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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kite Cam Photos Green Reef - Pentax W90...

Created by GriffinKites > 9 months ago, 9 Mar 2011
NSW, 201 posts
10 Mar 2011 12:12AM
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Some photos with the Pentax W90 mounted to the kite, it is not a good quality camera, hope you like the pics....

Location: Northern beaches, Sydney, NSW

QLD, 248 posts
10 Mar 2011 12:24AM
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Is that pollution or stagnant water, Mould, Strange?
Alot of people and poo in NSW.

NSW, 201 posts
10 Mar 2011 10:41AM
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GoPro cam of the same day, experimenting with very short bridles, small waves 17 knots

QLD, 123 posts
10 Mar 2011 7:48PM
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Wow the water looks alive!!

NSW, 1089 posts
10 Mar 2011 8:52PM
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s h i t s green

NSW, 6451 posts
10 Mar 2011 9:05PM
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How did it get the name Green reef?????????

NSW, 201 posts
11 Mar 2011 11:03AM
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Lovely said...

Is that pollution or stagnant water, Mould, Strange?
Alot of people and poo in NSW.

Its reef, green sea grass and rocks, cleanest water.

WA, 139 posts
11 Mar 2011 9:27AM
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go on then show us how u attached the w90

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Mar 2011 12:22PM
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Hey Christian, regarding the W90..

You might want to check your settings because I get awesome photo quality out of mine - on photos.

Movie I agree the quality is crap unless you are completely zoomed out and still crap after that - you cannot beat the GoPro on film and photo quality.

But the W90 surely has its place. The quality improved no end since my W60 - perhaps a good thing it got water logged by the seal not closing properly. Mind you, it was 2,5 years old.

Look at a couple of random pics at different zoom levels... Photos are untouched.. I didn't zoom them in Photoshop, they are straight out of the camera.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Mar 2011 12:34PM
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A couple more at different zoom levels..

WA, 475 posts
11 Mar 2011 11:16AM
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Hey, Sir V... photo 4... you might want to start experimenting with the zoom. and you could also consider working on some more content on that angle, i think there is a website dedicated to that stuff... called 'upskirts' or something.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Mar 2011 1:31PM
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I was just casually passing by on my way to the water... I swear Ociffer

It's just that kind of beach.

Disclaimer: photo displayed for accuracy of zoom capacity and clarity of definition.

VIC, 702 posts
11 Mar 2011 2:33PM
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Sir V said...


Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Mar 2011 1:39PM
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This thread is so getting out of hand..

Not necessarily a bad thing. No faces involved, no lawsuits on the horizon.. dream away guys.

NSW, 201 posts
11 Mar 2011 2:44PM
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Sir V said...

Hey Christian, regarding the W90..

You might want to check your settings because I get awesome photo quality out of mine - on photos.

Movie I agree the quality is crap unless you are completely zoomed out and still crap after that - you cannot beat the GoPro on film and photo quality.

But the W90 surely has its place. The quality improved no end since my W60 - perhaps a good thing it got water logged by the seal not closing properly. Mind you, it was 2,5 years old.

Look at a couple of random pics at different zoom levels... Photos are untouched.. I didn't zoom them in Photoshop, they are straight out of the camera.

Here is why the Pentax W90 is CRAP

If you look at my photos, its grainy and blurry around the white areas, see image 2, my face is a white glow, no detail.

But what is relay CRAP is the video, I upgraded to the latest camera for better video, but you can only do 10 mins of frigging video! Then you have to land and press record again + the video is crap quality.

My 2 year old Pentax w30 could do 4hours of video! So the W90 is a downgrade...

Also the video quality is so crap. Other cameras will use up the whole memory card ( 8hours or more video ). Also if you want to get technical, the camera uses jpg compression so has crap colors and res in video.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Mar 2011 1:49PM
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I cannot agree more Christian.. the video is a let down. If you reduce to 720 you get the old 32 minutes but then again so did the W60. It really is a let down that the video is such crap.

I saw another piece of video of someone's post today that was quite good and I asked what camera he is using. Let's see if we get an answer.


WA, 139 posts
11 Mar 2011 1:15PM
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w90 not good? you guys never had a olympus u tough!. that thing really is pants.

I am well happy with the w90, but its true the vid anin't all that.

anyways any chance you can show us how you attached the w90?

