Forums > Kitesurfing General

King Of The Point Unhooked!

Created by NJPornstar > 9 months ago, 15 Apr 2010
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WA, 14438 posts
23 Apr 2010 8:13PM
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deXtrous said...

One thing I've noticed is the kiters are much more tolerable than the poleys on this forum. I think we're just about having a laugh and they are just trying to insult us.

Maybe the poleys lost their heart the same time their sport did.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... It sucks doing a sport that you do for your own enjoyment and not whether anyone else thinks you're cool.

I hate it when everyone thinks windsurfing is that thing with the kite, but somehow I just manage to keep going. Will I ever be cool?

I think its sad when anyone thinks the 'other' sport is crap. Why would it worry you unless you feel ashamed?

QLD, 49 posts
23 Apr 2010 10:18PM
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lotofwind said...

kiter666 said...

lotofwind said...

Does anyone actually still windsurf any more.?????

You can't ask that question on here. You will get pulled off.

I said pulled!!

QLD, 49 posts
23 Apr 2010 10:24PM
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FormulaNova said...

deXtrous said...

One thing I've noticed is the kiters are much more tolerable than the poleys on this forum. I think we're just about having a laugh and they are just trying to insult us.

Maybe the poleys lost their heart the same time their sport did.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... It sucks doing a sport that you do for your own enjoyment and not whether anyone else thinks you're cool.

I hate it when everyone thinks windsurfing is that thing with the kite, but somehow I just manage to keep going. Will I ever be cool?

I think its sad when anyone thinks the 'other' sport is crap. Why would it worry you unless you feel ashamed?

Dextrous, i think he missed the point

WA, 14438 posts
23 Apr 2010 8:35PM
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kiter666 said...

FormulaNova said...

deXtrous said...

One thing I've noticed is the kiters are much more tolerable than the poleys on this forum. I think we're just about having a laugh and they are just trying to insult us.

Maybe the poleys lost their heart the same time their sport did.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... It sucks doing a sport that you do for your own enjoyment and not whether anyone else thinks you're cool.

I hate it when everyone thinks windsurfing is that thing with the kite, but somehow I just manage to keep going. Will I ever be cool?

I think its sad when anyone thinks the 'other' sport is crap. Why would it worry you unless you feel ashamed?

Dextrous, i think he missed the point

Musta been a good one then

Sorry, I must remember to put more smilies in. Oh, yeah, and you can keep flipper too, but its with a no return policy.

QLD, 49 posts
23 Apr 2010 10:42PM
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FormulaNova said...

kiter666 said...

FormulaNova said...

deXtrous said...

One thing I've noticed is the kiters are much more tolerable than the poleys on this forum. I think we're just about having a laugh and they are just trying to insult us.

Maybe the poleys lost their heart the same time their sport did.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... It sucks doing a sport that you do for your own enjoyment and not whether anyone else thinks you're cool.

I hate it when everyone thinks windsurfing is that thing with the kite, but somehow I just manage to keep going. Will I ever be cool?

I think its sad when anyone thinks the 'other' sport is crap. Why would it worry you unless you feel ashamed?

Dextrous, i think he missed the point

Musta been a good one then

Sorry, I must remember to put more smilies in. Oh, yeah, and you can keep flipper too, but its with a no return policy.

ok ok you win. anything but flipper

WA, 1194 posts
23 Apr 2010 8:45PM
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i got a whole lot of respect for the local windsurfers , Ive seen them take beatings that doesn't make me envious of their sport and not all of them rip even in great conditions but they do take bigger beatings than most kiters.

but... if your gonna claim of ripping it up windsurfing in a kitesurfing forum and try to back it up with pictures.. then least make sure those pics actually looks like ridding something thats heavy and you are ripping it up... otherwise... no respect from this little wabbit.

gspot..if your post was directed at me, no offense was meant, i can only speak from my experiences of kitesurfing some Geraldton spots which on each occasion left me disappointed with the waves.... but ill continue to go back to Geraldton because i am never dissapointed with

1. waters always warm , least to what I'm used too.
2. winds always there, which i cant speak for my location.
3. beats kitesurfing in Perth with lots more crowds and even less of a decent wave, though winters usually better

i got to ask though.. on separate occasions i have been to your shop for a look-c .. you have had an away for few days sign on the closed shop door.... secret wave spot perhaps thats a bit better than some of the easily spotted waves around town?

QLD, 49 posts
23 Apr 2010 11:13PM
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Gday flipper/windzone, wondered where you went. How long till windzone gets shutdown. Anyone wanna take a guess[}:)]

edit; leave post going. got to have something to do when there's no wind.

WA, 14438 posts
23 Apr 2010 9:26PM
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kiter666 said...

Gday flipper/windzone, wondered where you went. How long till windzone gets shutdown. Anyone wanna take a guess[}:)]

edit; leave post going. got to have something to do when there's no wind.

He's your problem now! No returns, remember!

