Forums > Kitesurfing General

I blame "and the like"

Created by westozwind > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2013
WA, 1395 posts
23 Apr 2013 2:00PM
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Saw this in the local rag and went "Que?"
Paddleboarders have paddles. Are they attacking the bird life or is it newbies crashing kites into them?
I reckon it's the "and the like"ers. They carry guns!

WA, 3619 posts
23 Apr 2013 2:42PM
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OMG - if theres that many in the area surely they need thinning out.
A short culling season may be appro.

And what about those ppl flying flags after dark - whats the world coming to.
Even govt agencies at fault !!! OMFG Treasonable - send em to some tropical paradise with free food, medicine, air con quarters etc for a spell.
That'd soon learn em.

Just as well some ppl out there are responsible enough to alert us to these travesties.

VIC, 518 posts
23 Apr 2013 6:12PM
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i read the article about the flags and thought "what the **** is this **** on about?"... but he/she actually has a point.

461 posts
23 Apr 2013 5:15PM
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I've lost count of how many times i've mowed down a pelican on my SUP.

WA, 808 posts
23 Apr 2013 5:28PM
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"kite-surfers, paddle-boarders and the like".

The "like" is her. She has got absolute zero carbon footprint. Including her PC which runs on H2O.

4862 posts
23 Apr 2013 5:29PM
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Yep. I am enraged at flag flyers too. how dare they fly them unilluminated!!!.. May the flea's of 1000 camels infest their armpits!!!..

But it only seems to be Australian flag flyers that's cause rage? Is flying a Chinese flag at night perfectly acceptable.

Perhaps a north Korean flag?

WA, 3619 posts
23 Apr 2013 6:26PM
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THE DONG said...
i read the article about the flags and thought "what the **** is this **** on about?"... but he/she actually has a point.

Couldnt read the rest of the article but if theres a point in there somewhere Id like to know about it ???

VIC, 518 posts
23 Apr 2013 10:08PM
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puppetonastring said...
THE DONG said...
i read the article about the flags and thought "what the **** is this **** on about?"... but he/she actually has a point.

Couldnt read the rest of the article but if theres a point in there somewhere Id like to know about it ???

im pretty sure you are meant to bring flags down during the night.. traditional or respect of our flag thingy

VIC, 518 posts
23 Apr 2013 10:10PM
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anyway soz for moving away from topic

WA, 28 posts
23 Apr 2013 10:07PM
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Birdwatchers and the like got my local lough banned from kitesurfing for 9months of the year in the uk. Based on high kites frightening the migratory birds after there long journey. The sailing clubs and poleys were unaffected. I wouldn't underestimate the love for the birds like.

NSW, 561 posts
24 Apr 2013 1:35PM
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THE DONG said...
im pretty sure you are meant to bring flags down during the night.. traditional or respect of our flag thingy

Thanks for flagging that one for us

ACT, 20 posts
25 Apr 2013 9:25AM
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I would be very carefull with the Twitchers they have got large areas of the US and UK banned to kiters.
It is all based on the claims that kites look like birds of prey.
The claim is total crap but the authorites believe it.
I think we should start a petition for a twitchers hunting season, since the ban on fox hunting there is a hole in the market begging to be filled.
Messing up the beaches perving at birds with there funny glasses.
Its just not right.

QLD, 581 posts
25 Apr 2013 10:08AM
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Not all twitchers are bad. But we had a local bad one, retired, lots of time, wealthy, violent (taken to court), rude, and complained about 100 times to council and wasted so much council $$ (who were sick of her).

But we showed that a few people with absolutely no scientific substance (of our particular spot not some overseas studies - that's not exactly scientific..- they ended up doing a local study and disturbances %age wise were logged way more from other recreation users - walkers, dog wakkers, beach goers sooo much more Just opinion cannot control what goes on, below the high tide mark. Kitesurfers were unfairly targeted in the scheme of things.

They lost, but wasted a lot of kiters time that had to put a lot of time and effort into keeping up with someone that was retired and could work on lobbying full time. But you have no choice but to do that when someone like that come along. I had no problem discrediting them with true facts. Fortunately the kiters were onto it with media, good contacts, qualifications and grouping together with about 5 times as many submissions as the opposing side. It would not be fair to says vs conservationists as many of the kiters are themselves.

I support conservation, but there has to be a good balance because there are fewer and fewer recreational activities the young can enjoy freely, and this itself will have a negative effect on society if taken away.

NSW, 1114 posts
25 Apr 2013 12:17PM
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I say lets bring back monster truck sand duning....TWF'em

WA, 1255 posts
1 May 2013 1:45PM
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lol saw the flag letter about a month or so ago and snapped a pic thought it was so funny...

so for those of you who would like the whole flag letter

WA, 5353 posts
1 May 2013 2:33PM
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Australia - full of boring c#nts that tell you what you should and shouldn't do - all the time.
This is by far the worst country I've been to for it so far and I've been almost everywhere... What ever happened to a free spirited Australia??? I think it left about the same time people stopped bringing their flags in - coincidence? or correlation?

WA, 808 posts
1 May 2013 2:41PM
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“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow lively debate within that spectrum.” – Noam Chomsky

NSW, 4188 posts
1 May 2013 5:07PM
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dbabicwa said...
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow lively debate within that spectrum." - Noam Chomsky

So something like the Seabreeze forum rules then?

As for Chomsky, pfft! What would he know?!?!?!

(joking already!)


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"I blame "and the like"" started by westozwind