Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kitepower Demo Day - Location changed

Created by Kitepower Australia > 9 months ago, 27 Sep 2008
SA, 350 posts
30 Sep 2008 10:30AM
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TornadoALIVE said...

Furthermore, kite surfers were not wearing PDFs which are mandatory in NSW

TornadoALIVE said...

perhaps sign on and off sheets and educate people in the importance of wearing PDFs

Hi guys,

I am NOT from NSW and was in no way involved with the days in question but the comment regarding PFD's for kiters caught my attention.

I am currently searching for information (facts, not heresay), regarding the laws regarding the use of PFD's for Kiteing in each state in Australia, plus any national guidelines as well as any relevant international information.

I have found some info on the AKSA website, relative to NSW.

I am assuming that these guidelines are incorporated in the NSW Maritime regulations as NSW law.

I hope this info is relevant and helps clarify the "mandatory" point of view.


NSW, 1714 posts
30 Sep 2008 11:28AM
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You're quite right Mr float. People should not think that insurance is a "get out gaol free card". We don't drive on our roads thinking "Hey, I've got insurance - get out of my way!"
Keep the good vibes coming.

NSW, 14 posts
30 Sep 2008 11:34AM
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to ALL: Hi guys, I have got some pics from KP demo day's from Saturday, you can find them them on my website:

Unfortunately I do not have any photos from Sunday as I was busy with rescuing all that gear at Kurnell, when I almost got smashed by tanker, almost fliped over my boat when I hit huge chop and got strong gust of wind right into the bow of my boat etc. ...I love adrenalin anyway ...

Looking forward to see you all on next KP demo which is 1st-2nd November!

If anyone needs to brush off self rescue in deep water, please contact me or Steve from KP!


30 Sep 2008 1:57PM
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xpres said...

to ALL: Hi guys, I have got some pics from KP demo day's from Saturday, you can find them them on my website:

Unfortunately I do not have any photos from Sunday as I was busy with rescuing all that gear at Kurnell, when I almost got smashed by tanker, almost fliped over my boat when I hit huge chop and got strong gust of wind right into the bow of my boat etc. ...I love adrenalin anyway ...

Looking forward to see you all on next KP demo which is 1st-2nd November!

If anyone needs to brush off self rescue in deep water, please contact me or Steve from KP!


Huge thanks to Vit for being on hand for both demo days last weekend. Vit dragged someone in on Saturday that was not coping with their downed kite, and on Sunday did an outstanding job.
There is $50 cash at KP to cover your fuel mate, and hopefully some more people will hand over some more for rescuing their gear.

I agree with all the comments about being prepared, kiteboarding is an extreme sport (hate that term) as some found out on the weekend.

The very last thing anyone should do is ditch their kite, unless there is threat of imminent death. The wind on Saturday was only 40 knots for barely 15 mins then it died back to 25-30, which is the same wind everyone was out in before the Buster hit.

Many of the more experienced riders kept kiting right through the main wind spike and made it back to shore, but in all I think 8-9 kites were abandoned. I really would like to talk to anyone that abandoned their kite and review what happened for them and what else could have been done instead.
I saw several people hanging off kites that were flying overhead, pulling down on the bars and getting T-bagged, when they could have just let go of the bar and let the kite crash and sit at the edge of the water. OR flagged the kite to one line and stayed with the kite until rescued.

Looks like a nice NE'ster coming in this arvo!

I still have 2 kites and a board at the shop and have not received any enquiries about them.

Cya and



NSW, 341 posts
30 Sep 2008 2:45PM
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surely all the kites with 100% depower were OK. [}:)]

NSW, 584 posts
30 Sep 2008 3:40PM
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Kitepower Australia said...

I still have 2 kites and a board at the shop and have not received any enquiries about them.

have you considered that you might be missing a couple of kitesurfers.....

NSW, 4 posts
1 Oct 2008 12:00AM
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Hi guys,

I was one of the kiters who dropped my kite and started the swim in. I guess I could write lots of why and how but in the end I just want to say thank you for the help - all of you! And I know my french friend Antoine is very greatful as well.
Really glad everyone was recovered and from this day on I regard Ay as the toughest girl ever!:)

KP - I will pick my kite up from you one of the following days - thx!