Funnily enough, its probably the time wasting posts of 'nothing' that gets him kicked off every time, rather than anything he actually says.

7 posts
23 Apr 2010 9:27PM
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hey flipper how it goin didnt take u long 2 come back, welcome back (windzone)

QLD, 49 posts
23 Apr 2010 11:38PM
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FormulaNova said...

kiter666 said...

Gday flipper/windzone, wondered where you went. How long till windzone gets shutdown. Anyone wanna take a guess[}:)]

edit; leave post going. got to have something to do when there's no wind.

He's your problem now! No returns, remember!

Funnily enough, its probably the time wasting posts of 'nothing' that gets him kicked off every time, rather than anything he actually says.

No really i couldn't take him off you guys, really. Who's going to look after up to kop. Thanks anyway.

WA, 4263 posts
23 Apr 2010 10:26PM
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king of the point said...

Ive HAD A KITE FOR OVER 3 YEARS ...........sorry i dont ride at surf locations

Why not ? ^^^
What's the hold-up, dude ?
Three years and you're still a greenhorn ?
By now you should be ripping the waves to pieces with da STRINGS, MAN.
You are a fully certified wavehead so get off the freakin beach and quit flying your kite at 12 o'clock.
You should be snaking those poleys friends and fading the tweakers.

WA, 3848 posts
23 Apr 2010 10:56PM
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kiter666 said...

What's with removing posts. Are admin really that precious. This is all a bit of fun and people don't need to read if they don't want to. WTF

Posts were removed because KOTP is a real person, and few "new" logins went a bit overboard on their abuse of the guy. KOTP is up for a laugh, more so than most, but some of you guys are going waaaaaaay too far.

These forums are for a good time, but certainly not at somebody elses expense.

Enjoy .. Lozza

112 posts
24 Apr 2010 8:28AM
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kiter666 said...

What's with removing posts. Are admin really that precious. This is all a bit of fun and people don't need to read if they don't want to. WTF

Posts were removed because KOTP is a real person, and few "new" logins went a bit overboard on their abuse of the guy. KOTP is up for a laugh, more so than most, but some of you guys are going waaaaaaay too far.

These forums are for a good time, but certainly not at somebody elses expense.

We are having a bit of fun and no one has complained in the forum about the conversations that are going on and Kotp is just looking to stur people up no one would do any thing in regard to what he has said.

VIC, 1159 posts
24 Apr 2010 12:16PM
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"This is all a bit of fun and people don't need to read if they don't want to."

Unfortunately there is a paradox in this sentence. You can't determine the tone or content of text unless you actually, uh READ it. I'm not really offended by anything, but this sentence needs to be picked to pieces like it truly deserves.

The thread started out really funny and I don't even know KOTP, but that photo with him flying a kite at 12 with a look of surprise on his face as the photo was taken is priceless. So, it started out great and we have had some Tourrettes like comebacks, but its all in fun. Some people just can't establish where the line is I guess....

NSW, 6451 posts
24 Apr 2010 7:15PM
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^^^^^^here is the line,,,dont cross it

QLD, 49 posts
24 Apr 2010 8:28PM
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lostinlondon said...

"This is all a bit of fun and people don't need to read if they don't want to."

Unfortunately there is a paradox in this sentence. You can't determine the tone or content of text unless you actually, uh READ it. I'm not really offended by anything, but this sentence needs to be picked to pieces like it truly deserves.

The thread started out really funny and I don't even know KOTP, but that photo with him flying a kite at 12 with a look of surprise on his face as the photo was taken is priceless. So, it started out great and we have had some Tourrettes like comebacks, but its all in fun. Some people just can't establish where the line is I guess....

Yes and once you start to read you realize the jist of the thread and if you don't like it you click back, not that hard really. A bit like watching a tv show for an hour and then complaining that you don't like the show. Turn it off. Do something else. Changing the subject a bit, how good is it now flipper11 has gone then again i miss the little flapper just a little bit. Just joking

WA, 633 posts
24 Apr 2010 7:04PM
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Well Guys, Gero is fun place if you dont have to live there, now when you come back home with tears in your eyes next season its maybe not just from the wind,salt and the sun.

WA, 629 posts
25 Apr 2010 9:38AM
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king of the point said...



Your to high on da line up ,
to low and to slow ,
swooping your kite up and dowm like a fk yo yo S ,
Get dragged through the line up like a fkn lure,
loosing your board and spend half day finding it ,
Popping yr kite as they SMASH ON THE WATER C (LOVE THAT NOISE) ,
being dragged down the beach,skidding through the sand .watch the sticks and rocks ,and glass, jjjjjjjoooohnnnnie.
flicking sand in the air all over us when your popping your kite in da air
,All ways hitting people up for a hand to gring your hot air down,
Need a bumb buddie to mount you on take off (NOT UNSIMILAR TO PICTURE ABOVE) .........,
You Get yr harness riding up over your fkn ribbs and neck ..........always looking up and into the sun,,,,,,,twisted goose neck.
Carnt crank a gybe, on directional.
Ride cross legged twisted up like dick knee,oz ostroch
Always tangling strings ,falling on strings ,getting string cuts.
, Oh always attached to the pig of a thing.
Once its gorn thats it ,,,,,little chance self rescue
Carnt risk going km out to sea.
The fk things are spinika cloth
valves leak ,material explodes.
lOOK LIKE water skiers behind a fk v8 starving and surging with fuel
And you take up half the line up and beach to rigg and you gotta run backwards and forwards to the kite and bar ...what 25m that

Any one want to learn HOW to wind surf ..............i think so

lick it. do your thing ............

