Somehow, I don't think it will really take off...
At least it's purpose built, not like Hamish McDonald's little episode.
lol... just buy a kite. Good idea tho, when I see them getting more air then we do on a kite then i will be interested.
Credit for coming up with something new. I guess thats how all new sport get discovered, some of the early kiting stuff with the massive bars etc.. looks pretty stupid, but things can come a long way from their inception.
This however I'm not so sure. It looks like it could be fun for a novelty day. But it still cost over 100bucks to fill the boat, drive to the river ( petrol in the car ) fill the fat sacks, inflate the kite and then argue over who's going first.
Just kite without the boat, then its everyones turn all the time better karma
Originally posted by colinwill78
But really, have to agree with davespruce here.
LOL geez another half assed invention so cool, if he want to fly i think hes got the wrong idea,,, HES ATAtCHED TO THE DAM BOAT>??? some one help ?
then i look closer and notice hes a fat prick and thats why he needs help with lift as if a wake isn't enough how embarrassing .
wow!!!! this is awesome!!!! this will make my wakeboarding sessions so much easier now i can finally wear straps, land softly and have enough time to do boardoffs and double pull up hardcore wakestyle monuvers where can i get one?
p.s. yes.
the funny thing is, that in the mid 90's on windsurfing trips to hawaii, i know i used to laugh and shake my head at that funny sport "kitesurfing" with crazy guys who couldn't stay upwind and spent hours swimming!
does anyone know how many years of returning to maui it took before i saw lou starting to actually jump!!!
don't bag new offshoots, that wake kite thing i'm sure wiil be huge in the future.
i'm saving for a new boat! no wind yee haaaa!
Originally posted by GreenPat
Somehow, I don't think it will really take off...
At least it's purpose built, not like Hamish McDonald's little episode.
Originally posted by looseunit
gay gay and gay ,bye the way did i say it was gay
looks pretty damn boring - no spinning bar means no rolls or any rotations.
There seems to be quick release from the boat so that when you let go of the bar, the kite gets released - if there's some wind it could easily blow away.
May be useful in learning the basics of jumping on a wakeboard but certainly doesn't extend the sport much at all.
Coffeebean's comment :
think its supposed to keep the rain of you while your skiing
thought it was a sunshade.