lostinlondon said...
Going on a snowkite camp with Chasta! That's like saying I had Robby Naish take me out for a few sessions on the water!
Yea how good is this guy !! I've never seen any kiter ever fly for over 2 minutes in the air as this guy does with his kites in the snow, and to boot he's such a great guy really down to earth, and fun to hang out with , even if he says there's wind there and there is but it's only wind he seems to be able to find.

felixk said......
Yeah that looks sick!
I'm guessing that was done with a company? How much did it set you back?
yea mate it was done with Jon Imhoof from Boarder patrol
http://www.boarderpatrol.com.au/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 As for the cost part it was 1 grand per week for the camp and at that time they had a deal going that you buy a Ozone kite($1700) and get the camp for free.
So we went that way.
All meals(good food) accommodation , travel etc and discounted lift passes(we went snow boarding when the wind wasn't on)
There about a dozen of us or more we had Remi Meum there also who is a bit of a legend also, and another great guy, all in all it was a wicked trip!!, great bunch of guys, would have been better with some girls about also,

but we had to go drinking for there company

which seemed to hinder our snow kiting functionality for some reason???.

Not the best of winds at the time and it changed dramatically you need to be ready to go and go means travel a few hours when your checking out back country spots which we did and I even nearly managed to roll a brand new Prado

when I got us stuck up a mountain and slid off it,

when everyone else gets out of the car to let you try and get it out you know it's a bit of a drama unfolding.My balls were in my throat as no insurance cover on a rental up there, so my cost could have ended up 70 grand instead of 10 grand for the 2 months I ended up being there for.
I also got severly lost in a white out,

easy to do on a kite as I'm sure your all aware a few k's covered quickly and 2 meters visibility means **** creek so we had a bit of search and rescue training as well, but I never made the news which pleased me no end

I recommend anyone who kites and wants to try this do it, it's worth it and when your armed with the knowledge and know the spots your world opens up thats for sure.
We're planning our next trip to Norway can't wait.
Oh yea before I forget as far as the kite choice foils will win they are safer as if your on the edge of a mountain a inflatable can still pull you off the side where as a foil instantly drops out of the sky when you put the breaks on not to mention the other obvious reasons packup size pump etc as mentioned in the thread already
Chasta also has extensive para gliding background which shows I think in some of his air time but when you grow up in the French alps on a ski field this is the product of a lifetime in the mountains a couple of clips of his .................enjoy
Also if you wanta see hang time check this out