Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kitesurfing fatalities 65 worldwide and growing

Created by mrrt > 9 months ago, 31 Jan 2008
WA, 644 posts
2 Feb 2008 3:39PM
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Dawn Patrol said...

kitepilotoz said...

If we don't get some wind soon we're all
gonna die of boringness!!

I got out 7days in a row as of yesterday.Plenty of wind.(until now, wholee next week looks crap)

thats a bit unfair, you know we aren't allowed to tease the east coasters like that!

NSW, 446 posts
3 Feb 2008 1:54AM
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Yeh...... stop teasing us

Makes me wana cry looking at those metro WA wind graphs... evil.

WA, 2119 posts
3 Feb 2008 12:24AM
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Theres a fine line between progressing and being injured (or worse)......
Go hard, but not too hard.......
dont be soft now........

WA, 575 posts
3 Feb 2008 12:49AM
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echostorm said...

“You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

**** i love some of the lines from that movie...

VIC, 772 posts
3 Feb 2008 4:00AM
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meerkat said...

Dawn Patrol said...

kitepilotoz said...

If we don't get some wind soon we're all
gonna die of boringness!!

I got out 7days in a row as of yesterday.Plenty of wind.(until now, wholee next week looks crap)

thats a bit unfair, you know we aren't allowed to tease the east coasters like that!

I have been out 6 of the last 7, missed the day due to land based activities.

NSW, 177 posts
3 Feb 2008 9:26AM
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Come back MRRT! I wanted you to look up some extremely important information on how many windsurfers have gone into comas from doing such a mindnumbing and boring sport.

WA, 56 posts
3 Feb 2008 9:47AM
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if the sport is hazardous , wouldnt the smart thing to do be to be vigalant with more positive.

Wet Willy
TAS, 2316 posts
4 Feb 2008 3:09AM
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lovey said...

Come back MRRT! I wanted you to look up some extremely important information on how many windsurfers have gone into comas from doing such a mindnumbing and boring sport.

Quote of the day... *ahem* ..not... Hey, Lovey (is that what User calls you when you boys snuggle up?) have you actually seen windsurfing? As in, wavesailing, or windsurfing of any kind done by people who are good at it? The skill level involved, the sheer power of it, the challenges, and the excitement - tea-bagging does not come close to matching up. For anyone to suggest that kiting is in any way "better than" windsurfing is just ridiculous. You are waterskiing and bungee jumping behind a big kite. How can so many people suddenly be doing such big "airs"? Have they been practicing in secret all these years? Or is it just the easiest thing since riding a tricycle?

Sure it must be fun, otherwise people wouldn't do it. And there's nothing wrong with it. But try to understand, you are unconsciously following a trend (hands up who had a BMX in the early 80s? A skateboard in the late 80s? Really liked "grunge" in the early 90s? Got into hip hop in the late 90s? etc...) and this trend is a GOOD ONE because it's so damned EASY compared to learning to skate or surf or windsurf well enough to cruise around and do jumps and stuff. This trend has real potential because it looks "hardcore" yet anyone can get into it easily! I'm living on a beach where there's several kitesurf and windsurf centres , and kiting is the biggest tourist craze ever. They come for a week or two and become Kiters, masters of what's billed as "the new surfing". Mums, Dads, fat chicks, you name it! At last they can do something "cool" without having to put in all the years of hard slog! But how "cool" will it be when the hype eventually wears off, and you realize... you're hanging onto a bar and waterskiing. You're bungee jumping too high too easily. The younger dudes have found a new fad. You're bored.

You want to see "radical" for real? Youtube Polakow windsurf, Naish windsurf, Kevin Pritchard windsurf, and go from there.

Happy kiting!

QLD, 49 posts
4 Feb 2008 6:11AM
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Unlike all the trends you listed, Windsurfing is on life support, its on a heart/lung machine atm.

maybe it just my area, but I saw a windsurfer for the first time in months down my local beach, had a talk to the guy and found out he had just been transferred in with army.
It never took off up here in townsville because of the flat water no real option for jumping and just going backwards and forwards gets real boring real quick
Think he is going to be lonely.

Oh yes I windsurfed for 2 years. Only hard part about it was getting the gybe down windsurfing is a lot safer and cheaper over a period of time as kites both wear out quicker and the evolution of kites atm is so fast. newer kites are a lot better thatn the previous ones

NSW, 177 posts
4 Feb 2008 9:02AM
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i never said kiting was better - i don't have to.

I just look at the guys i kite with now who used to windsurf for 25 years who get a glazed look and foam at the mouth after every kite session - their behaviour tells me which is the better sport.

Boring? we've never felt more alive, mate.

WA, 1140 posts
4 Feb 2008 3:48PM
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Wet Willy said...

lovey said...

Come back MRRT! I wanted you to look up some extremely important information on how many windsurfers have gone into comas from doing such a mindnumbing and boring sport.

Quote of the day... *ahem* ..not... Hey, Lovey (is that what User calls you when you boys snuggle up?) have you actually seen windsurfing? As in, wavesailing, or windsurfing of any kind done by people who are good at it? The skill level involved, the sheer power of it, the challenges, and the excitement - tea-bagging does not come close to matching up. For anyone to suggest that kiting is in any way "better than" windsurfing is just ridiculous. You are waterskiing and bungee jumping behind a big kite. How can so many people suddenly be doing such big "airs"? Have they been practicing in secret all these years? Or is it just the easiest thing since riding a tricycle?

