Fellow kiters, please watch this link, the 2007 yoyo freestyle world champion.
Yea, missed the old walk the dog too but cat in the cradle is right there... 2:10 or so into the first vid!!! It's just a bit hard to spot cause the guys using his neck / head to do it cause the other hand is busy doing.... a 'four leaf clover'??
In case laurie's monitoring, yoyo and kiting obviously are interconnected. Just today I did a roll up the lines and back down after been inspired by the vids!! Thanks for the post JB. My kiting's improved for that.
Tomorrow I'm going to attach yoyos to my front lines as a progression... watch this space, video link to come.
Currently negotiating a Yoyo Kitesurf Freestyle World Championship between WYF and IKO.... big things happening in the scene.