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Japanese Tshirt folding

Created by lancekenny > 9 months ago, 14 Mar 2008
SA, 402 posts
14 Mar 2008 11:22PM
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ok trend setters - the Japanese have some things absolutely down pat such as this -

this is in english and there are heaps of other versions including the Japanese championships...

My challenge/request is this - can it be done with a kite? I know when I get a brand new kite she is crispy and packed so small and snugg... so its two part - how to do it quickly and how to get it small - as in new small - is it possible???

Must be possible in windy environments, single user and possibly wet at the time of folding.

WA, 563 posts
14 Mar 2008 11:50PM
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...and in fine sand...

.....with achy back, shaky knees and trembly arms after a full-on session.

WA, 7 posts
15 Mar 2008 1:54AM
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Obviously you don't have a Mrs, why would you come across that on U tube.

Either way thanks, I forwarded it to the wife. Might get me in the good books because it will potentially save her some time so she can get in the kitchen and start dinner earlier...[}:)]

SA, 402 posts
15 Mar 2008 11:52PM
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As my wife is looking over my shoulder I have to say shame on your waterbaby shame on you

There has to be a shogun guru method of getting either on or off the beach quicker than the standard rolly polly fold 3 times method

QLD, 293 posts
Site Sponsor
16 Mar 2008 10:28AM
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Hey Lance,

I actually perfer to fold the kite instead of rolling. Seems to pack smaller.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Japanese Tshirt folding" started by lancekenny