Flying Kiwi
WA, 258 posts
1 Oct 2008 6:27AM
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To make sure we capture the lessons to be learnt from the incident on Sunday, could all those involved please fill out one of the incident forms on the NSWKBA website

This will help NSWKBA and AKSA to provide event planning guidelines for demo days etc. The competition guidelines are specific about forecasts/safety cover etc, but there isn't any requirement on demo days.

I was there on Sunday and got as caught out as lots of others, I was just closer to shore. It has taught me a lesson.

The incident form is confidential so feel free to say what you feel.

NSWKBA Committee member

1 Oct 2008 3:23PM
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Ok thats 2 kites spoken for now there is the issue of a late model Nobile board??

There is no point in conducting a blame game, nothing positive will come of that, but lets talk between ourselves and work out what we could do better next time.
Letting go of kites is something we need to avoid at all costs in Botany Bay in any wind direction.

Cya and



NSW, 1714 posts
1 Oct 2008 3:36PM
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We will be having a debriefing of Sunday's events at our Southern Sydney Kiteboarding Club meeting tonight 7:30pm (01/10/08). for details. If you would like to have some input please come along.

WA, 1140 posts
1 Oct 2008 6:50PM
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mergaTroy said...

user said...

I find it hard to believe that a professional outfit like Kitepower would have a free for all demo event without a support boat!

Pretty dodgy if you ask me !

KP is a professional outfit, they had a boat and a Jetski>>>>>>>>Get your story straight!

You obviously can't read !

The boat that did most of the rescue was from the Cat Club.

It has been made quite clear that the jetski owner had to GO HOME to get it !

Anyhoo, alls well that ends well!

No real damage (except to a few egos !) and no one got hurt/lost.

NSW, 45 posts
2 Oct 2008 1:03AM
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why didnt you call the sas becuase we love you

NSW, 4188 posts
2 Oct 2008 2:34PM
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maxim said...

before it breaks the Galah record of the longest thread in the entire world...

pfft - that will never happen!

Watch out - lurkers about...

NSW, 370 posts
2 Oct 2008 7:21PM
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Hey Galah , not only did i miss out on this afternoons nor'easter because i had to work....but on top of that i'm getting all these calls again from blokes telling me i'm the we go again.....folks...i am not the galah [}:)]
the real galah is out there.....he's just imitating me... thats why you all think i'm the galah...
i think its time for laurie to re-instate the original galah know the one....its the thread that broke all records for pages of will never be beaten.....never.....
galah hunter rules...

NSW, 45 posts
2 Oct 2008 8:22PM
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I only picked up a windsurfer sailor and board (which was my best mate on my board) and 2 kite boards that I found floating in the bay. Then directed MSB to where the French guy was as he would have got there quicker (bigger boat) and then ran up and down the airport end looking for the girl. This is where we found a stray kite which I believe belonged to the French guy.

The Jet Ski picked up 1 person and 1 kite that I saw. Don't know how many people the MSB picked up.

I did not see any other boats or jet skis out there, but that does not mean they were not out there. I may have assumed incorrectly.

NSW, 144 posts
3 Oct 2008 12:53AM
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As for your childish attempt to hurt my feelings, well, your gonna have to do better than that....

hope to see you on the water......

3 Oct 2008 2:19PM
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mergaTroy said...


As for your childish attempt to hurt my feelings, well, your gonna have to do better than that....

hope to see you on the water......

@User - don't worry about mergaTroyboy, he's all sad because he is back in Oz and not kitesurfing amazing waves in indo with his boyfriends!
But we were prepared, but not to rescue 15+ kiters and windsurfers!!
So we did need to put some other craft in the water, but they were organised in advance and on standby, thats how they got there so fast (Craig Morten)
The other ski was just commandeered off the beach and he is the real hero of the day, he did drag in a couple of people.

@ Tornado - its all good mate, no-one could see much except the MSB boat, all the skis and RIBS were too close to the waters surface and it was misty for a M above the surface.
They were there though, thats how we got all the gear back and all the people rescued, but you guys from the Cat Club were awesome for getting your RIB out in such a hurry.

@ Galah, I saw you there riding around right through the big blow!

Cya and



NSW, 1714 posts
3 Oct 2008 3:18PM
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Word has it that the Galah kept his cool and motored upwind to come ashore up near the point where the trees are lower.

NSW, 298 posts
3 Oct 2008 3:46PM
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What you guys need to do is a lessons learnt report,

What went well?
What didnt go well?
What to take forward to the next event?

