Forums > Kitesurfing General

I'm buying a helmet...

Created by random101 > 9 months ago, 29 Dec 2013
VIC, 90 posts
29 Dec 2013 8:51PM
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Not just any helmet but a Pickelhaube, which I believe should be mandatory at altona now!

To stop noobs dropping their kites on others heads... Not even beginners but more seasoned riders who attempt to boost/ then crash and burn.

Also a note to the noob/s that are attempting to boost but just end up going 50m downwind out of control... you've been warned before...

NSW, 605 posts
29 Dec 2013 9:52PM
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Just wondering, does a kite dropping on someone's head pose a serious risk of injury? Ie: does it hurt a lot or just kind of fold around them and freak them out a bit? I've never witnessed it that's all.

VIC, 144 posts
29 Dec 2013 10:01PM
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Was a great day kiting at Altona though, although I left by 12 when it started getting busy.

VIC, 87 posts
29 Dec 2013 10:29PM
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Phoney said...
Just wondering, does a kite dropping on someone's head pose a serious risk of injury? Ie: does it hurt a lot or just kind of fold around them and freak them out a bit? I've never witnessed it that's all.

These were from just getting brushed by a falling kite. Luckily I got out of most of the impact by holding it off with my arms otherwise I would look like uncle chop chop

QLD, 271 posts
29 Dec 2013 10:10PM
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^^did you ask the noob to be more respectful towards fellow beach users, or belt the stupid fugger for not paying attention?

NSW, 605 posts
29 Dec 2013 11:54PM
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Christ! Admittedly I've had a couple of close calls with members of the general public in the past (particularly while I was first learning), thank duck I missed em.

VIC, 87 posts
30 Dec 2013 1:19AM
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It happened when I was out on the water, I didn't come off my board and when I had blood pissing out of my head I headed back to the beach. It wasn't that bad so I waited until it clotted and headed back out. I don't even know who it was and no one came up and said sorry, all I know is it was a dice and I was at rosebud.

QLD, 2433 posts
30 Dec 2013 7:06AM
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I seen this poor girl get smacked out by a looping kite on the beach last year. Don't forget a decent leading edge is 9psi, and traveling at high speed can easily knock you out. The lines can slice you too.

WA, 3271 posts
30 Dec 2013 5:40AM
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Phoney said...
Just wondering, does a kite dropping on someone's head pose a serious risk of injury? Ie: does it hurt a lot or just kind of fold around them and freak them out a bit? I've never witnessed it that's all.

I've tomahawked my kites many times and be farked if I'd ever volunteer to stand under one. I don't think its unrealistic to see serious cervical spinal injuries if someone cops one at full speed on the top of the head.

QLD, 1694 posts
30 Dec 2013 8:53AM
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My wife got me a gaff helmet for Chrissy, so so comfortable and looked sweet too

VIC, 4501 posts
31 Dec 2013 12:46PM
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kemp90 said..

My wife got me a gaff helmet for Chrissy, so so comfortable and looked sweet too

This is a pickelhaube in case you missed the joke :)

QLD, 918 posts
31 Dec 2013 4:25PM
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I can't believe someone got hurt while kitesurfing, near other kite surfers.... I mean really, what are the odds??!

QLD, 918 posts
31 Dec 2013 4:31PM
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random101 said..

Also a note to the noob/s that are attempting to boost but just end up going 50m downwind out of control... you've been warned before...

did you put up a sign warning all new kite surfers in general or did you spend the day going to each one and warn them individually??

Do they only get one warning or is it a three strike kind of thing?

And what happens should they (gasp) not heed your warning?..

VIC, 90 posts
4 Jan 2014 8:39PM
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BennyB12 said..

random101 said..

Also a note to the noob/s that are attempting to boost but just end up going 50m downwind out of control... you've been warned before...

did you put up a sign warning all new kite surfers in general or did you spend the day going to each one and warn them individually??

Do they only get one warning or is it a three strike kind of thing?

And what happens should they (gasp) not heed your warning?..

God warns you, then on your 3rd strike lighting comes down...

Ben thats how people get hurt if ****tards continue being ****tards while their mates, or fellow riders watch em, then **** happens, then we have another charity function on SB.

Kudos to the local riders who do speak up to these people, and thank you to the riders who take this information on board and kite safer and easier in the future.

WA, 908 posts
5 Jan 2014 6:33AM
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Lebowski said...
It happened when I was out on the water, I didn't come off my board and when I had blood pissing out of my head I headed back to the beach. It wasn't that bad so I waited until it clotted and headed back out. I don't even know who it was and no one came up and said sorry, all I know is it was a dice and I was at rosebud.

If you knew what kite it was (dice) it wouldn't have been that hard to track the offender down and bail him up. As your discussing with him point out what hook knife you are using if he cares to do it again then expect 1 line to be cut.

Problem with kiting these days is that people are turning into do gooders and pussies only bail up people on forums.

Get some anger and colourful language to the offender and this may put the point across that his actions are not accepted.

VIC, 87 posts
5 Jan 2014 11:24AM
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I should have thought of that. Lucky there is only one dice in Melbourne so it should make finding the rider simple as.
Big picture, no one was seriously hurt, accidents happen and who gives a ****.
If you don't expect to get a few scratches go play lawn bowls

NSW, 1651 posts
5 Jan 2014 8:15PM
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Had a hot looking Euro girl crash her kite and nearly took out my student, then her boyfriends went to relaunch her and ended up in the hotzone nearly taking us out after we were on the beach reassembling the bar. I grabbed her kite and dumped the air. Plain and simple. They kind of looked at me strangely, and I asked them why they were so out of control. She said she was having issues with the North bar releasing under load without her activation. I said maybe she should check out her system better before putting herself and others in danger. I saw them later with the kite pumped up and the wind 25 knots. Needless to say they were smart enough to stay out of the water. No lines cut, message very clear though...And I teach way downwind of our kite zone.

VIC, 164 posts
6 Jan 2014 11:37AM
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Rosebud was hectic yesterday I kept 1.5 line lengths away from all students all day , I had 5 kites crash .5 line lengths from me all students , it was like I had a kite magnet stuck to me every time I passed a student , bang , freaked me out , certain schools take them out right in front , I think it would be better for everyone if they went down the beach a bit


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"I'm buying a helmet..." started by random101