Id just like to inform you all that kitecrazzy is officially the worst driver on the planet. Kitecrazzy has done the crazzy adventures he usually does and flipped his car (parents car) and hasnt really told them. Well done Kitecrazzy you trully are a true leader in seabreeze, showing everyone how its done. 1925 comments and a flipped car, thats the kitecrazzy way.
^^^ and so whats the conclusion?. My parents would freak if they ever knew the kind of crap i did in their cars back in the day.
nice work dude!! that looks like it would have taken some real effort
can you tell us the story???
i guess it could have been worse at least you didnt do this (just found this pic in the photo section)
yea, we climbed out the window. Only 1 car stopped to check if we were ok, and then they drove off... Shows how little people care about problems that dont involve them.
Was a pretty sik crash scene...
2 cop cars, 2 fire trucks, an ambo, and about 4 other ambo's stopped to check up.
But other than the authorities noone really seemed to care about us.
nah, you where still in the car when they where all stopped and came over to offer a hand, they left real quick cus they where blocking traffic
i saw this coming when u drove in our lanno trip. i pood wen u drove down the beach.
n only 3 weeks pay? ur parents are weak on punishment! myn wuda taken car off me straight away and never let me drive their cars again!
and i saw the result of a little sedan getting T boned by a masssive truck out in the woods somewhere on the way to work, the car wasnt very pretty, hope the driver was ok.
Sooo so true mate. Welcome to the world of today.
My Mum who was out alone and is 60, tripped and fell at the local shops and everyone who was walking around her.... just kept walking!!!!! It was the guy from the tattoo place she fell outside of who came out and was amazing.
Ambo's put her in a neck brace with suspected neck and spinal injuries and suspected broken shoulder.
Overall result 'humorous shaft fracture' (broken shoulder shaft) and 8 weeks of right arm in a supporting brace, and severe tendon and muscle damage in her right knee/calf....
It was a real eye opener to imagine people would just walk past!!!! Surprising hey. [}:)]
I don't wanna believe that the world is getting so bad that people will walk past a 60yo lady who's hurt.
I think in a lot of cases people don't know how to help so their response is to panic. Their response to panic is then to shut out what they're seeing and keep walking.
Your Mum probably would have got more help if she'd dropped a bag of shopping cos people know how to deal with that.
The tattoo guy's probably used to seeing people in pain so he was able to act rationally...
As I lay winded in the middle of the road on Mount Coot-tha one day after a bicycle fall I was amazed to watch cars just driving around me on the other side of the road and not even stop to see if I was ok.
I think it's a city thing, it wouldn't happen like that in the country I'm sure.