And from all the info above, its already done.

after all hindsight is 20/20 , but if you dont learn ...

NSW, 1714 posts
3 Oct 2008 4:07PM
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If you look back to my post from 1/10

"We will be having a debriefing of Sunday's events at our Southern Sydney Kiteboarding Club meeting tonight 7:30pm (01/10/08). for details. If you would like to have some input please come along."

we discussed all the things you have kindly mentioned and have implimented an action plan for future events.

Many thanks eightfootplus, for your kind and well thought out comments.

NSW, 144 posts
3 Oct 2008 9:39PM
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You weren't suppose to say anything, What goes on in Indo is suppose to stay there..........Damn it!!!

And, thanks to Tara for reading your post to me..

NSW, 1714 posts
4 Oct 2008 1:37PM
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Good work Pete. Another day, another rescue.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
7 Oct 2008 1:47PM
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yeah the newcastle jets soccer game was smashed at the end of the game by a wild front,then last night another front came screaming through

oh well looks like they'll have to ban sail boats along with anything else that's fun ..Too dangerous

kitebad said...

Resuce No 3 yesterday , this is from
Sydney Morning Herald - 1 hour ago

Wild winds cause havoc in Sydney

Arjun Ramachandran
October 7, 2008 - 8:03AM

Four people had to be rescued last night after gale force winds battered their yacht, ripping its main sail which then became tangled in the boat's propellers.
The rescue was just one of many emergency incidents across Sydney caused by wild winds that,
according to the Bureau of Meteorology, "caught us a little bit by surprise".
The 38-foot yacht - carrying two men and two women - was entering Sydney Heads from Pittwater about 6.50pm when the skipper tried to take down the main sail to protect it from winds of 75kmh, police said.
But the sail ripped and became tangled up in the propellers of the boat's auxiliary engine, forcing the skipper to lose control.
He issued a mayday call over the marine radio, and water police who were at Fort Denison arrived and threw the yacht a tow line, police said.
The boat was towed to an emergency mooring at Manly, and the four people on board were taken to Kirribilli yacht club, police said.
No one was injured.
A short time later, five people had to be rescued when their boat was blown onto rocks in Botany Bay.
About 8pm, the boat's engine cut out and it hit rocks near the Sydney airport runway, police said.
The passengers scrambled to shore, but the skipper kept going, police said.
Police say they believe he wanted to try and steer the boat to safety, but the boat drifted off.
A search was launched, and the skipper was later found safe and well with his boat at a nearby Cooks River boat ramp.
Water police said they were busy most of the night, having to secure vessels that had broken from their moorings.
The SES said it received about 100 calls overnight, with about 20 of those from Campbelltown, in Sydney's southwest.
Many of the calls related to trees falling down on homes and cars, a spokeswoman said, while there were also media reports of a roof being ripped off a home in Campbelltown.
"There wasn't anything overly unexpected or particularly unusual for the winds we did have," the spokeswoman said.
About 7pm last night, the winds also brought down a 30-metre hoarding onto three parked cars in the city, police said.
The crashed hoarding. which had been covering a stretch of footpath outside a construction site in Lime Street near the King Street Wharf, destroyed one car and damaged two others, police said.
No one was injured.
The gale force winds, which hit between 6pm and 8pm last night, were caused by a strong front passing over Sydney, said Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster, Jane Golding.
Winds of up to 90kmh were recorded across Sydney, and of up to 100kmh in Wollongong, she said.
"The strength of [the winds] did catch is by surprise a little bit," Ms Golding said.
"We knew a front was coming through ... [but expected] the strongest winds to be off-shore."

Yesterday @ 5:30 daylight saving time' I was rigged ready to go , as I live on the beachfront and we were waiting all day , check and rechecked the warning , hit 30kt first, and waited for the initial front to past but a short time later the bay turned into a white-out looked 50kt +
gave that big miss , and had a few beers thinking sould buy a lottery ticket ,

7 Oct 2008 2:58PM
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Yeah Kitebad, I was watching the front at Dolls, we definitely had gusts in the high 40's, the water was being lifted up into a mist, its was a white out below 1M from the waters surface.

Glad you did not venture out, and you have the experience to know what these southerly fronts can do!

Forecast for this week looks excellent though, unless it's Lauries optimism algorithm at work again?

