Forums > Kitesurfing General

How to be a better backside wavekiter.

Created by waveslave > 9 months ago, 3 Oct 2012
WA, 4263 posts
3 Oct 2012 3:17PM
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I'm a natural-footer.

But I always ride frontside on bearaways.

Lefts or Rights.

It doesn't matter to me.

I like to face the wave.

But for the backside riders, here's a tip to improve your bottom turn and get vert.

See Kelly carving his bottom turn. ^^^

[Imagine he's gripping a kite-bar in his lefthand.]

See how he's reaching back with his righthand.

Really reaching.

Like he's swinging a ten-pin bowling ball back for a strike.

[and imagine he's wearing a harness]

A sliding tow-point on his imaginary harness might be handy too.

Personally, I'd hate a sliding tow-point.


WA, 3477 posts
3 Oct 2012 3:54PM
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Thanks for the tips WS, now if you can just teach KS to turn and face the wave more often (a la WS) perhaps he might get somewhere.

QLD, 2770 posts
3 Oct 2012 5:57PM
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how to be a better backside waverider? unhook, otherwise you're fighting against the kite the whole time

WA, 490 posts
3 Oct 2012 4:13PM
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I dont get the whole unhooking thing, unless its a massive wave, because if you un hook the kite is fully powerd, and you cant do tight turns riding back up against the kite wanting to drag you down the line at totally wave wasting pace.

WA, 10 posts
3 Oct 2012 5:24PM
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SugarQube - trust us. Try it.

Look at that photo of KS - if he was hooked in he wouldn't be able to be loading himself up for the bottom turn.

Tune your kite so that when you de-power - just before you unkook - it flies fast with little grunt.

That's how I learnt to do it - I now find unhooking so addictive that I prob do it when I shouldn't! But it feels great so i reckon it is worth a try.

WA, 5353 posts
3 Oct 2012 5:46PM
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1. Learn to un-hkook.
2. Learn to rig the right size kite.
3. Learn proper kite control and positioning.
4. Claim your pro because you can now do semi-ok turn.
5. ????
6. PROFIT!!!

WA, 4263 posts
3 Oct 2012 7:39PM
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tightlines said...
Thanks for the tips WS, now if you can just teach KS to turn and face the wave more often (a la WS) perhaps he might get somewhere.

Kelly is no slouch when it comes to switchfoot riding (in the barrel).
There's probably a youtube piece somewhere with Kelly riding Padang Padang frontside.

1156 posts
3 Oct 2012 7:46PM
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waveslave said...

I'm a natural-footer.

But I always ride frontside on bearaways.

Lefts or Rights.

It doesn't matter to me.

I like to face the wave.

But for the backside riders, here's a tip to improve your bottom turn and get vert.

See Kelly carving his bottom turn. ^^^

[Imagine he's gripping a kite-bar in his lefthand.]

See how he's reaching back with his righthand.

Really reaching.

Like he's swinging a ten-pin bowling ball back for a strike.

[and imagine he's wearing a harness]

A sliding tow-point on his imaginary harness might be handy too.

Personally, I'd hate a sliding tow-point.


Wavey, you've outdone yourself this time,
Twice you mentioned, Bottom
Twice you mentioned, Backside
Twice you mentioned, Reaching back
And that you prefer to to ride front and Bear
And imagine He's grippin a bar
And imagine He's harnessed
Ohhh Imagine, Ahhh

WA, 4263 posts
3 Oct 2012 7:58PM
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VB MAN said...

Wavey, you've outdone yourself this time,
Twice you mentioned, Bottom
Twice you mentioned, Backside
Twice you mentioned, Reaching back
And that you prefer to to ride front and Bear
And imagine He's grippin a bar
And imagine He's harnessed
Oh Imagine, Ahhh

What are you trying to suggest, VB ? ^^^

...that my post is vaguely homocentric ??

That's a stretch.

