,

Hey guys,

don't try to hurt these guys I know how much you would wont to but if in the unlikely event they could report to the cops that you bashed them you will get in more s@*t then them and could go to jail and then there would be no more kitesurfing or windsurfing for a while and if you get a fine for it no new gear for a whie. So guys keep it clean!!! call your local cop shop and report them and if you have a UHF in your car i know in SA the cop channel is 5 so if you follow them eather on the phone to the cops or on the good old UHF and tell them where they are you may get more of a chance to get them.

have fun in the wind guys
cheers Pittsy

What exactly is wrong with the law when the victim is penalized instead of the offender ?
Either way you see it, you're screwed.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
16 Feb 2007 6:15PM
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This may have been mentioned before

It wont prevent break ins but may make a few of the little pricks think again. Should work well at the break in hot spots to deter repeat offenders etc...

1) Take a Jim Beam or Jack Daniels bottle that is almost empty perhaps a third left ( I know this may be hard to part with for some but it is important that there is still some left for the cover up )

2) Fill the remainder with urine, cold tea mixed with laxitive powder or anything else which will cause some discomfort ( please note you could go to the extreme and mildly poison the bottle and as you did not give it to them you may have a defense)

3) Leave it on the front seat or floor each time you go for a kite.

If they do break into you car to steal stuff 9 times out of 10 I would say they will steal the bottle too ( particularly if it looks full )
As said it wont stop them breaking in but at least when you come back to your car to see the window is smashed and things have been stolen you can draw some comfort some notion of revenge when you see the bottle is also missing.
It may make that cold wind buffeted ride home just a little more bareable.

VIC, 4982 posts
18 Feb 2007 10:53AM
Thumbs Up

Originally posted by dgl

had my rear 1/4 glass smashed at leightons last wednesday while kiting after work but they only took a pair of trousers - $135 to fix the window & the op shop has better trousers for $5 - pox on them

Have you ever wondered why they smash the 1/4 glass? Are they being sneaky because a 1/4 glass makes a smaller hole than smashing a full window? Are they being considerate because it costs less to replace? What is going through their ****head little brains?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"How to avoid car break ins" started by FlyingWhiteBoy