Cya and



NSW, 74 posts
8 Oct 2008 6:27PM
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Thanks Steve , here are the pic's from Sundays demo day ,

PHOTO WEBSITE , their are a heap

WA, 1140 posts
8 Oct 2008 5:10PM
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Looks like a good day until the drama.

But,I am sure I am not alone in wandering,what's up with pic 3 ????

NSW, 45 posts
8 Oct 2008 9:03PM
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kitebad said...

What goes round comes round ! "Kurnell rescue No 2"

Today , its the catamarans turn that needed to be rescued

it was an epic 20 - 35kt NWer, I rigged my 7m best Hp @ 12.30 @ in front of the cat club , I noticed a catamaran out , wind was real gusty ,
then I saw two guys in the cat club set up a cat ,and they launched their cat in over 25 kts , when they were out 1/2 km, first run the wind picked up to 35kt's nuking, then the cat tipped over.

I was comfortable on the 7m and just cranking along.
I looked downwind to see the other cat down too, heading towards the caltex wharf , both cats were tipped over for 1/2 hour now , so I did a downwind run ,to help!
And saw a group of aussie leb jet skiers on the beach and yelled help!!!!! help!!!!! pointing at the downed cat being pushed by strong winds towards the wharf ,

the jet skis rescued and dragged the tipped cat to shore ,
next to the desal construction site on the beach ,

if it wasn't for the jet skis the cat with two on board with No lifejackets would have hit the wharf , the other club cat got upright and managed to make it back to shore ,before the next big gust hit, and gave up.

Gee,s its not only kiteboarders that need to be rescued but we help! rescue people too

I doubt those cats were affiliated with Kurnell Cat Club and am keen to find out more. Our club did not race this weekend due to the WildCat regatta, Australia's largest cat regatta at Forster and the Lock Crowther Reggata on Pittwater for the large (off shore) cats.

Our club members always were PFD's whilst racing and also crusing. Punters like these give sailors a bad name and really should join a club to learn more about sail saftely. If it was a club member which I highly doubt, they will be smashed about this.

Not every cat out there is a Kurnell Cat Club boat.

NSW, 74 posts
9 Oct 2008 11:03AM
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With Respect

Was last Friday mate , 3 / 10 / 08 , (As posted ) Maybe like you said Not club members but they had a key to open the gate , and roll a cat out and across the road and it returned back ,

Cat 1
I said then I saw two guys in the cat club set up a cat ,and they launched their cat in over 25 kts , when they were out 1/2 km, first run the wind picked up to 35kt's nuking, then the cat tipped over.

Cat 2
I said I noticed a catamaran out , wind was real gusty , pointing at the downed cat being pushed by strong winds towards the wharf ,
if it wasn't for the jet skis the cat with two on board with No lifejackets would have hit the wharf

As you can see I didnot say it was a Kurnell club cat .

Cat 1
I said the other club cat got upright and managed to make it back to shore ,before the next big gust hit, and gave up.

So please read carefully , and if you have and don't still believe me , I don't care ! their were residents and other kiteboards that witness the whole thing

Personally its all good their intentions were to have fun and enjoy pushing the own limits and some of us live to be on that knife edge , that is what we live for!
but if anyone thinks that you will make it 100% of the time , and not
crash & burn you are dreaming!

What I was trying to say is we all get into trouble sometimes , and when we see trouble we help!

And as I said before the Kurnell Catamaran club did a bloody good job rescuing people that Sunday , and we look forward to working with you guys
in future events, @ Kurnell if that's Ok with you

NSW, 414 posts
9 Oct 2008 4:53PM
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I think the best solution is for everyone to help me build a new slider to stick down at bonna point. This will keep the new guys away from Kurnell (way to many rocks, oysters and stingrays to learn here) and provide me with a summer full of fun. I've already got the pipe, just need a frame that the bogans can't use for firewood.

NSW, 45 posts
9 Oct 2008 7:47PM
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Thanks kitebad, and also thanks for anyone involved in the rescue. Was not having a shot at you but very supprised if club sailors were involved as they are a lot more safety concious about this.

Do you know which yard Cat 1 came out off. Was it the Coast Guard yard or the yard next to the cat club. Do you also have a description of the poeple involved or the boats. Keen to have a chat to them. Cat 1 may have some details on cat 2, who obviously need to learn a few things about safety and self rescue.



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kitepower Demo Day - Location changed" started by Kitepower Australia