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Kiters and farmers 'as one'

Created by alverstone > 9 months ago, 4 Jul 2011
NSW, 1114 posts
7 Jul 2011 8:19PM
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Tax Australians out of business with this stupid moronic "carbon tax" and we'll just take our manufacturing offshore!

We are already pushed offshore by the stupid governments' policies..... Doesn't matter to me, I make way more money on the goods that are made overseas(the margins are double).
It is the average "joe" that should wake up and smell the sh!t they are shovelling...

You know the funny irony is that the countries we will go to for all our products manufacture , are the very countries that are doing all the damage in the first place... So tax Aussie businesses, lose Aussie jobs to China/India etc.... then weep in 5 years when you can't get any jobs or Aussie made goods anymore.

Yes there is climate change in the world, But don't tax Aussies out of business... because it won't make any difference to the worlds output of Co2 anyhow.

Guangzhou city outputs more Co2 in one week than the whole of Australia in one year.

The absolute stupidity of Governments astounds me, I thought we were supposed to get smarter as the generations fly by...... Nope!

NSW, 156 posts
7 Jul 2011 11:41PM
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Yeah your not wrong Stabber. The carbon tax will be the nail in the coffin for my job. The Aussie dollar is high and only getting higher so why would overseas want to buy our products and then on top a carbon tax. There will be a lot people out of work and visiting their bank managers sooner than some realize. I will be one of them. Offshore for my job it'll be. No more new kites for a while. Out with the gaffe tape

WA, 389 posts
8 Jul 2011 4:53PM
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ADS said...

People are still being conned by this global warming carp

agreed, the earth, tells us through its soul (geo studies) that its experienced temp swings since the begining of time.

people focus on the facts and get off the band wagon its headed for the cliff

Id rather live in this climate then return to the ice ages

WA, 389 posts
8 Jul 2011 5:06PM
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stabber said...

Tax Australians out of business with this stupid moronic "carbon tax" and we'll just take our manufacturing offshore!

We are already pushed offshore by the stupid governments' policies..... Doesn't matter to me, I make way more money on the goods that are made overseas(the margins are double).
It is the average "joe" that should wake up and smell the sh!t they are shovelling...

You know the funny irony is that the countries we will go to for all our products manufacture , are the very countries that are doing all the damage in the first place... So tax Aussie businesses, lose Aussie jobs to China/India etc.... then weep in 5 years when you can't get any jobs or Aussie made goods anymore.

Yes there is climate change in the world, But don't tax Aussies out of business... because it won't make any difference to the worlds output of Co2 anyhow.

Guangzhou city outputs more Co2 in one week than the whole of Australia in one year.

The absolute stupidity of Governments astounds me, I thought we were supposed to get smarter as the generations fly by...... Nope!

I hear you but government are motivated by what the people what, unfortunately some uneducated people have loud voices, for instance in the SW region of aust was proposed a coal mine underground, i live locally and supported the proposal but the hippies in town which by the way IMO contribute nothing to the community , made a big fuss and shut it down, although I read last week that the mining company is now chasing for damages a society called the no-coalition which falsly claimed area as pristine land and made many false acusation in the media, So lets hope the fibbing dumb hippies are made accountable for there rants it might just force them to find some facts in other places but the bong


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kiters and farmers 'as one'" started by alverstone