This is homocentric. ^^^


1156 posts
3 Oct 2012 8:19PM
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Been waiting for a bite have we Wavey?. Homocentric is not in my dictionary, so you can eat caca on that one.
And yes, I'm calling you a homo as is what your post suggests, unless you are having a go at "KITE SURFERS" as opposed to kiters who like to mix it up a little, (like yourself, bi the sounds of it).

And the fact that you post pics of me in your response, well, not only is that scary, but the fact that you know what I look like terrifies me a little.

WA, 4263 posts
3 Oct 2012 8:41PM
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VB MAN said...
Homocentric is not in my dictionary

That's because I made the word up.

It's just for you, dude.

That picture of you screams HOMOCENTRIC.


1156 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:03PM
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I'm touched Slavey, a word for me, that's so nice.
I can gather that you are the full, stalker type of guy. And that your apparent wife has no idea why you sneek out at 2AM, and has given up even bothering to care.
Probably just to check your messagse at the local beachside dunnies

WA, 4263 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:26PM
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VB MAN said...
I can gather that you are the full, stalker type of guy.


I don't know why it bothers you so much that I showed your picture ?

It's your pic.

You willingly posted it up.

Only yesterday it appears.

...Along with several other photos of your good self.

I thought you liked looking at yourself ?

1156 posts
3 Oct 2012 10:07PM
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I post these pics to inspire people, to try to bring back what kiting was to be all about.
Unlike yourself Slavey. The last time I saw you kite, you were running down the line (well bunny hopping really) with your kite at 12 and then followed it up being dragged into a construction site after trying to self land.
Mmmm, maybe your slide into consite wasn't an accident after all?. Maybe you just want'd a few beefy men to check you out to make sure you were ok
P:S dickhead, that foto's been up for about a week

WA, 10 posts
3 Oct 2012 10:17PM
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Wow this post got tense all of a sudden.

Lets loosen up.

I am not ashamed of homocentricity - if it was biologically possible - i would like to have kids with KS!

Or better yet clone him and I will adopt it!

Very funny psychoanalyis of waveslaves first post LOL

WA, 9503 posts
4 Oct 2012 9:31AM
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I always though it was called backhand, when going left as a natural footer.

The whole backside description is just weird to me, but so is checking out what's written on the toilet walls at 2am. Prefer to do it during the day that way you can make sure you get the number put in your phone right. Lol lol.

WA, 9503 posts
4 Oct 2012 9:35AM
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VB MAN said...
I post these pics to inspire people, to try to bring back what kiting was to be all about.
Unlike yourself Slavey. The last time I saw you kite, you were running down the line (well bunny hopping really) with your kite at 12 and then followed it up being dragged into a construction site after trying to self land.
Mmmm, maybe your slide into consite wasn't an accident after all?. Maybe you just want'd a few beefy men to check you out to make sure you were ok
P:S dickhead, that foto's been up for about a week

What getting sick air. I thought it was all about putting up a 6m REO when the boosters are putting up 10s, and riding up and back on a SB smashing huge mushy 1 foot Perth lips doing yet another downwinder. Yeh man that's where it is at! That's the future of kitesurfing man, it must be as most are doing it.

NSW, 1317 posts
4 Oct 2012 12:43PM
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"if you want to rip,..... just lean over "

simon anderson

VIC, 90 posts
4 Oct 2012 8:13PM
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Prawnhead said...
"if you want to rip,..... just lean over "

simon anderson

Did Simon Say it from a interview and on the net ? .....totally true. Gotta get on your backfoot too.

WA, 4263 posts
4 Oct 2012 8:53PM
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TimLang said...
Wow this post got tense all of a sudden.

Lets loosen up.

Very funny psychoanalyis of waveslaves first post LOL

Right-on, Tim. ^^^

What kind of person pulls apart a harmless 'how-to' post about wavekiting,

(actually freakin hi-jacking the thread for his own attention-seeking purposes),

while dissecting the sentences piece by piece,

while keeping count of certain words,


while studying it in fine detail,

in the search for ....


to find deep clues ?

about what?

