Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kites off Perth beaches

Created by TrueSpirit > 9 months ago, 9 Dec 2013
151 posts
9 Dec 2013 8:52PM
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A photo I took on Sunday afternoon at about 4.00pm ( +/- 23 knts ) looking up towards Leighton beach from Brighton beach.

VIC, 382 posts
10 Dec 2013 12:18AM
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Sweet shot.

WA, 5353 posts
9 Dec 2013 9:22PM
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Still 1/10 of the people out on a normal day in Tarifa! haha.

WA, 119 posts
9 Dec 2013 9:37PM
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That pic is scary, looks like crazy Spanish beaches.
And to think I started this sport for solitude.

WA, 5353 posts
9 Dec 2013 9:43PM
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werty said..

That pic is scary, looks like crazy Spanish beaches.

Not even close.

Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1396 posts
9 Dec 2013 10:00PM
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That's probably 8 to 10k of coast and many doing down winders. Plenty of space for sure. I think it's unreal to have all that space so close to the CBd. We are blessed.

QLD, 2432 posts
10 Dec 2013 12:12AM
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I see me.

Yellow, blue Fuel just above the end of the rock groyne.

TBH it was kinda busy at times, but as we were all having a great time....who cares

WA, 337 posts
9 Dec 2013 10:46PM
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Great photo - amazing sport - fantastic coastline

WA, 8407 posts
9 Dec 2013 10:56PM
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Underoath said...
I see me.

Yellow, blue Fuel just above the end of the rock groyne.

TBH it was kinda busy at times, but as we were all having a great time....who cares

I see Mee, look 350klms north I'm on a 10mtr edge with 3 others , sorry I just hate crowds

WA, 281 posts
9 Dec 2013 11:57PM
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that's some zoom lens you've got there Gordon. The cranes at Freo look like they're just down the beach

Great pic, look forward to seeing the rest that you took over the last few days

QLD, 2432 posts
10 Dec 2013 9:04AM
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cauncy said...
Underoath said...
I see me.

Yellow, blue Fuel just above the end of the rock groyne.

TBH it was kinda busy at times, but as we were all having a great time....who cares

I see Mee, look 350klms north I'm on a 10mtr edge with 3 others , sorry I just hate crowds

Jokes on you! You ride an edge.

That's like living as far from the edge as possible.

: )

QLD, 918 posts
10 Dec 2013 9:13AM
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sir ROWDY said...
werty said..

That pic is scary, looks like crazy Spanish beaches.

Not even close.

You're awesome.....

WA, 5353 posts
10 Dec 2013 8:17AM
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I know.

671 posts
10 Dec 2013 8:18AM
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if my local downwind spot ever looks like that its time to move north....again!

WA, 908 posts
10 Dec 2013 8:34AM
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TrueSpirit said..

A photo I took on Sunday afternoon at about 4.00pm ( +/- 23 knts ) looking up towards Leighton beach from Brighton beach.

Looks like a 'where's wally' picture..

WA, 893 posts
10 Dec 2013 8:43AM
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No we know where wally is he lives in Gero and his avatar is NoBs

TAS, 253 posts
10 Dec 2013 12:03PM
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looks different to tasmania, i usually have to kite here by myself or with a mate. but thats about it. not a lot happening here. but damn windy

WA, 360 posts
10 Dec 2013 9:03AM
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I had my first kitesurfing lesson in Safety bay. W.A. Eleven years ago. No other kites to be seen. Actually no other people.
Downwinders along the section of coast in the photo in summer in 30 knots of wind completely solo was the norm.
Crazy growth.Hardly surprising really considering all the frustrated surfers ( i used to be one)that used to bob around in that muck looking for 5 second rides.
All thanks to the new tax on horses and a tax dodger called George.

Cheers George

QLD, 55 posts
10 Dec 2013 12:10PM
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makntracks said..

Gets crowded in the NT.
[URL= .html]

I suspect if there was this much wind ^ when the photo was taken in Perth there would be a comparable number of kiters out. But I do get where your coming from.

QLD, 918 posts
10 Dec 2013 12:20PM
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austin said...
if my local downwind spot ever looks like that its time to move north....again!

Just don't move to Tarifa....

WA, 5353 posts
10 Dec 2013 11:40AM
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Crazy growth? I hardly think so, there really isn't that many people kiting in AUS even in the most crowded spots, especially for 11 years growth. Go to a good surf spot or a crowded skatepark and it's a whole different thing. Counted 300people out at the pass the other day and the conditions were decent but nothing to go crazy about, Snapper is even worse.

