Has an event been run like this before?
I think the attraction is the fact that you can pack a beach an have the comp right there in view of everyone. Somewhere like Scabs would be awesome. Would pull a crowd$$
I think it would need to have three separate categories for Judging
1.Highest jump - not longest, thats what paragliders are for..
2.Highest Loop - Langere did that and got nowhere...
3.Biggest Freestyle/Airstyle - chop hoppers need not apply
Its all got to be BIG or it will just become another tow behind a boat session
Was out testing a new kite yesterday high jump n looping - it was pretty easy to see from up there... where the peoples/tourists heads and cameras where pointing compared to a few guys doin low passes.
KEEP IT ALL BIG - so the bull**** Politics stays out of it and the media and public will follow
It's a cool idea..
It should be kept simple for the first one (assuming the event gets the attention it deserves it will perpetuate itself), with other disciplines following in future events, if at all needed.
Dont underestimate the effort required for organising this, Mr. Hansen seems to know what he's talking about, smmooth him over with beer or whatever he needs to assist the organisors.
I'd go watch!
The landing pool is a good idea, but maybe filled with baby oil and nake... no that wont work.
The Amphitheatre was built for such a time as this!
Thank you City of Stirling.
PS: Practiced a few loops today, 70% didn't end so well, need more practice and bigger gonads.
Could one of these apps work to measure the hight of jumps,
Smart Measure
We have something brewing. Rob Smallwood is now a Geraldtonian ex. AKSA committee member.
For Gero, it's time.
WASKA usually have a "big air" event\comp planned as part of kitestock, fingers crossed for the forecast for this year...for those attending anyway :(