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Kilcunda Protest Sunday

Created by ch > 9 months ago, 15 Nov 2007
VIC, 17 posts
16 Nov 2007 1:59AM
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Sorry, not directly kiting related, but I'm a passionate windsurfer / surfer / kitesurfer and this is so bloody wrong, I want to get the message out to anyone who is interested; it's about the ruination of the beaches and the marine environment we all adore, not to mention the contribution to the stuffing up of our choking atmosphere.
Our State Government has pursued the regressive and irresponsible decision of desalination for Victoria, on the wild coast east of Kilcunda & Powlett River at Williamsons Beach.
Unlike other parts of Aus and OS, we don't have a water supply problem in Vic, even with reducing rainfall; just gross mismanagement of our water.
At present, over 450 Gl of stormwater and treated sewerage water runs into our bays and Bass Strait, such as the debacle of 120ish Gl at Gunnamatta.
Government plans to suck just one third (150 Gl) of this back out again!
And at what fricken cost?;
$ 5 billion dollars.
Climate Change (equal to 280 000 new cars!) which ironically reduces rainfall even further!
[}:)]Marine degradation due to huge volumes of salt, chlorine, carcinogens etc that will kill 300 000 small organisms per SECOND, with flow on effects right up the food chain.
Destruction of the visual amenity of a gorgeous coastline by virtue of a factory site the size of the MCG and up to 5 storeys high.

There ARE better options that Government is ignoring for the sake of big international business and brass plaquing.

This Sunday, Nov 18 at 12:30, Greens leader Bob Brown is visiting a public rally on the beach at the trestle bridge, Kilcunda, to address the crowd, along with Rob Gell and others.
Heaps of surfers to form a sign on the water (though 7 foot swell predicted!).
We need a HUGE public turnout in order to show government that we will not be overrun by their arrogant disregard of the environment that we love and that is tenuously sustaining us. There will be a big national media turnout. Love to see some fellow kite and windsurfers there!
Sorry to lower the happy meter; go kiting!!! (after watching the youtube links)

WA, 187 posts
23 Nov 2007 9:19PM
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Great post, can't believe no one has responded to it and is now the 23rd.

A: There is no water crisis. Storm water haversting makes a hell of a lot more sense
Sick of the kiting in the Willy wonker factory, and it aint chocolate.

B: Second grade water, who the hell needs to flush there toilet with drinking water,
it's absurd.

C: People with water tanks in there back yard are ****ers. There hearts in the
right place, but would be better off using there money and time to make a stand
and get some thing done about getting recycled water infastructure happening.
There are people at Gunnamatta swimming with ****, when it could be watering
lawns and football fields etc. The price of water is a few cents a mega litre,
your water tank will never break even, it's just a feel good thing, like a solar
panel. Real important change comes with government, pulling there finger out. I
don't want part of a 30billion dollar tax brake ,$20 buck a week or some crap.
That kind of money could make a difference with infastructure.

D: Tommorrows voting day, put a vote where it counts.

Investing in sensible infastructure, not Delsalination we are hardly living in Saudi Arabia.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kilcunda Protest Sunday" started by ch