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Mar 2011 4:26PM
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vwpete said...

w90 not good? you guys never had a olympus u tough!. that thing really is pants.

I am well happy with the w90, but its true the vid anin't all that.

anyways any chance you can show us how you attached the w90?

Don't know how everyone attaches theirs but mine is with the earlier version of this it works really well and the camera doesn't move at all. The velcro is quite strong and safe and it has a safety leash

I bought one back in 2009 and mine is still going strong. It is a softcase version so I have no comments about the hard case. The prices was 75.00 US + Postage so I guess 84.95 is a better deal.

WA, 3856 posts
11 Mar 2011 3:09PM
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You can grab the CamRig through the Seabreeze Shop...

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Mar 2011 5:16PM
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laurie said...

You can grab the CamRig through the Seabreeze Shop...

There you go - nice Laurie - it shows perfectly how to attach it.

128 posts
11 Mar 2011 4:18PM
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I link a video taken with pentax Optio W80 with a hand made support:


and some pictures taken with the same camera:

The video in low wind with the Argo 13.5 was taken too with this W80.

You could check more kite and wind videos at CIBERNOVENTAYNUEVE youtube channel.

Hope you like them.

If you could be interested in settings I could ask about them.

128 posts
11 Mar 2011 4:21PM
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Really nice spots there!!! Dreaming to come back some day!!!

If you are interested on it I add the link

NSW, 201 posts
11 Mar 2011 7:25PM
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vwpete said...

w90 not good? you guys never had a olympus u tough!. that thing really is pants.

I am well happy with the w90, but its true the vid anin't all that.

anyways any chance you can show us how you attached the w90?

I used a cam rig also, a few years old.
Clips broke, so I got a meter of Velcro and Velcroed it to the struts.
New camera was a different fit so I cut out a larger hole.
It does not look pretty but works great.

I did some research, the LUMIX is the best quality for images and video, but doesn't do interval shooting.

Just need some wind and large waves to get something interesting...

128 posts
11 Mar 2011 4:27PM
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...I want and australian flag like in your video to put on my spot here in Spain!!!

Chris, maybe you could send me one with my new Argo 17m... ...

All my best!!!

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
11 Mar 2011 9:57PM
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catalaussie said...

I link a video taken with pentax Optio W80 with a hand made support:


and some pictures taken with the same camera:

The video in low wind with the Argo 13.5 was taken too with this W80.

You could check more kite and wind videos at CIBERNOVENTAYNUEVE youtube channel.

Hope you like them.

If you could be interested in settings I could ask about them.

I would be quite happy with the quality you got on your video.. I haven't been able to get anything that good. Perhaps something to do with the zoom and additional settings - back to the drawing board. I didn't think the w90 would be that bad as the photos are such high quality, so it must be something I am doing wrong.

Yes I would love to know what settings were used. More study to do.. gracias por tu video Catalaussie.



128 posts
11 Mar 2011 8:26PM
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I've asked my friend about the video settings, I'll post them as soon as he tell me.

SirV, where are you located???

All my best,


112 posts
12 Mar 2011 7:20AM
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Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Mar 2011 9:43AM
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catalaussie said...

I've asked my friend about the video settings, I'll post them as soon as he tell me.

SirV, where are you located???

All my best,


Gold Coast Alex, and you?

Hey Jacob1221 that looks like a nice spot with some 'huge' waves . Are those shots taken with a GoPro? where is that?

NSW, 201 posts
12 Mar 2011 1:38PM
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Anyone taken some photos with a luminx?

the image below was taken on the w30 ( 3 year old camera, not much difference or might be even better than the new w90 piece of plastic crap)

128 posts
14 Mar 2011 5:12PM
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SirV, I'm located in North East of Spain (Costa Brava). I asked you because I was surprised seeing your comment in spanish...

It seems the "secret" to get the best quality with Optio W80 (the same for W30 or W90 is not working with zoom or work with the less zoom as possible --> More zoom means less image quality and worst stability.

In our case the camera is located directly on the lines, in many cases at less than 5 m from the rider (attached to the 2 central lines).

Our support is hand-made, but I think there is something standard for go pro, not sure for other cameras.

All my best,


VIC, 431 posts
15 Mar 2011 9:18AM
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Get a gopro!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kite Cam Photos Green Reef - Pentax W90..." started by GriffinKites