Sexual connotations perhaps ?

What kind of person ?

A sicko freak with major issues, that's who.


1156 posts
4 Oct 2012 9:16PM
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Well, at least Tim found it funny

WA, 4263 posts
4 Oct 2012 9:28PM
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Is it ok with you if we can now get back to the original topic ?

QLD, 5283 posts
4 Oct 2012 11:41PM
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was the original post imagining that some bald surfer dude was holding a kite bar and its ramifications?

VIC, 1159 posts
4 Oct 2012 11:42PM
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waveslave said...

I'm a natural-footer.

But I always ride frontside on bearaways.

Lefts or Rights.

It doesn't matter to me.

I like to face the wave.

But for the backside riders, here's a tip to improve your bottom turn and get vert.

See Kelly carving his bottom turn. ^^^

[Imagine he's gripping a kite-bar in his lefthand.]

See how he's reaching back with his righthand.

Really reaching.

Like he's swinging a ten-pin bowling ball back for a strike.

[and imagine he's wearing a harness]

A sliding tow-point on his imaginary harness might be handy too.

Personally, I'd hate a sliding tow-point.


All your imaginings are centred around Kelly Slater and VB Man is the one who is "Homocentric?"

1156 posts
4 Oct 2012 10:08PM
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waveslave said...
Is it ok with you if we can now get back to the original topic ?

Yawn, yeah go on, but I don't see what it's got to do with kiting.
Just imaginings, you used to be much more fun Wavey

QLD, 298 posts
5 Oct 2012 7:31AM
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To get back on the topic of wave riding I have to agree with a couple of comments made here about always facing the wave going right and left, leaning into your turns and especially un-hooking. Once you un-hook and let go of the bar with the back hand you can pivot your body a lot more and really project out of your bottom turn. It takes a bit of practice at first but once you get it right the drive and power of the turn is very addictive.

WA, 293 posts
5 Oct 2012 8:11AM
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marty72 said...
To get back on the topic of wave riding I have to agree with a couple of comments made here about always facing the wave going right and left, leaning into your turns and especially un-hooking. Once you un-hook and let go of the bar with the back hand you can pivot your body a lot more and really project out of your bottom turn. It takes a bit of practice at first but once you get it right the drive and power of the turn is very addictive.

I note your turns are way out front.
Are u being pulled off the face because you are unhooking?

WA, 9503 posts
5 Oct 2012 9:23AM
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Agree with mask here....for once.

QLD, 298 posts
7 Oct 2012 3:50PM
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eppo said...
Agree with mask here....for once.

Not at all, if it was the case I would be pulled along the wave and not out the front and not be able to put the rail in as I would be over powered. The trick is to depower the kite before you unhook and use the power of wave and not the kite. Let the kite just drift down wind. Look at Kellys photo and how far he is out on the flats before turning back up and smashing the lip.

WA, 3477 posts
7 Oct 2012 2:44PM
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waveslave said...
tightlines said...
Thanks for the tips WS, now if you can just teach KS to turn and face the wave more often (a la WS) perhaps he might get somewhere.

Kelly is no slouch when it comes to switchfoot riding (in the barrel).
There's probably a youtube piece somewhere with Kelly riding Padang Padang frontside.

I am fully aware of the fact that he can ride switch no worries, that was actually what I was trying to say in a round about way and why I said you should teach him to do it more often.

I keep hearing kiters say that you have to face the wave but I really can't see why.
Surfers usually decide wether they are a natural or goofy footer and stick it wether on a left or right.

Backside bottom turns are as good if not better than frontside IMO.

Having said that I have been trying to get used to kiting goofy as well lately just so I do have the option.

WA, 4263 posts
7 Oct 2012 3:20PM
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stamp said...
how to be a better backside waverider? unhook, otherwise you're fighting against the kite the whole time

When you are hooked-in, you can throw buckets. ^^^


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"How to be a better backside wavekiter." started by waveslave