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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kitelife Equipment Protectant

Created by tatkins > 9 months ago, 12 May 2010
Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
10 Jun 2010 11:21AM
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UPDATE... gear arrived this morning, not complete order = KGBswap screwed up, not a good start..

1 - I purchased ages ago - it was only shipped on the 26th of May

2 - I indicated work address on 'ship to' -> it was sent home. The problem is that I am not home at time PO is open so I have to get out of work early to pick it up - It is well stated on packing slip that the address to post to is my work one

3 - I purchased 2 sets - only arrived 1 (see photo below from Iphone). The packing slip clearly shows 2 sets... As soon as I got the package I knew they had screwed up as there was no way you could have put 2 sets (6 bottles) inside such a small box.

WTF?... KGBswag:

1 - what do you say to this? Another bad night?
2 - when will you send the 2nd complete set?
3 - are you going to make sure it comes to the right address?

Sir V

And I haven't even started testing... Well, I hope the rest of the world is not reading this. Imagine if this thread was posted by accident on Kiteforum and such others..

average Joe
NSW, 18 posts
10 Jun 2010 3:37PM
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Hey Man, you shouldn't complain... they saved our ass on WW2, remember?

WA, 2940 posts
10 Jun 2010 1:51PM
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average Joe said...

Hey Man, you shouldn't complain... they saved our ass on WW2, remember?

and they are doing such a good job saving the florida coastline atm as well

average Joe
NSW, 18 posts
10 Jun 2010 5:33PM
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dusta said...

average Joe said...

Hey Man, you shouldn't complain... they saved our ass on WW2, remember?

and they are doing such a good job saving the florida coastline atm as well

Perhaps that's why the product is missing. They're using their entire stock to degrease the pelicans.

WA, 2940 posts
10 Jun 2010 7:56PM
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haha so true. This is a wonder product after all

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
14 Jun 2010 12:40PM
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I sent an email to on Saturday but have had no reply...

Perhaps they haven't got the message.. It might be time to up the ante [}:)]

WA, 4485 posts
14 Jun 2010 11:01AM
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Oh sheeeiiite! here we go with the lawyers again!

In before lock!

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
14 Jun 2010 12:20PM
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WA, 2940 posts
14 Jun 2010 6:15PM
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Sir V said...

I sent an email to on Saturday but have had no reply...

Perhaps they haven't got the message.. It might be time to up the ante [}:)]

no doubt being american he cannot figure out how to reply to something that has originated from outside the united states . I was amazed they managed to mail the package . Maybe he had to consult an inflatible globe to find out where australia is

NSW, 4188 posts
15 Jun 2010 8:01PM
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au_rick said...

tatkins said...

Has anyone had any experience with this?

Got an MSDS for this stuff so we can see what's in it ??

Great call rick - and to translate what does it say the ingredients are on the packaging...

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2010 10:25AM
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dusta said...

Sir V said...

I sent an email to on Saturday but have had no reply...

Perhaps they haven't got the message.. It might be time to up the ante [}:)]

no doubt being american he cannot figure out how to reply to something that has originated from outside the united states . I was amazed they managed to mail the package . Maybe he had to consult an inflatible globe to find out where australia is

Unfortunately there is no composition or technical information on the bottles whatsoever. All it says is the marketing blurb and application instructions but no breakdown of contents. I will photograph the bottles and post tomorrow.

WA, 1675 posts
16 Jun 2010 11:20AM
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How did you go V. Did you get the full package?

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:12PM
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TurtleHunter said...

How did you go V. Did you get the full package?

After an email explaining what had happened I finally received on Monday night this reply: " Sorry for that, sending more now"... - 1/2 a line..

I seriously don't care about it, I just want the product to work so I haven't wasted my money. I will not be using the kitelife protectant on my kites until I tested it properly. I am going to cut some strips of an old kite and treat half with the product place them all outside in the sun and weather and observe every 2 days to see if there is a difference between the 'treated' and not. I will post results and only if I am satisfied I will protect my kites.

I have 2 Cabrinha IDS bars exactly the same so I have treated the lines of 1 bar and not the other. Let's see what happens there as well. This was the main reason why I bought the product since the IDS Cab lines have shown more signs of use than any other model before. I wanted somehting to treat the lines as mine are a little frayed.. so we'll see.

Keep an eye on this thread. Tks for asking.


WA, 1675 posts
16 Jun 2010 2:24PM
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So V is there a noticeable difference in the lines like you get when you wax them?
Also I have read that kite protectants can make repairing with tape more difficult.
Maybe you could also see how it affects the tape sticking to ripstop.
I will also be testing some soon but like you I am cautious.