You don't know how good we have it in AUS until you kite elsewhere like Spain, France or Brazil.

WA, 97 posts
10 Dec 2013 2:17PM
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Lake Silvaplana - Switzerland 1800m altitude
This was early August - their summer and high season

This was early in the day, I stopped counting at 300
and no .. I did not bother to take a kite out ...
I only very much appreciated what I have here (not as crowded as at Leighton though)
have fun :)

WA, 532 posts
10 Dec 2013 2:35PM
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TrueSpirit said..
A photo I took on Sunday afternoon at about 4.00pm ( +/- 23 knts ) looking up towards Leighton beach from Brighton beach.

It's a composite image. You say Brighton, but it appears to be taken from Floreat Beach - there's the City Beach watchtower. Look closely. There's no Swanbourne beach/SAS Barracks foreshore section, and Ocean Beach Hotel (the mustard-coloured, round fronted building) at North Cott is too close. And there are far too many buildings, many of them old tanks and cranes that have been demolished, and wong number of cranes, around 'North Fremantle'. That container ship is too big, but not large enough for Clive Palmer's ego (FYI: Never miss an opportunity to have a go at a Queenslander, people). Oh, and there is a kiter (third from the left) who appears to be chatting to some chick, having a bong or getting an icecream from the kiosk next to the City Beach car park, and all while strapped in! Congrats if he managed all three, but I don't think so. Even a 1000mm or 3000mm lens wouldn't compress the shot as much as that. Just sayin'....

QLD, 2432 posts
10 Dec 2013 5:52PM
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I had to google composite image.

151 posts
10 Dec 2013 9:13PM
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Hi alverstone. No mate it's a standard pic & not a composite. I have nearly 6 different versions of them from the afternoon. Photo was shot at f22 at shutter of 160. All done with a 400mm F2.8 lens. Original pic on LR3 as



WA, 8407 posts
10 Dec 2013 9:30PM
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big turn out here 30knts it was chockablock

NSW, 185 posts
11 Dec 2013 7:07AM
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TrueSpirit said..

Hi alverstone. No mate it's a standard pic & not a composite. I have nearly 6 different versions of them from the afternoon. Photo was shot at f22 at shutter of 160. All done with a 400mm F2.8 lens.

Nice shot mate, love those 400 2.8 lenses. It's come out quite nice and sharp considering f22 at only 160 with so much movement in the image. I'll forgive you for being a nikon user though we all have our flaws I guess hahaha

SA, 202 posts
11 Dec 2013 10:16AM
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Plenty of room at Dunkirk France, ( Nov ,2013)

WA, 532 posts
11 Dec 2013 9:30AM
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TrueSpirit said..
Hi alverstone. No mate it's a standard pic & not a composite. I have nearly 6 different versions of them from the afternoon. Photo was shot at f22 at shutter of 160. All done with a 400mm F2.8 lens. Original pic on LR3 as


I may have to stand corrected. But I'm stil skeptical. If I'm wrong, I owe you some booze for dissin' your skills on the interweb thingy. But I just can't get my head around the fact that there's no coast showing between City Beach and North Cottesloe and the buildings at North Fremantle loom so large I'll get back to you later on this ....

NSW, 185 posts
11 Dec 2013 1:27PM
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koshi said..

Plenty of room at Dunkirk France, ( Nov ,2013)

Looks like you'd have to be careful launching and landing, not a very big beach area to work with haha

WA, 1255 posts
11 Dec 2013 10:36AM
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alverstone said..

TrueSpirit said..
Hi alverstone. No mate it's a standard pic & not a composite. I have nearly 6 different versions of them from the afternoon. Photo was shot at f22 at shutter of 160. All done with a 400mm F2.8 lens. Original pic on LR3 as


I may have to stand corrected. But I'm stil skeptical. If I'm wrong, I owe you some booze for dissin' your skills on the interweb thingy. But I just can't get my head around the fact that there's no coast showing between City Beach and North Cottesloe and the buildings at North Fremantle loom so large I'll get back to you later on this ....

^City beach sticks out further than Swanny - CB is on a bit of a point if you can call it that. Swanny lies in a bit of a dip on the coast (you notice it when doing the downwinder), and the next part that starts to protrude out again is just beyond Swanny around North to Eric Street and keeps going out til Cott groin (you can see the Cott headland - where The Cove is on the other side, in the pic).. Its why you see in particular City Beach, then the Cott infrastructure. I can also see the "poo pipe" or stormwater outlet before Floreat - so the pic is definitely taken from Brighton way. Pic makes sense to me accounting for local geography.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kites off Perth beaches" started by TrueSpirit