Sure it must be fun, otherwise people wouldn't do it. And there's nothing wrong with it. But try to understand, you are unconsciously following a trend (hands up who had a BMX in the early 80s? A skateboard in the late 80s? Really liked "grunge" in the early 90s? Got into hip hop in the late 90s? etc...) and this trend is a GOOD ONE because it's so damned EASY compared to learning to skate or surf or windsurf well enough to cruise around and do jumps and stuff. This trend has real potential because it looks "hardcore" yet anyone can get into it easily! I'm living on a beach where there's several kitesurf and windsurf centres , and kiting is the biggest tourist craze ever. They come for a week or two and become Kiters, masters of what's billed as "the new surfing". Mums, Dads, fat chicks, you name it! At last they can do something "cool" without having to put in all the years of hard slog! But how "cool" will it be when the hype eventually wears off, and you realize... you're hanging onto a bar and waterskiing. You're bungee jumping too high too easily. The younger dudes have found a new fad. You're bored.

You want to see "radical" for real? Youtube Polakow windsurf, Naish windsurf, Kevin Pritchard windsurf, and go from there.

Happy kiting!

The big thing is,the point you are overlooking,is that those vids are usually shot in Maui,or some exotic spot on an epic day.
The reality is,this aint Hawaii !! We are not Polokow or Robbie.
I reckon if I lived on Maui,I would still be windsurfing.

It got pretty pathetic seeing all the local windsurfers trying to bog around on gear designed for high wind.

If I could spend all my time at Gnaraloo,I would wavesail.

The fact is most of Aus only gets 15 knot seabreezes. Perfect for kiting.Also,much better when there is no surf or flat water spots.

Trust me,Kiting is a MUCH better drug than windsurfing.

WA, 72 posts
4 Feb 2008 9:56PM
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Sorry guys, couldn't resist dropping back in since the talk has turned back to windsurfing.

user said...
It got pretty pathetic seeing all the local windsurfers trying to bog around on gear designed for high wind.

I think you must have had the wrong gear. I was out at Woodies yesterday afternoon (Sunday) in what seabreeze reckoned was 20-25knot winds at Garden Island (though standing on the groin, my anemometer was registering only 10-16knots - go figure) and I was blasting the entire time from 4pm-8pm on my old 6.1m Neil Pryde RX1 sail and did enough decent wave jumps to give myself a crick neck today. As usual, no kiter who sailed along the beach was as fast (though they did bigger jumps than me of course) - any kiters reading this who could verify that?

If I could spend all my time at Gnaraloo,I would wavesail.

It sounds like you've been going to the wrong locations too. Did you used to spend all your time on the river or something? (I wasted too many years of my life doing that I'm afraid). My wife and I usually fly a 4.5m and 5m sail at Safety Bay or Woodman's Point though our 6m and 6.1m sails get a reasonable amount of use as well (and every now and then I get out the 7m). Lancelin, Margarets and Geraldton are all not that far away from Perth either an you can't tell me Corros isn't one of the best places in the world for wave jumping?

Here's me on a typical day at Safety Bay with my 5m sail. You don't even need waves to have fun:

The fact is most of Aus only gets 15 knot seabreezes. Perfect for kiting.Also,much better when there is no surf or flat water spots.

I can't speak about the rest of Aus, but I've found WA a lot better than that. The Freo Doctor is usually pretty good, though this current run of humid days has I think stalled most of us now.

Also, I found my 12m kite needed as much wind to have fun on as my 6m windsurfer sail. I had been hoping to use the kite when it was too light to windsurf, but it seems you need something between 16m and 20m to get going in really light conditions - would that be correct? Is it still lots of fun sailing such a big kite or is it a bit like sailing a big 10m windsurfer sail on a big board?

Trust me,Kiting is a MUCH better drug than windsurfing.

Each to his or her own - I've found them both to be great fun.


Wet Willy
TAS, 2316 posts
5 Feb 2008 2:21AM
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user said...

The big thing is....

the point you are overlooking, is...

The reality is...

If I could...I would...

The fact is ...

Trust me...

So what's your profession, User? Are you in politics?

SA, 229 posts
5 Feb 2008 2:15AM
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I heard somewhere a hell of a lot of people die on the toilet ...

WA, 1140 posts
5 Feb 2008 6:25AM
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Did you know that the most drownings in Hawaii occur in the bathtub ?

NSW, 44 posts
5 Feb 2008 8:54AM
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user said...

Did you know that the most drownings in Hawaii occur in the bathtub ?

Yes, and its generally expert bathers.

NSW, 177 posts
5 Feb 2008 9:09AM
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by expert did you mean bathers who had been doing it for 2-3 years, 3-4 years, or 4 years or more, and are we basing these figures on a data sample larger than 65, possibly 68... what about the ones we don't hear about? Did they die from a bathtime accident, or was it natural causes?
Oh GOD, mrrt come back and look into this terrible situation which could potentially affect anyone interested in maintaining personal hygiene...


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kitesurfing fatalities 65 worldwide and growing" started by mrrt