NSW, 4188 posts
16 Jun 2010 6:13PM
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I think we should pass the hat around for Sir V as he's clearly taking one for the team here...

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
17 Jun 2010 1:53PM
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Hi Turtlehunter..

You are correct regarding the lines, it feels like they've been waxed. It does indeed feel that the lines have just been placed on the bar while on the other bar (not treated) the lines feel dry. At this stage I am happy that the lines look better but I will take the treated bar on the wather this weekend to see what they feel like using and after salt exposure and drying - there are advantages on having 2 bars exactly the same.

In regards to kite material .. I've cut 2 large pieces and I will treat one tonight and then placve them both outside in the driveway to expose them the elements. A bit of rain and sun should show differences within the week.. one hopes.

I am quite happy doing this as everone needs a project


QLD, 701 posts
17 Jun 2010 2:04PM
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After have them on drive way why not make some curtians out of them and hang them up on the window look cool
and they would get a heaps of sun and wind movement aswell
see if one fades more than the other and just forget about them for a year and then have a look at them .

QLD, 344 posts
17 Jun 2010 2:29PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

au_rick said...

tatkins said...

Has anyone had any experience with this?

Got an MSDS for this stuff so we can see what's in it ??

Great call rick - and to translate what does it say the ingredients are on the packaging...

In the UK we call MSDS COSHH (& why would i have a MSDS?)
I think in the USA they are called OSHA

NSW, 174 posts
19 Jun 2010 6:07PM
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i'd trial it on your trailer first... just in case

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
20 Jun 2010 5:12PM
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Supersane said...

i'd trial it on your trailer first... just in case

Good thinking Batman (aka Supersane).. have done just that. 50% treated, 50% normal. Trailer stays outside, rain, dust, sun... we'll soon see the difference.

Before shot

Right side treated with Kitelife protect, after washed with GearWash.. exactly as per instructions

Another angle

This is where it lives, not under cover, semi under a tree (funny) but gets rain, sun, etc.

Let's see what happens in 2 weeks, 4, etc..

WA, 469 posts
20 Jun 2010 3:24PM
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Hey V
How are the lines after a dunking??

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
20 Jun 2010 5:48PM
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toddws said...

Hey V
How are the lines after a dunking??

Funny you mention that.. I was just thinking about the post...

The lines actually behaved quite well and after 1 day in the water, and consequent drying... they look just as when I treated them, slightly viscouse (however you spell it). It means they feel wet but they're not, it's like they have a bit of wax on them.

The other lines look dry and frayed, these ones look newer - and they're not.

So.. so far so good, the result is ok. But we will have to wait for long term exposure. The only reservation I have is like these creams they advertise for girls 'younger looking skin'.. what happens when you stop using it? does it go super dry and brittle??

Wait and see.. for now - Kitelife 1, lines 0


Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
20 Jun 2010 5:55PM
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Forgot to add... the funniest of things..

Yesterday I kited until I was so cold I couldn't move my fingers so I landed the kite and left the lines on the beach next to the kite for a while. Tide was coming in and they got a little wet and sandy. When I went to pack the gear I got the worst birds nest ever.

I had never had one before and we all had a big laugh about it.. what is the likelyhood of this happening.. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming the product. I was the idiot that left the lines in the wind and water because I was too cold to do anything about it.

But untangling was actually quite easy because the lines were slinding easily as if they were new and waxed, but softer.

My mates and I all thought it was quite funny I had my first tangle ever on treated lines. I could go on and blame the product but that would be stupid

Peace and good winds,


Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
10 Jul 2010 11:55AM
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Quick update...

It's been 3 weeks since I treated one side of trailer - see photos.

Result - the side I treated has resisted the dust a little, eg: the rain and dusk cake and stick much more to the untreated side. The result is not super obvious or I would be posting photos, but there is a difference. The trated fabric looks in fact newer, the black and the blue look more intense, as if they hadn't been exposed to the elements fo the same time as the other side. The fabric seems more maleable and flexible agains the dry and dust encrusted untreated side - but the result is still minimal, for now.

I think it is too soon to aprove 100% of the product but I have to say that so far it seems to have done what is promises. Regarding long term exposure - too soon to say.

The lines behave as they were newer than the untreated bar so,

Kitelife 1 - lines 0
Kitelife 1 - fabric 0

I will post another update in a month or so. If the result remains consistent I may protect my 2008 7M and see how it behaves in the air.



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kitelife Equipment Protectant" started by tatkins