Will a New Kite help me

was that death metal or hiphop kotp lets hiphop wid da ktop makin everyting al rite here on seabeezy onya poleboard in the 15 kn south east sinking like a stone use your pole for a snorkle pole 4 asnorkle love to watch the kiters cause they catch all the waves blow in your sail till your on the plane bugger me that kiter s got another wave pole 4 a snorckle pole 4 a snorkle sinkin on me stone pole 4 a snorkle flip flop flap flippers lost the plot NEW brew who its any double you 2 u tremblin in your den no kotp you cant come in ill huff and ill puff ill blow your house down i want a NEW kite didnt u no i was comin round i been sunset sessions im full of happy blood smoked da radman bro fu.. it felt good.. and yes king of the point he will drop in when there pretty thin wave of the day i can see his grin but never give a**** just take it on the chin cause theres plenty more 4 kiters whilst hes underwater and a pole 4 a snorkle pole 4 a snorkle sinkin on his STONE pole 4 asnorkle

WA, 790 posts
25 Apr 2010 11:23AM
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Ha Ha the Radman, Someone put some Turkey in your water.
The poem needs some saucy hip hop tunes.

You really need to get Willow fixed up you don't want those puppies.
They got stuck the same day (well 5mins after) the KOTP Unhooked photo was taken. So that's been a while now...

2 weeks coff coff

WA, 391 posts
25 Apr 2010 1:24PM
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king of the point said...

No can't do em....

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
27 Apr 2010 12:52PM
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As i was directly prompted to respond............ love to see this post go through to the keeper........but hey

Nice shot of a back hand slash .....OK...... but............ your riding back hand.

so in this senario

He drops down and in on his back hand ,,,,,,,OR (Hes dragged on his back through the line up KITE MERE)....OR OK MAKES IT races the NEXT SECTION which is a WALLie section for a bit and flattens out a bit before racing off down the line up .......

point iM making is

...... well now (from this picture,) show us your round house, foward hand cut back to the lip,,,, before taking off on your back hand again TO the next section ????????????????????????????????? SORRY NON EVENT 90%OF RIDERS get dragged down the line up ...........either or riding on your backHhand and or forehand ........y get dragged down the line up......


Hope new kites in the future will round up more into the wind with out constant drag and or more de power allowing a tad more freedom on da wave face ,to slaye and gouge the eyes out of da dragons. allowing you to go the oppisite way to your anchored power source.

BUT hey you be windsurfing

Ps Was that you rad man being ghosted throught the line up 5m in front of me and criss crossed with me out to sea and down wind of me ,no wonder you got on it ........... you of all people.
Please tell me what where spost to say and do, i was worried about ,laughing to much and or falling off and or yelling some heavy abuse out ,and or running you over ? but just plodded on past and rolled me eyes ............. my middle finger was just to sore

WA, 2940 posts
27 Apr 2010 1:36PM
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king of the point said...


point iM making is

we get it kotp . you failed english in school and have no idea how to write .

WA, 790 posts
27 Apr 2010 8:03PM
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I saw Radman do it like this but better.

This the bent bugger here.

Aren't I a nice mate taking photos of everyone.

WA, 629 posts
28 Apr 2010 7:47AM
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your good mate na heres a couple of other variations of how to shower a polee...

QLD, 3599 posts
28 Apr 2010 10:23AM
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KOP you are a funny prick. You are welcome in the this forum.

Cant believe everyone takes you so serious!

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
28 Apr 2010 5:08PM
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Does Justin Biever kite........ ?

NSW, 86 posts
28 Apr 2010 7:17PM
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VIC, 1607 posts
28 Apr 2010 7:30PM
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Can we have a sticky thread exclusively for KOTP to go to town on, please?

Nobody can match him for dadaist poetry and picture creation/selection.

The Smithsonian should be archiving this stuff for sure.

Thanks KOTP, keep up the good work.

Mini Mal
WA, 298 posts
28 Apr 2010 9:37PM
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Radman you look better with hat on thats 4 sure

WA, 947 posts
28 Apr 2010 11:09PM
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All I want to do is "" Help stop the bloody bull fighting"" Where do I go to help??

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Forums > Kitesurfing General

"King Of The Point Unhooked!" started by NJPornstar