Has anyone had any experience with this?
Yeah i was thinking same thing, they also do a line protector spray, and gearwash cleaner, saw an ad a month or so ago in kiteworld, would appreciate any feedback also.
If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is...
Unless this has been around for a while it will be very difficult to prove it actually does anything, especially given that most kiters change gear well before it dies of natural causes (sun exposure), and it is usually due to trauma (waves, trees) or upgrades.
Any independant reviews on the products? As you say, you are a business so you are likely to big the gear up. Also any plans to get an Australian distributor/stockists? And having a big brand name doesn't make it any good, just want to know that it works.
Seems like a good idea to me - speshly for winter wet kite pack aways.
Price seems very reasonable and worth a punt.
Any shops locally want to give it a shake? Please post here if you do.
EDIT: How much material can one bottle cover? If you have 12m, 9m and 7m kites - how many bottles are needed?
I have always wondered what they treat the new kites with when they leave the factory or maybe they treat the fabric before they cut it but you can smell something, that strong treatment spray "smell" you get when you unwrap your new kite for the first time.
They must treat the fabric with a type of textile spray after they have produced the facbric.
Anyone involved in PET/ PETE fabrication ?
So does this stuff need to be applied as often as sunscreen and how many applications do you get out of a bottle.
Maybe you can do half you kite and half your lines so we can see the difference apatheticend.
Sorry I see your in Perth so your probably not using your kite for a few months.
We can give it plenty of use in Exmouth over the freezing winter haha.
Well... I'm taking one for the team.
I've just bought the product a few seconds ago. A full review will be posted here.. how long to arrive, packaging, quantity, how it applies... etc. I will supply photos of before and after even though 2 of my kites are quite new.
I have however one of the 2009 SB12M IDS with a manly black cannopy that has become dull from use. Nothing strange, just a little dull and grey'ish. The lines of the IDS 2009 have also faded and frayed more than I expect them to. I have spoken to one of the local retailers and was told 'it's normal'. No, I don't think so.. the IDS line quality has left a little to be desired compared to other year's gear.
So I am going to test the line treatment on those lines and see how this affects or repairs the use. I will post dated photos of the treatment - also so I can claim any damage that may occur as cause of the treatment (covering my bases).
Wait and see team...
Well done Sir V
Yeah know what you mean about the 09 switchblade lines, got a brand spanking new 12M in august and a 9m 2010 in september and with about the same amount of use the 09 looks 3 seasons old, esp the lines, while the 2010 looks still new.
Look forward to your review
KGBswag you do realise that under Australian trade practices law there is such a thing as false and misleading advertising?
I refer you to point c of section 53:
^^^ Lol
My favourite part was
way to promote kgbs.
I reckon you've convinced all of oz with your last response.
Of what, however, I am not so sure.
Looks like my kite will be staying dirty though.
Best spastic retard rant ever!
The WW2 bit was indeed my fav as well.
BTW, I'm Canadian and we beat your ass in the war of 1812. We set your president's house on fire and they had to repaint it white to cover all the smoke damage. So if I come round to Amurica selling snake oil, I expect you to buy it with a smile.
anyone that got further than kindergarten in life should know you can't use a bit of liquid to "restore a sail to like new", you cant repair frayed fabric, you cant unstretch the sails etc.
also you saved us in WW2?
Surely this is a troll... If not, it's gotta be the stupidest poster (and pimp) in the history of forums.
^^^ There it is people, time has already started to unravel and the structure of space and time as we know it is starting to diverge in mysterious new ways. Dojo has started posting with sarcasm... Dear god what is next.
What started out as a question about a product, and its ability to enhance our kiting experience has been hijacked by a tirade of abuse.
Buts its not us this time. its actually the vendor of the product, WTF!!!
Talk about alienating a potential customer base.
Maybe its some new marketing strategy, and we're just too dumb to realise.
I think its good to have a heathly degree of mistrust, stops you getting it in the arse, generally, but is this how you help put potential customers at ease?
All we were looking for was some independant reviews on the products, and instead of getting some infomation we get presented with this...
now the brainiums are spinning! So instead of great glad to so there is an option. i get smashed. Then when i retort, I get smashed again! Open your domes up and quit the hating go get laid. oh yee of little faith. DONE PEACE OUT SURF MORE F*CK MORE< AND BE HAPPY UV SCORCHED DU RANTAERS >QUOTE THIS **** YOU AShHOLE!!!!!!!
why would I want to give this guy one of my hard earned dollars.
stupid seppo that thinks the good old US of A is superior to every1 else . I will laugh pretty hard when china cripples the US . And the only reason the USA "won" the war was by shear numbers and wearing down the germans/japs . Not through skill or anything important like that .
I think you will have to finish this thread SirV
And tatkins is that the answer you were looking for?