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Injuries after being lofted

Created by Havinfun > 9 months ago, 7 Jul 2012
WA, 2 posts
7 Jul 2012 11:39AM
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Hi was interested to find out what type of injuries that people had sustained after being lofted on the beach by a gust, Total noob question but thought it would be interesting to find out how often it happens.
As saw someone get lofted the other day luck he was not hurt

Do be scared we were all noobs once.


WA, 258 posts
7 Jul 2012 12:26PM
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Saw an older bloke practicing flying his new kite around on a low tide at the pond in the winter months last year snap his leg in half.. If it wasn't for us he would have been alone and it would have been a very painfully crawl back to the car to call an ambulance!

Not sure if it was the morphine the medic supplied or the realisation that kiting can hurt but my mate managed to pick up a pretty new kite setup off of him for cheap as he was being stretchered away :)

I still giggle to my self everytime when I see rookies send their kites up powered off of a beach launch to "test" the wind power and get a little air off of the sand.. The first few seconds your kite spends in the air should be to check your chicken loop is properly secured and your larks head knots are holding BOTH of which I have seen instantly fail, luckily to no injury.

WA, 258 posts
7 Jul 2012 12:33PM
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suniboy21 said...

That smacks me in the face with reality every time I read his updates..

VIC, 1090 posts
7 Jul 2012 2:50PM
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Yes its a very sad story!
Dicks who hang around beaches with kites bouncing up and down are asking for a good teabag!

VIC, 189 posts
7 Jul 2012 6:01PM
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I'm an experienced kiter and last season got lofted in a 35kt gust (25kt avg) from the water onto the beach, sustained a badly bruised heel which has only now heeled, 8 months later, and a bad cut on my knee. Was very lucky to walk away from that one.

Cost me 2 months off the water.

QLD, 91 posts
7 Jul 2012 8:23PM
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Don't want to start a poo fight here ,but Dickin around on the beach ,or any hard surface with a power kite is potentially deadly , at the start of the year within one week one poor guy paid the ultimate price up here in Redcliffe Brisbane , and another ended up in intensive care in a coma in Melbourne . Another one I witnessed saw one poor chap get lifted then smashed into a rock groin ,let's put it this way ,where he landed is where the ambulance picked him up.

So to answer your question on injuries caused by being lofted , i'f you get badly lifted and are able to walk away uninjured you are fortunate , go a buy yourself a lotto ticket.

WA, 306 posts
7 Jul 2012 7:00PM
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mywisdom said...

Saw an older bloke practicing flying his new kite around on a low tide at the pond in the winter months last year snap his leg in half.. If it wasn't for us he would have been alone and it would have been a very painfully crawl back to the car to call an ambulance!

Not sure if it was the morphine the medic supplied or the realisation that kiting can hurt but my mate managed to pick up a pretty new kite setup off of him for cheap as he was being stretchered away :)

I still giggle to my self everytime when I see rookies send their kites up powered off of a beach launch to "test" the wind power and get a little air off of the sand.. The first few seconds your kite spends in the air should be to check your chicken loop is properly secured and your larks head knots are holding BOTH of which I have seen instantly fail, luckily to no injury.
Hmmm, I remember that, legs just arn't ment to bend that way. That guy was a troopa tho, He was more worried about the paramedics cutting his wetty than his mangled leg .

QLD, 2770 posts
7 Jul 2012 9:54PM
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laurie, an experienced kiter from aspendale, was lofted into the stone seawall at gnotuk beach a few years ago. he was kiting a fair way out in a westerly and was picked up by a gust. he ended up with serious head injuries, and i think was in a coma for a bit.

WA, 641 posts
8 Jul 2012 8:20AM
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Fractured neck of femur.
Surgery,a year off kiting and a hip and lower back that have never been the same again.
Be careful of Perth winter fronts.

VIC, 858 posts
8 Jul 2012 1:15PM
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stamp said...

laurie, an experienced kiter from aspendale, was lofted into the stone seawall at gnotuk beach a few years ago. he was kiting a fair way out in a westerly and was picked up by a gust. he ended up with serious head injuries, and i think was in a coma for a bit.

Laurie was in hospital for many, many months, 12 months later he could only walk about 10m. After many operations to fix all the broken bits it took about 4 years before Laurie was able to return to full time work in his chosen career as a paramedic (a little ironic).

Laurie was hit by a front when the wind spiked from about 18knts to over 40knts. He was about 100m offshore and carried all the way in.

Laurie's mental attitude remained positive through the whole thing and was inspirational to say the least. It was also inspirational to see his friends rally around him and his family. Hats off to Kaos who started a support fund which received a lot of support from all the Seabreezers of the day.

NSW, 156 posts
8 Jul 2012 8:46PM
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It blows me out when beginners are flying in westerly winds. People come to primbee from Sydney and all over the place for the butter smooth water but the wind turns from 15kts to 40kts at times. Its happened to me. Not fun! Not trying to turn people off this spot but sometimes a bit of common sense is needed when it's pumping. At least you won't hurt anyone but yourself if you get lofted into the carpark. Each to there own though, a lot of people have had great sessions out there!

4862 posts
8 Jul 2012 8:10PM
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Back un 2007 I got lofted into a fence. The lines then wrapped around a post and sent the kite into the powerzone which promptly snapped the 4" post like a carrot and it center punched me in the forehead. Luckily i was wearing a helmet. The post smashed my helmet flat and still had enough power to split my head open.
Blood started gushing into my eyes and i started getting electric shocks.

yes people i had landed in an electric fence!!!..

The helmet saved my life that day. I wont kite without one~

65 posts
8 Jul 2012 8:48PM
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damn dude u just got a scratch.... just harden up and get the F out on the water again.. pansies r for the weak.. grow some balls and stop wining like a bitch... damnnnnn

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
9 Jul 2012 1:42AM
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fellodawind said...

damn dude u just got a scratch.... just harden up and get the F out on the water again.. pansies r for the weak.. grow some balls and stop wining like a bitch... damnnnnn

You are a moron !

QLD, 2433 posts
9 Jul 2012 1:51AM
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Kiting next to the coast being a **** in front of the camera, fins hit a submerged rock and the rest is history.

209 posts
9 Jul 2012 5:47AM
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There's legitimately being 'lofted' by huge gust where you are totally out of control of the situation, and then there's those pulling tricks too close to terra firma. If you're the latter then don't bother with the 'poor me' comments, just take your medicine.

NSW, 4188 posts
9 Jul 2012 10:19AM
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^^^ +1

Based on those rules, I'm calling this one "legit"

Sorry but you all know some galah was going to post it...

QLD, 2433 posts
9 Jul 2012 10:33AM
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Burls said...

There's legitimately being 'lofted' by huge gust where you are totally out of control of the situation, and then there's those pulling tricks too close to terra firma. If you're the latter then don't bother with the 'poor me' comments, just take your medicine.

In who's comment are they suggesting "poor me"?

NSW, 45 posts
10 Jul 2012 9:49PM
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Thanks for your answers was hoping the doctor would join in the forum with some of his wisdom that he always seams to use
As I believe that he is a victim of being lofted at some stage ( although if you ask him he will tell you that he was a kiting expert from the first day he started kiting)

Come on doctor tell us the story of how you broke your arm as a noob

Is that how you came up with the name the doctor. From the visit to the doctors that day



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Injuries after being lofted" started by Havinfun